Top Deadliest Animal Attacks That Almost Ended In Tragedy

#25. Box Jellyfish

This jellyfish can induce a sting capable of paralysis. But as all jellyfish, they are elusive and translucid, except this one is 10 feet long and 10 inches wide and can weigh up to 4.4 pounds. Also, they are carnivores. I bet you don't find them so cute now, huh?

A 10-year-old girl in Queensland, Australia had to go through the nightmare of getting stung by one of these and being paralyzed. She was saved from death after the sting knocked her unconscious but was left with scarring. However, others haven't lived to tell the tale.

#24. Mountain Lion

Whether you go hiking, mountain biking or do any other exploring, you need to be prepared for the elements of the wild. Explorers have to face poison ivy, hidden roots and many other obstacles that are often obscured from immediate view. One of these obstacles are mountain lions.

This beast is one of the most vicious foes you can encounter, as they can weigh up to 200 pounds and have razor sharp claws that can tear you to ribbons. An 8-year-old boy found himself in a difficult situation this year when he had to fight off a mountain lion with a stick. He was lucky enough to get the mountain lion to flee, but not everyone who encountered one has been successful.

#23. Wolves

Usually, wolves shy away from populated areas, so you don't really have to worry about them in your every day life. But that's not the case when you wonder in National Parks and forests in North America's heavily dense woods.

In Canada's popular Banff National Park, a wolf emerged from the forest and tried to pull a man from his tent. Apparently, the wolf was starving and old, so he went for an easy meal. The man had to scream for help until another hiker went to rescue him. If there hadn't been any nearby hikers, he would've died.

#22. Black Widow

Everyone's afraid of something. Fear of heights is very common, also fear of failure (especially among millennials). But one of the most common fears are spiders, and the Black Widow happens to be one of the most terrifying of these horrid, eight-legged fears.

These arachnids' venom can cause everything, from muscle spasms to heart failure. It is considered to be 15 times more potent than rattlesnake venom. In Massachusetts, a little girl was bitten by one of these spiders and the effects started to show immediately after. She came down with a fever and got sick. Fortunately, there wasn't enough venom to stop her heart.

#21. Great White

This shark isn't called great for nothing. The beast comes in at a staggering 13 feet long and can weigh up to a ton. This majestic beast is really something to behold. Some people will literally pay thousands of dollars to cage dive with the massive shark.

On the western coast of Mexico, a man preparing for a dive had the unfortunate circumstance of having a great withe swim through the steel cage he was in. He was able to keep calm and escape through a hatch in the bottom of the case.

#20. Grizzly Bears

Most bears in the wild aren't much of a threat. You might see them on the trails while hiking and they won't notice you. The average black bear or brown bear aren't really interested in humans, you just need to try to look big and make a lot of noise and they'll find a way around you. But not the grizzly bear.

The grizzly is a full-blown predator, you won't see him feeding off of berries. National wildlife and park rangers suggest to leave the area when in the presence of a grizzly. However, a few years ago, a group of hikers didn't follow the advice and had to spray a charging grizzly. And grizzly bear attacks are no joke. You only have a few moments before being mawed

#19. Lions

No one in the United States has a logical reason to be afraid of lions, since the last time we had a ferocious feline in North America it was the saber-tooth tiger over ten thousand years ago. This fear could become tangible if you were to move to Africa, though. Attacks are still rare, but they can happen.

One example is the movie Roar, where several attacks occurred during filming. The movie features a household of humans interacting with lions. Even proper training and a safety crew nearby failed to prevent this movie to becoming the one with the greatest abundance of animal attacks in existence.

#18. Chimpanzees

These cute apes might not seem as terrifying as a charging grizzly or a ferocious tiger, but don't be fooled, as they have a scary side. Have you ever seen a bald chimpanzee? It's nightmare inducing. Also, they have all sorts of tough and dense muscles, so you better watch out.

And we witnessed the damage they can do when one chimpanzee mauled its owner. The chimp broke free and decided to bite and tear at the flesh of its caretaker. Luckily, the woman was not killed, but she had to undergo reconstructive surgeries to try to mend her wounds.

#17. Moose

For some reason, most people don't see a moose as a terrifying creature. They kinda look like the cousin of an innocent fallow deer. But the truth is that the moose can be much moodier than a fallow deer, and given their massive size, this can turn out to be one hell of a problem.

People in Alaska and Russia are used to their volatile temperaments, and they tend to avoid these uncomfortable encounters. In Anchorage, Alaska, moose attacks are relatively common. A woman was severely injured and hospitalized after a unexpected moose attacked her while she was leaving her house. Apparently, the moose was trying to protect two calves. FYI, you should know that if they can attack without reason if their calves are near them.

#16. Sea Lion

Sea lions don't seem like the most dangerous animals, but they can be deadly. In 2017, a swimmer in San Francisco was victim to a sea lion attack when making his way across the bay. A sea lion came up to him and bit him on the arm right in the middle of his route. You can imagine how vital arms can be when swimming

Swimming became a very difficult task after the attack. Luckily,a sailboat was nearby and noticed his distress and rescued him form drowning. He was swiftly pulled aboard and got his injuries taken care of. Even though this kind of attacks is unlikely to happen to most of us, it serves as a good warning.

#15. Polar Bear

Northern Canada truly has no rival for its unrelenting ruggedness. In 2013, a group of unsuspecting travelers were hiking in the Torngat Mountains National Park in the Canadian Tundra when they noticed a polar bear in the distance. The intrepid travelers were being followed by the giant predator.

They fired a flare at the bear to scare it off, twice. But the distance they gained from the bear would not last. The bear stayed a few hundred yards from the tent during the night. But the camp woke up to find that one man was being dragged out of his tent by the skull.

#14. Polar Bear Part II

The hikers were drawn to pursuit by the screams of their friend. They were shouting and making as much noise as possible, which didn't get the bear away from their friend, so they shot a flare in its direction. The bear finally dropped him and they could get him to safety.

The bear broke the man's jaw as a result of the attack. He was dragged approximately 75 feet, until his friends were able to get the bear to drop him. Luckily, his friends were able to get him to safety before the bear returned. The quick actions of his friend saved his life.

#13. Crocodiles

When you think about crocodiles, I'm sure their tears is the first thing that comes to mind. But don't be misled, they can be very vicious. Lots of run-ins with these beasts end up in the loss of a limb, and let me tell you, they have one of the strongest jaws in the animal kingdom!

Of course, this one incident wasn't really an accident. Steve Irwin used to dance with crocodiles just for fun. There's this one time that he put himself and his young child in danger, though. Of course, the kid was safe in the arms of his talented father, but it was still very dangerous. You can see in the picture that he almost didn't make it to safety on time.

#12. Hippopotamus

Most people are oblivious to how dangerous hippos are. They weigh around 3,300 to 4,500 pounds, which makes them quite dangerous. They actually kill more people per year than most predators in the African plains. Last year, a woman was attacked by a hippo when her safari tour boat capsized. She was sifting through the waters with her husband on a canoe and a hippo emerged beneath them.

She tried to swim ashore, but then the hippo pulled her underwater and attacked her. Her tour guide was able to grab her. He pulled her ashore and administered first aid. Luckily, she was able to get to safety and recover, but the safari almost cost her her life.

#11. Orcas

Killer whales are not nicknamed that because they're killers on the dance floor. They actually have an appetite for killing, mostly seals and other ocean prey. But the occasional human sometimes makes it to their list.

Blackfish is an acclaimed documentary that catalogues the story of incidents at SeaWorlds across the United States. When orcas are kept in captivity, often in brutal artificial replacements of their natural environment, they tend to turn violent. Many caretakers have been viciously attacked and it wasn't until this documentary that people started to take notice.

#10. Elephant

Elephants are the most social and intelligent animals on the planet. These majestic creatures bond with one another, mourn the loss of their peers and even work to solve complex problems. But when constrained in unnatural and unsavory conditions, they can act in brutal ways. Many accidents involving elephant trainers have been reported in India.

An elephant witnessed a fellow friend being mistreated by another trainer and decided he had had enough. The animal began to bulldoze through the crowd, rowing people in the air like ragdolls. Elephants may be loving and social but they cannot be taken into animal slavery just for the sake of touring industry.

#9. Tiger

You don't wanna mess with tigers. Their ability to hunt and kill prey is to be respected. If you see one in the wild, you should keep some distance, or even better, make a 180 turn and leave. The risk when facing a tiger is far too great, but it seems that Siegfried and Roy never took this advice to seriously.

The duo tamed a beautiful Siberian white tiger and took it to the entertainment industry. The tiger was probably trained with positive and negative punishment, and it proved to be an inefficient method. They performed and played with the tiger until one day it turned on Sigmond. Their show ended and the man survived but their career collapsed.

#8. Stingray

Stingrays aren't really dangerous. Their stings are often annoying and uncomfortable, but the pain goes away after a short while. You'd be safe if you avoid stepping on them and in the worst case, your foot will be suffering the consequences while the stingray gets away unharmed. But for one particular man, circumstances aligned in the most unfavorable way.

Steve Irwin, international icon and Aussie explorer, was doing some routine shooting when tragedy struck. A stingray hiding in the beach had been agitated by Irwin and his filming crew. The stingray came out of hiding to sting its supposed threat, and it just so happened to land on Irwin's heart.

#7. Snakes

Homes in the desert can harbor strange creatures. During cold seasons, the reptilian ecosystem surrounding them begins to look for a warm place to stay. Unfortunately for people in the desert, one of the warmest places for these cold-blooded friends is the piping in the toilets.

It's not uncommon to find a slithering surprise in the toilet of a vacation house in the desert. Snakes usually take advantage of the accommodation curl up in the unused piping, so beware! Going to the toilet may end up in a deadly encounter.

#6. Golden Eagle

These majestic creatures are the most ferocious aerial predators. They have the power and force of an eagle but with an increased size. Their usual prey are goats and other small dwelling creatures, but sometimes, these eagles can mistake humans for their prey when hunting. The result can be deadly.

When hiking in Mongolia, you have to watch out for these animals. They have very good sight and can pinpoint their prey from very far away. Once, the prey happened to be a tourist woman hiking in Mongolia. The eagle swooped down and grabbed her, but with the help of other tourists, she was able to scare it off.

#5. Bison

Bison are herbivores and don't normally attack humans. But sometimes curious people get too close to them and they're not comfortable with that. They wont hesitate to buck those who get too close. Parks and rec staff have lost count of how many visitors get attacked for being too reckless, especially in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

Last June, a woman suffered a hip injury for getting too close to a hyper-defensive bison. Fortunately she survived, but with a massive beast like this, it's important to keep your distance.

#4. Tiger

Tigers are a ferocious breed of cat, with razor-sharp claws and a set of teeth that can tear through the most resilient flesh. As beautiful as they are, you'd rather not encounter them. They are quite the threat to humans that live near them. But fortunately, most of us don't have to interact with them on a daily basis.

But this is different for zookeepers. Unfortunately, a few zookeepers have had horrible encounters with these magnificent beasts. At the Kansas Zoo, a Sumatran tiger broke free from its cage and attacked the staff. The cage was left unlocked and when a zookeeper was near it, the animal lounged. Luckily, the woman survived.

#3. Coyotes

Coyotes may not be as threatening as other large canine species, but they are still equipped with claws and sharp teeth. Maybe it's their size that makes it look like they are not capable of infringing much damage, but looks can be deceiving.

And it's even worse when they are infected with rabies. Their fear for humans goes away and they can be extremely dangerous. Last year, in Pennsylvania, a woman was mauled by a coyote infected with the rabies virus. She was left drenched in blood and had to recover from multiple lacerations.

#2. Walrus

Despite being such large beats, walruses are not often seen as threatening. However, I'm sure you'd change your mind after finding out that a walrus attacked a Navy vessel in Russia last year. The vessel was led into the Arctic sea for research and a walrus felt that her children were threatened. So she did what any mother would and just sank the boat.

It seems that she just went insane and attacked just like an orca. Luckily, she didn't sink the tugboat, but rather a smaller inflatable boat that the researchers were using to get their data. Because of this, the crew survived unharmed.

#1. Alligator

When you think of Florida, the first thing that comes to mind is the ridiculous headlines. As it turns out, it's not just Florida man out there. Among the people getting into fights with rats or others attacking their neighbors with roller blades, there are some very intense hunting stories. Sometimes, Florida alligators fight back, but just sometimes.

Earlier this yeas, two days into local hunting season, a man was mauled by an alligator. He was attempting to hunt the beast and just when he was getting prepared to kill it, it reached out and mawed his hand. He survived, but the scars will be with him forever.