Missing Dog Leaves Family In Tears Until Something Unexpected Happens

Man's Best Friend

You may have heard that dogs are called a man's best friend. There's a reason why they're called that way, which is loyalty. Dogs are considered to be the most loyal living beings.

Anyone who has a dog can agree, especially the Robles family. The Robles had a beautiful family, which included a Labrador. One day, their loyal friend went missing. The Robles were heartbroken and desperate because their beloved dog was gone and they couldn't find him anywhere.

Faithful Companion

Dogs are the best companions. They can feel when you're down or just had a bad day, because they immediately make that feeling go away. Even though they can't speak, they show how much they love you through the little things they do.

A dog would sit next to you, look at you, maybe it would bark to tell you that he wants to play or go to the park. Those actions are clear signs of companionship. A dog will not leave your side, even if you make it go away. The Robles were devastated when they realized their dog was missing, understandably.


Many people only get dogs because they want protection, and while dogs can be extremely protective, that's not the only thing they are good for.

Dogs are protective in nature. This is clearly seen when a newborn comes home. They understand that there's a baby they have to protect, and they would do their best to safeguard the new little family member. Then they'll demand time for themselves, but just a little bit, because these animals are not selfish at all.

Missing Dog

Losing your dog is the worst thing in the world. That's why you have to take some precautions: always walk them with a leash, write your number on their collar and never underestimate their behavior. You dog could run away by chasing another dog, he could get distracted or even worse: he could get stolen.

The Robles family lost their dog and were desperate to find him. Sometimes it's just an accident, something incontrollable and out of your hands. Other times, however, it is totally preventable.

Animal Lover

Once an animal touches your heart, you'll never be the same. And if you have lived your whole life with a dog's company, you are definitely an animal lover. Like Icela Robles, who lived her whole childhood with dogs and dreamed about having many of them one day.

Her dogs were the best part of her childhood, and she admits that life without them wouldn't ever be the same. As she grew up surrounded by love, Icela wants the same for their children's upbring. She loves Labradors, the best breed for children, since they're friendly, enthusiastic and have a good temper.

Lola Robles

Lola was a labrador puppy that arrived at the Robles home. Icela brought Lola in when Joshua and Jeslyn (her children) were just toddlers, and Lola immediately bonded with the children and they would constantly play together. Lola was a tiny puppy with so much love inside her.

The whole family fell for Lola. Having the possibility to understand what's like to have a loyal puppy friend from a very young age is priceless. Lola felt like any other member of the family, because she was receiving love and care just like the kids did.

A Member Of The Robles Family

Lola had a fantastic life with the Robles family, she was taken care of and was in excellent health condition. Thanks to her Labrador genetics, she was enjoying a good life. But a factor of special importance was also conditioning her happiness: the fact that she was surrounded with a family that loved her.

Icela always paid attention to whatever need Lola was having. As an adult, she was responsible for Lola, but the kids also felt responsible for their pet and best friend and asked to share some tasks. Their family was more than just perfect, both the Robles and Lola were so lucky to have each other!

Strong And Solid Relationship

Jeslyn and Joshua spent endless hours playing with Lola. Puppies have loads and loads of energy during their first year of life. And that energy wasn't ever consuming, because Lola had 100% of her time dedicated to the kids. She cared for them and played with them all the time.

In other words, Joshua and Jeslyn believed that they had a sibling, not a dog. Lola proved to be a smart puppy. Not only did she understand what the kids wanted, but she was both protective and friendly.

Leaving Lola Behind

Lola was one of the luckiest dogs on earth. The Robles family was in love with her and were overwhelmed with happiness since Lola arrived to their family. They always spent considerable time all together and were never apart, except when the family was on holidays. Lola felt lonely during those days, understandably.

Those days alone were quite traumatic for Lola, because she was left at a dog care center. People took care of her, but she missed being surrounded by her family, and the family missed Lola too. It's not easy to leave your pet when you're away, but sometimes you just can't take it with you.

Always Together

Fortunately, holidays don't last forever. When the Robles came back home, Lola was happy and excited to be reunited with her family. The Robles, especially the kids, were very enthusiastic. None of them was used to spending so much time separated from Lola. They missed her so much that they didn't want to go on holidays again.

The siblings felt like they lost plenty of time with their dog, so they made a promise to compensate her for that time lost. The kids decided to spend their free time hanging out and playing with Lola. She was more than a best friend to them.

Time For Fun!

This lovely story is not only about the kids having fun with Lola (which is true, by the way), but also about the relationship that Icela and her husband had with their beloved pet. They didn't have plenty of free time like the kids, but they used to relax with Lola after a long day of work.

The couple also walked Lola and made her do some outdoor activities. Lola was never bored. As for the indoor activies, Icela always had crazy ideas. She once dressed Lola and took pictures of her with her new look. It was very funny because Lola seemed to be totally OK with her new outfit and didn't even complain.

Raising A Dog

Nothing in this world is easy. There's no parenting book out there but surely there are plenty of books on how to raise a dog. However, every dog is different and comes with different problems. Lola, however, wasn't difficult at all.

Well, she might have broken or chewed a few things for fun when she was a puppy, but that's all. Lola behaved in an excellent way. However, she wasn't prepared for the worst. There was no way of preparing her for it.

The Worst Day Of Their Lives

Sometimes it's impossible to predict the worst. Other times, you feel confident that nothing bad is going to happen to you but then, it does. What happened that hot summer afternoon left the whole family in tears. The Robles were shocked.

Just like any other summer afternoon, siblings Jeslyn and Joshua went outside to have some fun time with Lola. They started playing with each other while calling for her. But Lola never showed. They started looking everywhere, but there were no signs of their lovely pet. Despair started to invade them.

Extensive Search

The children didn't stop searching for Lola,shouting her name hoping she would come. Icela heard the kids and feared the worst. Soon after she and her husband learned about their dog's disappearance, they jumped into their car and drove around the neighborhood in a desperate search for Lola.

They were sure that she wasn't far away and that she would hear their voice and soon realize where her home was. The two of them had so much faith that they spent hours searching for Lola through the whole neighborhood, but Lola was completely gone. The couple didn't want to come home without Lola, but they couldn't find her.

Bad News

Icela and her husband came back home with the worst news ever: they couldn't find Lola. The kids burst into tears because they had lost their sister and loyal friend. The search didn't end that day. The family kept on asking neighbors to call if they had any clue about Lola's whereabouts.

They tried so hard to find Lola but one day they just stopped trying. The Robles family spent both time and resources to locate Lola, with bad results. They thought that maybe someone stole her, and that's why it was impossible to find her on the streets. They hoped that one day, their beloved pet would come back.

Never Lose Faith

The Robles family waited 12 months for Lola to come back. The four of them had faith that she would find her way home. This situation left them broken but they never lost faith. They never turned over the page and pretended nothing happened because a very important part of their family was missing.

The Robles were tormented about what could happen to Lola. Was she safe? Did she find shelter? Was she stolen? Is she alive? And many more questions came across their minds. They didn't have an answer, nor a solution. But one day, everything changed for good.

A Call From Heaven

Their lives were never the same after that fateful day. The kids were the ones who suffered most, because they felt Lola's absence every day. But one day, Icela received what she calls a "call from heaven".

It was a call from an unknown number, and she took it. An employee from Dallas Animal Services was on the phone, giving Icela excellent news. As she heard the man on the phone, her eyes filled with tears.

Tears Of Joy

When you desire something so bad that you can't stop thinking about it, and it finally becomes true... the feeling you get is priceless. Icela was being told that Lola was found, and tears of happiness ran through her face. For a moment she was shocked.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she quickly got into her car. While Icela was driving to the animal shelter, she couldn't stop thinking about those words "Lola is here", a voice said on the other end. At first she thought she was dreaming and would soon wake up.

A Wish Come True

Icela had a mix of feelings and emotions, she was nervous, anxious, excited and happy. When she arrived at the animal shelter, she knew that the family grief was gone forever. She saw Lola standing across the room, looking at her. As she approached her pet, Lola wagged her tail.

Lola sniffed Icela and it took her less than a second to realize who that person was. Lola was so excited that she couldn't stop kissing her owner and wagging her tail. Icela was hugging and kissing her best friend, and she couldn't believe what was going on.

What Happened To Lola?

The labrador had been missing for a whole year. When the employees of the animal shelter found Lola, they were able to find Icela thanks to the microchip Lola had. This microchip contained information about Lola and her family, so the employees could immediately contact Icela.

What the chip didn't contain were the whereabouts of Lola during that year. It was something that was going on inside Icela's mind. Where had she been? Was she with someone else? What had happened to Lola? The mystery seemed to be impossible to solve.

Telling The Kids

It was impossible to determine where Lola had been the past year. But the employees at the animal shelter suggested that she wasn't alone. Apparently, Lola was living with a family she may have come across when she got lost. Their reasoning was explained just by looking at Lola.

Lola was in great shape, well-fed and in excellent conditions, as if someone was feeding and bathing her. Icela didn't care about the past, she was only thinking about the present and the big surprise she was about to give the kids when they saw Lola again.

A Memory That Will Last Forever

Icela got Lola into the car and called her husband to make sure that the kids were home. To surprise the children, she hid Lola in the back seat. Icela wanted this moment to be special, full of happiness and joy, so Joshua and Jeslyn could have a lovely memory of their best friend.

The kids weren't suspecting anything, since Icela knew how to hide such a big surprise. She parked outside and got out of the car. Joshua and Jeslyn run towards their mom, expecting a present for them, as they heard her husband on the phone saying that the kids were home.

Reunited After One Year

Icela could see the kids' faces, they were expecting a doll or a ball but they never imagined what was in the back of the car. They waited for Icela to open the door, and when she did, they couldn't believe it. Lola jumped out of the car and greeted her best friends.

The children were so happy to see Lola that they didn't have any words left to say at that moment, they just closed their eyes and hugged their best friend. This was definitely the best gift ever, one that weren't expecting and filled them with joy.

The Robles Family Is Now Complete!

The Robles never stopped missing Lola and thinking about her. Even though it was impossible for them to find and locate their beloved pet, they never lost hope. Finally, one day, their deepest wishes became true. The family celebrated that Lola was home again.

This Labrador that stole everybody's hearts showed that she was very happy to be at home. The Robles family had a happy ending, something that most families don't have when they lose their pets, so they were grateful that they did have a happy ending at last, just like in a Disney movie.