Why Not Me?
Cat lovers can never get enough of the fluffy creatures. They are cuddle, small, and adorable, but they also have strong personalities. Having more than one cat may mean there is double the love at home, but cats can also be very competitive.

Just take a look at how heartbroken the kitty on the left looks. It seems that it is just jealous that the other cat is getting all the attention, or maybe it was just a coincidence but either way, the result was very funny.
Cats and dogs have been depicted as enemies in countless movies and TV shows. This is just a stereotype, however... right? Well, this cat is not helping us prove this is just a stereotype made up by the media.

This dog was very happy about getting its photo taken but the cat in the background looks extremely jealous. We know that cats hate it when they are not the center of attention, and it shows.
Why The Long Face?
Cows don't usually show much emotion and just spend most of their day just eating grass and chilling. This cow, however, decided to stop her usual routine of doing nothing at all to photobomb one of her friends at the farm.

The horse had no idea it was being photographed, let alone photobombed. The cow seems extremely happy about achieving her goal. We are wondering what the horse thought about the picture when it saw it.
Just Be Cool
People go to aquariums to catch a glimpse of all sorts of sea creatures, but you never expect them to photobomb you this hard. This guy was just enjoying his afternoon at the aquarium when he noticed something strange.

A stingray came out of nowhere and decided to directly stare at the man, who took this photo while trying to keep his cool.
There has never been any real proof that aliens exist, until now. Someone actually managed to capture a UFO flying among us and terrorizing a a group of innocent people who were just trying to enjoy their lunch.

All jokes aside, how in the world was this picture taken? How high was this cat jumping? It was an amazing coincidence that someone managed to take this picture, because it is just hilarious.
Horsing Around
Many law enforcement authorities have employed horses over the years. Both the military and the police are known for using horses, which are usually trained to handle most situations. This horse, however, was not taking its job very seriously.

A photographer captured the magical moment when a horse decided to make the most hilarious facial expression ever known. You're not supposed to horse around at work, though. So unprofessional!
A Beautiful Smile
Ostriches are not animals you should be messing with. While they are very funny looking and cute, they usually are very wary of humans and don't like to be photographed.

This one particular ostrich is the exception to the rule. The cute little animal saw a photographer coming in and did not waste the opportunity to show him its sweet little smile. The owner of the ranch can be seen smiling in the background as well. How cute!
Going on a field trip with school can either be super fun, or extremely boring. This group of students was not excited at all when they went on this field trip, but a special creature actually turned the trip into something hilarious.

The students gathered for a picture when a tiny sloth decided to show up and smile for the camera. Even though these animals spend most of their time sleeping, this one really wanted to hang out with the kids.
The Side Eye
As humans, we love swimming and being in the water, but sea creatures definitely don't enjoy that. We are constantly invading their natural habitat and contaminating it, and if we lived in the ocean, we would hate humans too.

This turtle looks beyond annoyed at this family going snorkeling. She is giving the camera the side eye and it seems like she just can't wait for them to get out of there.
What A View!
There is something special about celebrating your wedding at home. Instead of having a big, fancy wedding, you get to share this perfect moment at the best place in the world with your family and friends, not caring about any luxury. However, you may want to get a pet sitter before you do that.

This couple was photobombed by their own cat on their wedding pictures, which were taken in their backyard. Not only were they photobombed, but their cat decided to show its... private parts to the camera.
How Dare You?
Most of us can agree on the fact that cats are awesome, particularly because they have very special personalities. Cats love to be the center of attention and hate it when someone steals the spotlight from them.

This cat thought it would be posing for a picture alone, but this funny lizard decided to photobomb it with an adorable smile. The cat did realize and confronted the lizard about his actions. Hopefully, the lizard survived!
Part Of The Family
Whenever there is a family reunion, someone suggests taking a picture together. The problem is that they either have to use the timer or have someone take it and therefore, not be in the picture. This family decided to use the timer to pose for their family picture, and something incredible happened.

Since nobody had taken the dog into the picture, he decided to pose for it on his own. Probably as some sort of revenge, he decided to stand right in the middle and give a sweet smile to the camera. So cute!
Watcha Looking At?
Many people love animal pictures, which is why there are plenty of photographers taking pictures of animals all over the world. However, there's also many photographers that go into nature not for the animals, but for the view. These llamas, however, did not find that amusing.

While this photographer was trying to take a picture of a gorgeous mountain, two confused llamas decided to show up and photobomb it. Maybe they are jealous because they are not the stars of this photoshoot.
Yogi Cat
In the back, we have a young woman practicing some yoga. But she's not alone. And apparently, it seems that the cat isn't too fond of yoga. Not even the slightest bit, to be precise.

Basically, the cat seems to be saying: "Are you done with that?" Namaste, cate. Namaste. You'll soon have time to play with your owner.
Animal photography is a huge business, but it is not easy to make it. Photographers have to got into the wild and approach animals that sometimes are anything but friendly and try to take pictures of them.

This goat doesn't seem to be happy about these photographers invading his natural habitat and looks pretty annoyed about it. Meanwhile, the photographer has no idea there's an intimidating goat creeping behind him.
Shameless Photobomb
We usually hear about animals photobombing people, but they don't stop there. Some animals are so shamelessly desperate to photobomb that they will also photobomb each other in their pursuit of the spotlight. Just look at this goat ruin another goat's portrait.

A wildlife photographer wanted to take some majestic pictures of white goats when another goat decided to intercept the picture and show a big, funny smile. The photographer thought it was hilarious, but the other goat is not amused.
Cheeky Giraffe
Giraffes are, without a doubt, some of the coolest animals in the world. They are adorable, super tall, and are fascinating to look at. What even are they? How are their necks so long? It doesn't matter; we love them!

Another thing we love about giraffes is their personalities. They are super friendly to humans and appear to have a sense of humor. Just look at this giraffe showing her tongue for the camera! We feel bad for the guy behind her, though.
Hey Girls
A group of girls went horseback riding for a birthday party, as many little girls do. Obviously, they expected to interact with some horses, but they never expected that one of the horses would photobomb them this hard!

Not only did the horse pose for the photo, but it also gave the camera the most hilarious face a horse could ever make. This was the highlight of the birthday party, for sure.
Is That A Camera?
The whole point of going scuba diving is to discover all the creatures that are hiding in the ocean. But you don't usually expect these creatures to pose for pictures!

This strange-looking fish stopped by to give a sweet smile to the camera and completely photobomb a girl who was scuba diving. She only noticed this when she looked at the pictures, and the photo was spread on social media.
Group Hug
Imagine you just want to chill with your friends and some annoying guy comes in and tries to give all of you a hug. Now imagine that said guy is actually a stingray that creeps up on you from behind as you are posing for a picture.

These girls were absolutely terrified when a stingray decided to pose with them for a photo and give them an unwanted hug. It ended up being hilarious, but they were very scared when it happened. How rude of the stingray!
Take My Picture!
Weddings are getting more and more creative as times goes by, and wedding pictures are a big part of the whole ordeal. This couple thought it would be super cool to take their wedding photos on top of a mountain, but they never expected this to happen.

A funny-looking squirrel decided to steal the show and give its best zombie impression for the camera. The couple only noticed it a long time later when they looked back at the pictures, as the squirrel was only there for a few seconds.
Selfie Time
Thousands of tourists visit Australia every year, not only because of its gorgeous landscapes, but also because of its impressive wildlife. There are many wildlife parks that people can visit and where they can actually get pretty close to all sorts of awesome animals.

This guy was visiting one of such parks and encountered an adorable wombat, an animal that only lives in Australia. The little guy was more than happy to give a big smile as they took a selfie together.
Till Whale Do Us Part
There is no doubt that a wedding is one of the most important events of a person's life. Much money and effort is put into making that day the most magical ever, and some couples are getting more and more creative with their weddings.

This Scottish couple had the brilliant idea to get married at an aquarium, where a funny little fellow decided to pay them a visit. The best part is that he looks happier than the couple.
Are You Serious?
The first thing that catches your sight when you look at this picture is the ridiculously elaborated fruit basket, which includes chocolate-covered strawberries and, for some strange reason, marshmallows. But did you notice the funny-looking creature sneaking behind the basket?

The white cat that stands behind the fruit basket is making one of the strangest and most ridiculous expressions ever. In fact, it seems as if it were photo-shopped. It seems to be saying: "A fruit basket? Are you serious?" Well, the cat has a point!
Drama Queen
This picture was taken during a family reunion on what appears to be someone's backyard. The picture itself was horribly taken since a woman is cut in half. The girl, in turn, has a very original expression in her face. She seems half frightened, half bewildered. Quite of a drama queen, to be honest. But what would her expression be if she saw the creature standing right behind her?

Well, this strange bird seems to be putting all his effort into placing himself in the oddest position possible. I have no clue what he's trying to do, but one thing is for sure: its neck sure is bendy! Slide next to find out the newest trend among millennials!
The Tongue Out Pose Is The New Duck-face
I'm pretty sure we're all aware of the current trend among millennials of sticking out one's tongue when being photographed. Nobody knows why people do it but for some reason, it's just cool to do it.

This selfie trend needs to stop because as it turns out, now even giraffes follow the trend! These two guys seem like long lost brothers, don't they? The guy looks extremely confused, but he is just going with it. But what was the giraffe trying to do?
When You Find Your Lookalike
I know what you're thinking: this photo has to be fake, but apparently it's not. The moose seems to be putting all his effort into imitating the man's ridiculous face. And we must admit: the moose did a pretty good job at it!

You know what they say: "everybody has a twin somewhere out there!" Now, we know that this man certainly found his.
Looks Like You Have Some Competition
All of the animal photobombs that we've seen so far were all amusing. But I'm not so sure whether amusing is a suitable word for this picture. If you failed to notice it at first glance, please take a look at what's lying beneath the waters.

Scary is the first word that pops to mind. However, at the same time the picture is kind of sad because if you look closely, the shark is being fished. This probably explains its unhappy face. At least we know the man is safe.
When You Just Wanted A Cute Picture
It is widely known that many dogs are quite photogenic, and the dog shown in this picture is no exception. He clearly seems to be posing for the picture, and he did quite a good job at it. However, he's not the only animal in the photo.

Look behind the chair, and try not to laugh. Not only is the cat ruining the picture, but he seems to be fully aware of what he's doing, given the mocking and foolish expression it has. How dare he?!
Look At The Road, Karen!
Dogs are photogenic, but cats definitely make the funniest expressions. Take a look at this little fellow: have you ever seen a creature as frightened as this little black cat? It seems as if he had some kind of monster in front of him.

Well, it appears to be that the cat was not at all amused by the fact that her owner was taking a selfie while driving. So he's a very responsible and cautious little creature. Just look at the road, woman!
I'm Just So Tired Of You
We all have our bad days. But isn't it annoying when you're in a terrible mood, and someone keeps on teasing you? Well, that's what this photo is all about, but with cats instead of humans.

The cat that is standing seems to be saying "I just can't stand you any longer" And the other cat, whose face is popping in the picture... well, he couldn't care less and is just having a blast.
Till Alpaca Do Us Part
Many people say that the most important day in one's life is the day you get married. So the moment in which a couple gives each other their first kiss after saying "I do" is definitely a moment they'll want to treasure for the rest of their lives. But what if an alpaca is standing in between their faces?

This is the most unexpected love triangle, in my opinion. And it's funny how little this funny-looking animal cared about ruining the newlywed's picture. My question is, didn't anyone notice that the alpaca was there?
Really, Dude?
Do any of you have a younger brother or sister who you love but sometimes can't stand? Well, that is exactly what this picture is about. But instead of two siblings, we have a cat and a dog.

The dog looks like he wants to play, while the cat seems to be saying "Get out of my picture, you peasant!". Unfortunately, we have no clue about what happened next. Do you think the cat got in a better mood?
It seems like the person who took this picture wanted to photograph the cat lying on the mattress, but the dog did a really good job spoiling the moment. As all dogs, it wants to be the focus of attention.

His expression is quite hilarious: it's hard to tell whether he is frightened or in disbelief. It's almost as if he were screaming out loud: "How could you take a picture of the cat instead of me!?"
Something's Fishy
This picture leaves you kind of startled. It kind of looks like a character from Bojack Horseman, where people are half-human and half-animal. Talk about pictures taken at the right time and right moment!.

Apparently, this fish is an expert in stealing people's thunder. The poor man wanted a picture to document his amazing scuba-diving experience, but this little fellow wasn't willing to let this happen.
I'm Quite Fawnd Of You
It is widely known that deer get scared easily: as soon as they hear a footstep from a one-block-distance, they immediately run away. But this is no ordinary deer! In fact, he seems to be quite fond of human company.

Evidently, this funny-looking deer understood what selfies are about because its smile is as wide as the one on the girl's face. In fact, I even think it's laughing. Oh, Deer! Slide next for a cute goat.
Goat Sheriff
This picture shows a policeman, or maybe a sheriff, sitting on a bench with a serious expression on his face, probably waiting for the next call. But he's not alone. And I'm not talking about the man sleeping right next to him, whose head has been cut off from the picture.

This little goat seems to work for the police department as well. And funnily enough, the goat didn't want to miss the picture. In fact, she even tilted her head in order to look good!
I'm Here Too
This guy asked someone to take a picture of him together with his dog, and let's be honest, the photo is really really cute! But there's something quite bizarre about it. At first, everyone's eyes point directly at the super cute black dog. But he's not the only animal in the picture.

If you look outside the window, a cat seems to be knocking at the window. It seems as if he were saying "Hey! What about me?". I think someone is jealous and feeling left out.
Snapchat Filters?
As I have said before, cats are experts when it comes to funny and ridiculous faces. But this one here takes all the prizes. Well, to be honest, both the cat and the boy have hilarious expressions.

His face takes up like half of the picture, so I'm pretty sure he was sniffing the cell phone that the boy used to take the selfie. He seems to be thinking:"What's this about?"
That Cloud Looks Like A Dog
This photo is almost like an optical illusion. Those two people are gazing at the clear blue sky, and looking at the puffy white cloud that is getting nearer and nearer - Oh, no, wait, that's not a cloud!

If you look at the picture quickly, the poodle's hair definitely seems as if it were a cloud. But in the end, it was just a dog trying to steal the focus of attention.
I'll Puff And I'll Huff
Flashback! This picture looks quite similar to #11. Once again, we have a man trying to get a picture of his scuba-diving experience. But this one is even funnier because the creature blocking him is no ordinary fish.

What are the chances of a blowfish showing up while taking a selfie? Well, this man was lucky! And the best thing is that the fish seems to be laughing. I didn't even know that blowfish could do that!
Jealous Pug
There is no doubt that dogs are playful creatures. But sometimes, they're kind of like human brothers: at times they love each other, but at times they fight over their toys and can't stand each other. And this is what's happening in the picture.

The dog in the back seems to be having an awesome time playing with his new toy, but apparently, he has no intention of sharing it. Meanwhile, the poor doggie in the front just wanted to be included in the game.
I Miss You Too
This picture is just hilarious. The woman lying on the couch is skyping with her friend, family or partner. If they're skyping, there's a high chance that the man is traveling or living someplace far away. She probably misses him and wants to say hi. But she's not the only one who misses him.

The dog that appears in the picture seems to be saying "Hey! I also miss you! Don't forget about me!" That's so sweet!
On Holidays
This couple evidently asked someone else to take their picture with the breathtaking mountainous scenery lying behind them. But the beautiful mountains and the incredible lake are completely overshadowed by this little squirrel's presence.

Honestly, the picture looks much better with the little rascal, doesn't it? It definitely makes it more original and unique. The little fellow seems to be saying: "don't leave me out of the picture!"
Who doesn't love penguins? They are adorable, chonky birds that can't fly and walk in a hilarious way. They are tiny and friendly and just... perfect. Apparently, humans are not the only ones who are obsessed with these adorable creatures.

A photographer captured this magical moment of a seal being absolutely fascinated with a group of penguins. Honestly, we totally understand how this seal was feeling because penguins are awesome.