The 20 Most Extravagant And Ridiculous Actors Demands

#20. Jennifer Lawrence Loves The Kardashians

Probably we can’t think of the American actress Jennifer Lawrence as a bossy and grumpy person but when the young actress was filming the intense and drama film Mother!, her deepest feeling came out. What did Lawrence demand to feel less stressed?

Probably you’ll be surprised by knowing that Lawrence is an avid watcher of many TV programs, one of them is Keep Up With The Kardashians. In fact, Lawrence demanded to have a TV with 24 hs of the famous TV reality show to have some moments of relaxing. Anytime she needed a break, she just went to her dressing room and put the Kardashian-Jenner program for her own.

#19. Jenny From The Block Wants Everything

The singer Jennifer Lopez is well-known because of her music and performances at her live shows. Also, Lopez is famous because of her outrageous demands of a diva. Most of the people that have worked with the singer know the things that she wants to, like a featherbed or a specific brand of water. Let’s see what happened in a charity event of Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On”.

The Latina singer had to do a little cameo, it was very short but Lopez demanded that she wanted her room to be completely white, we mean white curtains, white bed, white sheets, white flowers and even white candles! Luckily, the producers got everything Lopez wanted.

#18. Paris Hilton And Her Whims

Probably we knew that Paris Hilton is a total dive before reading this note but sometimes the American actress could cross the line very easily. Hilton is well-known for her reality TV show in the company of her BFF Nicole Richie, The Simple Life. Also, Hilton has been in movies like The Hootie And The Nottie and Raising Helen.

While the blonde actress was filming a small cameo as herself in the Will Ferrell’s cop satire, The Other Guys, things went crazy for the producers. Hilton demanded a bottle of Grey Goose vodka - a very exclusive one- and live lobsters so she can choose one to be prepared after a scene! In the end, Hilton’s cameo was cut from the film.

#17. A Total Diva And Mean Girl

We know actress Lindsay Lohan from the iconic films The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday and Mean Girls. From the ‘90s to ‘00s, Lohan was part of the A-Lister actresses of Hollywood. Nowadays her career is not at the top, but Lindsay still managed to be in every spotlight. For example when she broke up with her Russian fiancé Egor Tarabasov.

After the breakup, everyone wanted to know what happened to the couple and a Russian TV host, Dmitry Tarabasov, wanted the scoop. The program contacted the American actress and her demands were from ridiculous to extreme, like a private jet to Russia, one-year Russian visa and event a meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin!

#16. Johnny Deep Doesn’t Want to Learn His Lines

Johnny Deep is one of the best actors in Hollywood of all time, he can do any role he wants to and with talent and professionalism. Deep’s most memorable films are A Nightmare On Elm Street, Cry-Baby, Edward Scissorhands and Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. Only one character got the actor in trouble, the legendary Jack Sparrow from the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise. What happened during the filming?

During the filming, Deep refused to learn his line! A basic task for any actor, but Deep didn’t want to do it. In other to resolve this problem, the American actor had a person that told him all Jack Sparrow’s lines. Nowadays, is one of the most loved and remembered characters from the actor.

#15. A Big Place For Will Smith

Sometimes there’re demands and orders from the celebrities that we can’t understand but for producers are completely normal. Let’s see the demand of the American actor Will Smith during the filming of Men In Black III. Will Smith is well known because of his movies and also because of his frequently good mood. You’ll be surprised about his mega-diva demand!

Smith wanted to have a private place between scene and scene, so he decided to demand a 53-foot-mega-trailer just for his own! For filmmakers, the cost of the trailer was $9,000 per week and it was so big that neighbors complained about the size and the fume from the trailer. What is more unbelievable is that Smith had a department in New York, just a few blocks from the film set.

#14. Everything For Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been many professions as we can imagine, from a bodybuilder to an actor, a businessman and also has been the 39th Governor Of California! Everything is possible for Arnold and we’re not surprised that he uses to demand a lot to the places he’s going to work with. When it was announced that a new film of Terminator was going to be released, fans went crazy.

The American actor had a 33-page contract of the things he wanted to have during the film set. For example, a whole trailer with gym equipment, a team of bodyguards and three deluxe bedroom for any time he wanted to relax. Arnold even chose the whole crew, actors and directors that were going to be part of Terminator 3!

#13. George Clooney Loves The Beaches

We understand some demands of the actors as they must be very stressed during the filming, like a special program or a special drink, but definitely we don’t understand George Clooney’s desires during the filming of Alfonso Cuaron’s thriller Gravity. Clooney wasn’t event the principal character! Let’s see his excessive demands.

First, the American actor wanted to have a basketball court to play between scene and scene, a hot tub and a private made-beach hut for him next to his trailer! The cost of these things was almost $125,000.

#12. The Perfect Clothe For Tom Cruise

It’s known that some actors in Hollywood are famous because of their specific and bizarre demands, like the case of the American actor Tom Cruise. Probably we remembered him for movies like Top Gun, Risky Business, Mission Impossible and Jerry Maguire. Cruise’s demands are well known for the filmmakers, producers and crew members. Let’ see one of them.

The American actor is very famous because of the action films he’s part of. When Cruise is filming one of them, he has one specific demand: soft and stretchy thongs for his body. The costume designers have to look for the materials and show them to the actor to see if he approves it. Keep on reading the most incredible diva-demands of the actors!

#11. Beauty Matters To Julia Roberts

Being an actor or actress must be really hard in relation to the beauty and the good-looking that everyone must-have. For actress Julia Roberts, these things are really important. While Roberts is filming, the actress demands a team of assistants that takes care of her hair, make-up, body or clothing.

Roberts wants to look great wherever she is, that’s why she always demands to filmmakers four galloons of bottler Evian to have it any time she wants to. Only that brand of water is the one that drinks the actress so it’s better for producers to get it before Roberts is one the set.

#10. Martha Stwart Is On Her Heels

We can’t imagine a more successful businesswoman that Marta Stewart nowadays. Stewart is an appreciated TV personality and she is still on the top of the list, especially with her new TV program with rapper Snoop Dogg. The pair is just hilarious and incredible!

Stewart’s total demand is crazy and bizarre at the same. The businesswoman is a devote fan of Christian Louboutin heels but there’s a problem with them. What happened with the incredible heels? Well, Stewart doesn’t like the classic red sole on the shoes. Every assistant of Stewart has to paint them all black. Even Louboutin agrees with this, only because is Marta Stewart!

#9. Not So Funny, Will Ferrer

We know Will Ferrer from the comedy films he has been part of. Nowadays, he is considered one of the best comedians of all time. Probably you remember him for movies like Step Brothers, Anchorman and Elf. But when he was promoting his film Semi-Pro, Ferrer demanded things that filmmakers couldn’t believe it.

First, the comedian wanted to have a Janet Jackson-style headset microphone, a scooter and paint of rainbows and a real tree on wheels for the stage. Keep on reading to see the last 8, you won’t believe what is next!

#8. Uma Thurman Prefers To Work Alone

We can’t imagine that actress Uma Thurman could demand things that are extreme but as her character in Tarantino’s film Kill Bill, Thurman is a very tough girl. Thurman is well-known for her roles in Pulp Fiction and the Kill Bill franchise. In 2010, the actress was offered to work in the film Eloise. Let’s see what happened.

Thurman was going to be paid $4.5 million for her participation in the film but she also demanded to have the possibility to veto directors or co-stars, also the script! She also wanted a three-bedroom suite and first-class air travel. In the end, the film was never released. We’ll never know if it was because Thurman’s diva-demands.

#7. A Demanding Teri Hatcher

Probably the actress Teri Hatcher is well-known because of her role as Susan Mayer from the Desperate Housewives. According to some producers and even her co-stars, Hatcher wasn’t like her character on screen. In fact, many people said that she was very bossy and demanding all the time.

Hatcher didn’t like to get out of her trailer, so she demanded that everyone go there to do her makeup and hair for the scenes. It’s said that Hatcher made the cloth department bring her the entire closet so she can change her clothes in her trailer. A demanding housewive!

#6. Eddie Murphy Is Lacked Of Sense Of Humor

The American actor Eddie Murphy is considered one of the greatest comedians of all time. We still remember his performances in movies like The Nutty Professor, Shrek and Dr. Dolittle. You’ll be surprised to find out that in real life, Murphy is not a very funny person. In fact, while he’s filming he always demands a new pair of socks and underwear every day.

According to assistants, he doesn’t want to use anything that had already been opened, like a bottle of mouthwash or a bottle of water. Murphy was everything new for his trailer, a complete diva that doesn’t recycle!

#5. Barbara Streisand Likes Peaches

We can understand some demands of our favorite celebs in Hollywood as perhaps they’re used to have the best in their normal lives. But we don’t understand the reason behind the unusual demand in relation to bathrooms that the singer Barbara Streisand still has until these days. Let’s see what is about!

In every tour that Streisand has she only demands two things to her assistants and both of them are related to the conditions of the bathrooms. First, all the bathrooms need to have peach-colored toilet paper, believe it or not. The next is stranger than the first one, all the toilets’ bowls need to have fresh petal roses inside it. What for? We still don’t know that but we do know that the singer is a total diva.

#4. Queen Latifah Doesn’t Want To Disappear

Queen Latifah is one of the most loved actresses in Hollywood. Fans love her characters and in many films she made us cry with laughing. Perhaps you noticed that most of her characters died in the films, like her character in the film Set It Off, or in Sphere where her character died by a jellyfish. It seemed that Latifah wasn’t happy with the destiny of her characters. Let see what she did!

The actress added a clause in her contract that said that all her characters won’t die anymore because Latifah wants to be considered for a possible sequel of the movie she’s part of.

#3. Samuel L. Jackson Enjoys His Free Time

It’s not an odd thing that every actor need some free time while they’re filming. Especially if it’s an intensive and action movie. Every actor needs free time to relax. Let’s see the case of the great actor Samuel L. Jackson. The actor has been part of many of Tarantino’s films, like Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight. The actor relaxes by playing golf and he always managed his busy schedule to have free time to play a little.

In fact, in each of his contracts Jackson demands to have enough free time to go and play golf at least twice a week. Also, filmmakers gave him a car so the actor can drive to a golf court and sometimes, Jackson invites them to play with him!

#2. Dustin Diamond Says “Don’t Talk About It”

There are some demands that are related to the tastes or commodities of celebrities. But some of their demands are related to their feelings and they could be very severe about them. Let’s see the case of Dustin Diamond.

Probably people that were born int he ‘80s, know Diamond for the TV series Saved By The Bell as he was one of the star of the series. Nowadays, the actor is not very famous but anytime he has the chance to be in a movie, he only has one condition: the prohibition to mention Saved By The Bell or his character, Screech. If anyone in the film set mention anything of these topics, they have to pay $100 to Diamond.

#1. Made In Heaven For Gary Busey

Actor Gary Busey has been part of more than 150 films during his entire acting career. Busey’s most memorable films include Lethal Weapon, The Buddy Holly Story and Silver Bullet. In 1988, Busey’s life changed after he suffered from a car accident and almost died during the surgery, in fact he passed away for a few minutes. The actor confessed that during this brief time, he saw what heaven was like.

A few years later in 2003, when he was filming Quigley, Busey refused to film one specific scene. What happened? Busey’s character went to heaven but for the actor, the film set didn’t look like the heaven he saw in 1988. The filmmakers followed his suggestions and changed the whole set for the actor, also they apologized to the actor for not asking first about the set.