#20. The Innocent Snow White
We tend to forget that behind all those costumes, people have their own lives. As a Disney character, even this woman impersonating Snow White can break the law.

Unfortunately, the kids were surely mad at the police officers for taking Snow White away! As for Mickey, we have no clue what he’s done. Probably parents had to create elaborate stories to answer their kids’ questions…
#19. A Happy Rider
Going to parks is how people search for amusement and thrills. Whether you like breathtaking rides or just goofing around, you’ll surely have a smile plastered on your face all day long. Well, except for this woman!

Was this woman’s husband ditching her at the Splash Mountain ride? And how was she able to keep a straight face while others were screaming out of their lungs? We do know the husband will have a bad time!
#18. Not Her Favorite Princess
All kids have favorite characters, and most little girls love Disney princesses. We have seen how they act when parents refuse to take them see Anna and Elsa, for instance. But this little girl?

You’d say Princess Aurora would make this toddler happy, but what if Sleeping Beauty isn’t her favorite fairytale? Wait until you see this woman’s disappointment in the next photo!
#17. The Mean Guys
All the time, during the Beauty and the Beast, Gaston knows all women long to be by him side. Although he is charming, his personality is definitely the other way around!

The Disney villain hasn’t learn from his mistakes and has no luck with other women. Belle might not be interested, but this woman also resisted his advances… We’ve got one more funny photo with Gaston at #10!
#16. Bringing Ursula Along?
At Disney parks, people may show up wearing funny t-shirts, but this guy chose to wear something that would… impress Ariel! Of course, Ariel wasn’t very pleased to see her enemy up close.

Ariel might not remain silent as you present yourself wearing the Ursula t-shirt. If you’re a fan of villains, stay away from the good guys or they might not be very nice to you!
#15. Happy Kids
All families that want to have a good time can choose to spend a day at Disney World. Many celebs go there with their families, like actress Drew Barrymore. However, her girl is not really happy at the theme park…

Barrymore often goes to Disney World and takes her young ones with her. Of course they throw tantrums half the time at the park. Nonetheless, she knows how to handle the situation and doesn’t let it ruin her day.
#14. Another Inappropriate T-shirt
Considering Mickey and Minnie Mouse are the iconic Disney characters, we recommend you don’t wear a t-shirt that reads “dead mouse” at Disney World!

Deadmau5 is a famous artist that has nothing against mice. However, let’s not declare war to the most popular character in the park or else his fans would have something to say about that…
#13. Best Photo Ever
Tigger has the skills to pose in a photo with his fans. Just look at him protecting the kids! Or is he just acting silly? It’s definitely the kids would never forget.

Looking back at this photo, the kids will surely recall that one time Tigger fooled around and covered their faces with his paws. He saw an opportunity and he took it. And talking about opportunities…
#12. Raising the Bar
When it comes to taking the best photos in the park, this guy has raised the bar. Who said adults don’t know how to have fun?

He found the perfect opportunity to take this funny photo and the effort has been repaid! His photo got viral and everyone was jealous they hadn’t thought of it before…
#11. Proposing at Disney?
Many people pop the question at Disney World. It is something that has been happening for a while. The magical place is surely romantic enough to propose. But this lady behind the happy couple was so surprised to see the proposal then and there that her photobomb was priceless!

The bride-to-be might have been blown away, but it was nothing compared to the woman behind her. And since we’re talking about impromptu proposals at Disney World, let’s see Gaston…
#10. Charming Gaston
When you get swept up in the moment at Disney World, you may want to propose to your loved one. Most of the times, guests do it. But a guest proposing to a character? That’s something you don’t see everyday!

Gaston was just being the villainy self when a guest got down on one knee and popped the question to him! Gaston wasn’t really impressed, so the visitor tried his luck with some princesses as well. He surely wanted to get a spouse that day!
#9. Let’s Go Home!
We all know kids are excited to go to Disneyland. Well, this kid seems to have reversed roles with her parents since she looks like she wants to go home.

The couple looks very happy at Disney World, and their kid feels more than miserable! Look at the toddler lying on the ground, wishing she was home…
#8. Everybody Smile!
Kids love Disney and all its characters, so when they see them in real life, it can be overwhelming. For this little kid, seeing Donald was a bit traumatizing!

Smiling at the little girl, Donald was his usual self as the little brother from the stroller looked in horror how the enormous duck ‘attacked’ his sister.
#7. Peek-a-Boo!
Photos at Disney are pretty common. And since you want to have some of them as great souvenirs, it’s best you take some perfect shots. Like this one…

The photographer might have been skilled, but the Beast made sure this photo would be unforgettable when he covered the heads of the kids with his paws. It’s a hilarious photo they will never forget!
#6. Mer-man
Awesome dads would usually let their daughters braid their hair, put some sparkle in their beard or even do their nails. This dad wasn’t going to refuse his little Ariel when she asked him to bring a costume…

And since she was going as the mermaid Ariel, he had to dress up as her father and don the crown along with a… sparkly fish tail. Anything for his little princess!
#5. Enjoying Yourself a Bit Too Much?
Things got a little too intense here for this dad that thought he could take the spotlight away from Aladdin’s lamp. His kind of fun pulled a lot of laughter from his family.

We think he spent his vacation at Disneyland in style. And since we’re on the topic of… bathroom incidents, check out these guys on the Splash Mountain ride taking an epic shot!
#4. A Regular Morning
So you get up and head over to the bathroom to start your day but it’s already occupied? No worries, you can do almost everything on the Splash Mountain ride!

Obviously these guys planned to take an unforgettable photo at the Splash Mountain, and since it was a water ride, they thought the morning routine would be a great theme to capture in their photo. It’s an epic photo, of that we’re sure!
#3. The First Rule of Disneyland
Or was it Fight Club? Nonetheless, these kids wanted to be extra sure the huge Mickey Mouse was behaving himself and the little girl went all karate on the poor Mickey.

The huge Mickey only wanted a hug but all he got was a kick. It’s safe to say the girl’s parents didn’t expect to capture that on the camera…
#2. Hiding From Tigger
When a huge wild tiger comes walking on twos and approaches your table during breakfast, the best reaction is to hide under the table. Or at least that’s what the little girl decided to do…

Her family was smiling an posing while she just sat there as if she didn’t want to be part of the photoshoot. However, the skilled photographer managed to get her in the photo and here’s how we got the epic image - it should be framed!
#1. Quality Family Time
A vacation needs a lot of planning, aside from reservations and accommodation. You need to make sure you’ve got everything covered with tours and visits to all sort of places. In the end, you get to spend all that time together.

And things could be very different from what you imagined before embarking on such a journey. Take for instance this ‘family time’ at Disney. Guess who’s having fun now?