Muscle Shirt
Do you want to look buff and strong without actually having to diet and go to the gym? Then go to Japan and get yourself this amazing muscle shirt. This bad boy is padded in all the right places to give the illusion of toned muscles.

Women's clothes have included padding for decades, so it is not so crazy when you think about that - this is just the male version of it. The problem is when it is time to take your shirt off and reveal that it is all a lie.
Sound Catcher Pillow
We've all been there: we had a long day, we come home, and we wanna watch tv or be on our laptops, but we are so tired that we just need to lay down. When we are lying down, however, we can't hear the TV very well.

Japan has solved this problem with the sound catcher pillow, which allows its users to listen to whatever is going on in the background while lying down. Not only does it help when watching TV, but it is also good in case the doorbell or the phone ring.
Shaped Melons
Japan is famous for its square watermelons, but that is just the tip of the iceberg of weirdly-shaped fruit that is sold there. For example, you can pay good money to have melons grown with different prints, like this Hello Kitty one.

Not only that, but they can also come in the shape of a head, a triangle, a heart, a pyramid, a bomb, and many more fun shapes. They are quite expensive though.
Floor-Cleaning Onesie
Babies can be cute and all, but we can all agree that they are freeloaders. They don't work, don't cook, and expect to be catered to at all times. Well, their freeloading days are always thanks to this Japanese invention.

The floor-cleaning onesie allows you to transform your child into a productive member of society. As the baby crawls on the floor, the onesie mops the floor and leaves it shiny.
Bubblewrap Keychain
The best thing about bubblewrap is getting to pop each and every one of its bubbles, and the fact that it is meant to protect fragile objects is a secondary purpose.

The sad thing about it is that once you've popped all the bubbles, it becomes useless. Thankfully, the Japanese invented the bubblewrap keychain, which emulates the texture and feeling of popping bubblewrap and can be used as much as you want.
Head Umbrella
The head umbrella is quite famous - or infamous, depending on who you're talking to. This bad boy allows you to stay dry while being hands free and not worrying about hitting other people with your umbrella accidentally.

Fashion wise, it is definitely questionable, but the Japanese are practical people who care more about efficiency than about fashion. Also, as you'll later see on this list, the Japanese absolutely love umbrellas.
Portable USB Washing Machine
This is one of those things you never knew you needed until you saw it. The portable USB washing machine is... well, a mini washing machine that you connect through a USB cable.

There are many versions of it out there. Some are a bit bigger and are meant for washing clothes during trips, while others are designed to wash specific things like jewelry, watches, makeup sponges, etc.
Selfie Stick With Microphone
Everybody knows that the Japanese absolutely love selfies. In fact, they invented the famous selfie stick. Not only that, but they came up with modifications to the original product.

This, for example, is the selfie-stick microphone, which is very trendy now in Japan, as people love filming themselves singing. Karaoke is a big part of Japanese culture, and now it is mixed with technology.
Push-Notification Glasses
This invention doesn't seem so crazy because we already have smart watches that do the same. Also, Google tried to make the Google Glasses a thing, but the idea didn't really take off.

Still, these push-notification glasses were a hit in their home country of Japan. They prompt notifications right before your eyes so you are always connected.
Moving Fridge
The kitchen is definitely not a place to hang out, so every time you're watching tv or in bed and you feel like grabbing a drink or a snack,you have to go all the way to the kitchen to get it.

That is, unless you have the amazing moving fridge that comes when you call it. It is controlled by voice and you can also tell it to go back to the kitchen.
Butter Grater
You may have never thought about a butter grater being an actual thing, but when you think about it, it's genius. After all, isn't it annoying when you try to spread butter over toast and the toast breaks?

Not only that, but sometimes butter is so hard that it is impossible to put it on bread. With a butter grater, this problem is efficiently and quickly solved.
Umbrella Ties
OK, you're going to discover a high amount of unbelievable objects on this eccentric list, and this will likely be one of your favorites: the umbrella tie. Now, why would you need one?

Well, it kills two birds with one stone: you look dapper at all times, and you always have an umbrella with you in case it rains. However, it does look kind of uncomfortable, especially if you have to carry it around your neck all day.
Hand Choppers
We may be used to it, but it's quite incredible that we still have to be exposed to certain recurrent dangers while cleaning or cooking. Who hasn't cut themselves while chopping vegetables?

Well, thanks to the wonderful hand chopper, people can hold vegetables with a fake hand and avoid the risk of chopping their own fingers off. It does look very creepy, though.
Solar Lighters
Smoking is very common, especially in Asian countries, and while most people know it is unhealthy, its popularity is not dying down anytime soon. Smoking can lead to all sorts of health issues.

Also, people often forget that cigarettes can also damage the environment. So, a solar lighter may not look as cool as a normal lighter, but at least it converts the bad habit into an eco-friendly one!
Eye Drop Funnels
Using eye drops can be a scary thing for many people. Not only that, but some people just can't do it by themselves and need someone to hold their eyes open.

The Japanese have come up with a great idea to solve this problem: eye-drop funnels. These bad boys will let drops flow right into your eyes with precision, so you don't have to worry about asking someone for help.
Easy-Open Cans
Cans are more eco-friendly and cheaper than bottles, but opening them can be pretty annoying. Sometimes, the little lid is too hard to pull and you can break your nails in the process.

The Japanese don't have this issue because many of their drinks come in an easy-open can. As you can see, the lid has a slightly different shape that helps you open the can without any issues.
Chin Rests
Maybe you're returning from a long day of work at the office or wherever. It's finally Friday, and you swiftly dash to the subway station taking long steps, eager to fall into your bed. All the seats are occupied, and next thing you know, you're falling asleep while standing up.

If that's the case, a chin rest would be a real game-changer so you don't lose your balance anymore. It is not such a crazy occurrence to see someone pop one of these when they get on the subway in Japan.
Rotating Train Seats
Most trains and buses nowadays include both seats that face the direction of travel and seats that face the opposite direction. Many people hate the latter because it makes them feel dizzy.

Luckily, many Japanese trains have rotating seats, which let you choose which direction you want your seat to face. This is also good if you want to face your friends who are sitting behind you.
Ponytail-Friendly Helmets
People with long hair will know the struggle. Styling your hair can be fun sometimes, but other times, it just gets in the way. A ponytail helps you deal with the situation in a quick and easy way, but it doesn't work while wearing a helmet.

Safety is absolutely the most important thing in this situation, so you would have to remove your ponytail in order to wear the helmet. Or, if you get one of these ponytail-friendly helmets from Japan, you can keep your hairstyle and be safe on the road.
Baby Seats In Public Restrooms
Nowadays, more places are becoming slightly more child-friendly. Changing tables are being added to restrooms for both genders, and most restaurants offer high chairs for little kids.

Japan takes this one step further and offers baby seats inside of cubicles so that parents can go to the bathroom while keeping their babies safe and close to them. This is a great idea and we should definitely have it everywhere.
Silent Karaoke Microphones
The image below might be confusing: a woman seems to be wearing a bizarre-looking pair of headphones. But don't let this invention's appearance deceive you: it's surprisingly useful.

This silent karaoke microphone allows you to sing your heart out without letting anyone hear you. This is perfect for those who love singing at home but don't want to disturb their relatives and neighbors.
Overhead Tablet Stand
Everyone adores the moment before turning the light and all the devices off and going to sleep, especially when there's time for a couple of episodes of the series that you're currently binge-watching.

However, watching stuff on your phone or tablet in bed can lead to serious neck strain. This overhead tablet stand solves that issue and lets you watch something while lying comfortably in bed.
Floor Cushions
Not many people, especially those over 30 years old, can just use their laptop in any position and not have excruciating pain in their muscles the next day. Luckily, Japan is here to help.

Much like the overhead tablet stand, these floor cushions solve a very common problem that people have. They allow you to just chill on the floor and use your phone or laptop without breaking your neck.
Fully Automated Stores
There are many stores in Japan that are fully automated, which completely eliminates human contact from the equation. In times like these, we could really use a store like that!

In these stores, you just simply put some coins in the machine of the product you desire and that's all. There's no clerk, no queues, no potential disease spreading, and a very reduced chance of a robbery taking place.
Cistern Sinks
With the ongoing and controversial ecological crisis that haunts us, the need for incorporating small, easy eco-friendly measures into our daily routine is becoming more and more urgent.

ut as always, Japanese are one step ahead, with super eco-friendly cistern sinks which let you use the water twice. These are the inventions that we need ASAP!
House Surnames
This creation may not be as game-changing to humanity as the last one, but it's definitely useful when you come to think about it. Isn't it annoying when you search for an address and there are three or four streets with the same name?

As a matter of fact, house numbers can get mixed up very easily, creating a lot of confusion. Homes in Japan have an original way of solving this problem: houses have the family's surname instead of numbers.
Dinosaur Receptionists
So, we've already seen that Japan has a great number of automated stores, where no human staff is needed, and customers can buy their products without the need for interacting with anyone.

Some stores even have A.I. clerks such as dinosaur receptionists. Yes, this is a thing in some places in Japan right now. It may seem shocking, but a dinosaur is clearly more appealing than the archetypal white, gleaming robot, that's for sure.
Umbrella Lockers
If the eccentric umbrella ties didn't convince you, don't worry, there are other inventions that turn the traditional water-shielding tool into a more comfortable device. Yes, you'd be able to protect yourself from the rain, but once the umbrella went into tie-mode again, it would be all wet!

So, if the plan is sticking to the conventional model, umbrella lockers will definitely make your life easier. Why, you may ask. First of all, there's no need for bringing a wet umbrella inside, and second, it can't get stolen!
Customizable Floor Mats
These beautiful and practical customizable floor mats would be amazing anywhere, that's for sure. But it's an even more fantastic invention for Japanese, due to their specific culture because they are used to doing things at floor level.

The customizable floor mats, which can be folded into desks, tables, or anything else, are incredible. They give people the freedom to change them according to their needs and if you get bored, you can just change the design.
Burger Napkins
This object may look a bit silly, but it is actually very practical for those who get embarrassed easily. If you're on a first date, for example, you may not want your date to see you eating a huge burger and getting sauce all over your mouth.

We all know how eating a gigantic burger with melted cheddar and fresh onions can be very messy. Ketchup and cheese on your face won't make you look attractive, to be honest, so these napkins are actually pretty cool.