25 Things That We Believed From Game Of Thrones That Changed At The End

#25. Who Really Was The Mother Of Dragons?

It took eight seasons to find out that Daenerys Targaryen A.K.A "The Mother Of Dragons" was not really the queen that everyone wanted. The process of Daenerys’ transformation to a Mad Queen took everyone for surprise.

But the character made a long transformation during the eight seasons and even she always defended the poor and the slaves from bad people, she always did without mercy. Fans only needed to see the signs!

#24. A False Hero

Fans that never read the books of GOT thought that Robb Stark was going to be a hero by the third season. Robb was looking revenge for his father’s death - a death that today we still crying - and also he was looking for his little sisters, Sansa and Arya.

According to everyone, Robb’s destiny was to save his family and became the King of the Seven Kingdoms. How that chance was going to be possible? Everything ended tragically for him and his wife, mother and other Stark supporters at "The Red Wedding".

#23. Arya’s Final Mission

Arya Stark became one of the most loved characters of the series. Portrayed by Maisie Williams, Arya Stark had a big personal transformation from the first seasons up to the final episode. But fans were disappointed with only one thing related to her.

As we watched in every episode, Arya had a list of people that she was going to eliminate. The first person of her list was Cersei Lannister and up to the final episode, everyone was expecting she committed her final mission but as we remembered the Hound convinced her no to become a killer like him.

#22. Jon Snow Didn’t Know Nothing

Definitely, the character of Jon Snow became one of the most important of the whole series as we found out who he really was at the end of season 7. Not even talk about his incipient romance with Daenerys!

Fans expected a lot from Jon Snow since he was the legitime heir to the Iron Throne. Since the last season started, we constantly watched how Jon Snow failed in everything he tried and finally he was not the person that killed The Night King.

#21. The Books And Films Don’t Match

As we said before, fans that only watched the TV series knew one story but fans that read the books and watched the TV series had another opinion about the final episode and the story.

When the TV series was released in 2011, George R.R. Martin had already written five books of the series. Nowadays, the author hasn’t finished Winds Of Winter, even the TV show finished last year. Fans are still waiting for the precious final!

#20. Khaleesi’s Real Pronunciation

Did you know that during the TV series was on the air many people around the world name their kids after some GOT’s characters? As you are reading, there are many Daenerys, Khaleesi and Arya around the world.

Besides being The Mother Of Dragons, Daenerys was also Khaleesi Of The Khalesaar and many people around the world named their children after her. What most people don’t know is that the real pronunciation of Khaleesi is “KAAL” instead of “Kal”!

#19. A Death We Still Cry

Something that taught GOT along the eight seasons is that none was safe. Lesson two was not to love anyone because that character could die at any minute.

Of course, we can’t forget Ned Stark’s death by the end of the first season. All of us were completely sure that someone or something was going to save Ned by the end of “Baelor”. But we learned very soon that the TV show wasn’t going to work that way.

#18. Being A Real Targaryen

One thing we learned from GOT is that not all Targaryen was immune to fire. Or at least we learned it by Visery’s death when Daenerys spilled molten gold on his head.

Before that death, everyone believed that Targaryens were immune to fire as Dany was also known as The Unburnt after the born of her three baby dragons.

#17. What Were The White Walkers

Since season 1 we had watched how the Army Of The Deceased or The White Walkers were on their way to Winterfell. More than one believed that those “persons” were in fact zombies.

As we learned before, the walkers were not zombies and that there is a distinction between Wights and White Walkers. The Wights were created by the Children Of The Forest and were ancient ice creatures. On the other hand, The Night King could turn whenever he wanted to, even if the person was not dead.

#16. Arya’s Personality

During the eight seasons, we watched the transformation of Arya and how she became from a little and innocent girl to a fighter and strong woman. Many fans were between amazed and afraid of her.

Some fans claimed that Arya had converted into a psycho cold-blood killer that didn’t show any regret in life but some experts declared that Arya seemed to have PTSD more than being a serial killer.

#15. People Believed Jamie Could Be Good

One of the most interesting characters was without a doubt Jamie Lannister or A.K.A the Kingslayer. During the eight seasons, Jamie showed a self-transformation from being the evil that pushed Brandon Stark from the tower to become Brienne’s lover.

By the end of the TV series, many of us believed that he could have a good heart and stay with Brienne. Of course, that didn’t happen and he ran away to Cersei’s arms where they finally found death.

#14. The Iron Throne Didn’t Unite The Seven Kingdoms

According to the story we watched for almost 10 years, it supposed that one person was going to sit upon the Iron Throne and united the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. But at the end of the show, we realized that one could do it.

First, Jon Snow had to be the King but he banished to live at The Wall. Also, Dorne never bent the knee to anyone from the other kingdoms.

#13. How Big Was Westeros?

While we were watching the TV series, we imagined that Westeros was a huge world full of magic, secrets and undiscovered places but as the series went on the air Westeros started to look smaller.

If we remember the beginning of the series, it took months for Robert Baratheon to get from King Landing to Winterfell. But at the end of the show, it took only days for Jamie to get to King Landing. It seemed that the original map had shrugged.

#12. Jon Snow Is The Principal Character

Although during the TV series we could imagine that Jon Snow was a very character as we could learn he was not the main protagonist, even if he was the legitime heir to the Iron Throne.

For many reasons, we could imagine Jon Snow was going to have an incredible and glorious end but another lesson that we have from GOT is that none is more important to the other. Every character became essential for the show.

#11. Lannister’s Motto

During the TV show, we learned the motto of every house of Westeros. From the first episode, we knew that “Winter Is Coming” belonged to Winterfell or Targaryen’s House motto was “Fire And Blood”.

Many people thought that Lannister’s motto was “A Lannister Always Repays Their Debts”. Believe it or not, real Lannister’s motto was “Hear Me Roar”. In fact, in some episodes, the motto was mentioned. Do you remember another house’s motto?

#10. The Oath Of Celibacy From The Night Watch

One of the most important oaths of The Night Watch was not having a wife, hold lands and not be a father. The soldiers from The Night Watch were the ones in charge to look after the North Of The Wall.

As we can imagine this oath was not followed by the soldiers, especially by Jon Snow that first fell in love with Ygritte - and actually in real-life too- and later with Daenarys. Also, it was common to see the soldiers go to brothels.

#9. Melisandre And Her Relation With Stannis

While Melisandre or A.K.A The Red Woman appeared everyone thought that she was using Stannis for her purpose. But in reality, Stannis needed her for his mission to be the next King and Melisandre believed in him.

The Red Woman believed in the actions of Stannis as she thought that he was the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, her God. Also, Stannis’s terrible actions were his decisions like sacrificed his own daughter.

#8. The Red Woman’s Real Intentions

More than one believed that Melisandre was part of the evil team and, of course, it was because of many reasons during the TV series. In the end, Melisandre’s real intentions were to save Westeros and help to defeat the Army Of The Dead.

In fact, we can consider Melisandre a hero from the series. First, the priestess was the person that brought back Jon Snow to Winterfell and was the person that reminded Arya of her final mission.

#7. The Costume Of The Show

Every series’ producers have to look for clothes, locations and objects that are related to the show. In the case of GOT, they had to choose carefully locations that looked from the Medieval-era and also buy a specific type of clothes.

Believe it or not, the Stark family wore their clothes from Ikea. Compared to other costumes, Stark’s were cheap as it was only some black shag rugs.

#6. The Mother Of Dragons Went Mad

The final season of the show gave us many surprises that we couldn’t imagine. Like Daenerys’s last decisions. We could imagine that Dany was going to be very angry with Missandei’s death but fans didn’t expect what she did next.

According to some fans, Dany went mad after her BFF’s murder in the hands of Cersei so she decided to take revenge and destroy Kings Landing. For producers explained that Dany wasn’t crazy, she just saw what the Red Keep had represented for her family and she couldn’t stop the attack.

#5. Ned Star Was The Main Character

As we said before, GOT made us learn that no one was safe in the TV series. Not even Ned Stark. From the beginning, we fell in love with Sean Bean’s character and it broke ous hear when he died.

Many fans that had read the book before the TV show was released knew Ned’s end but the ones who only watched the TV series were sad and surprised. Because of Ned’s moral and good actions, everyone thought he was the main character.

#4. Character’s Real Ages

We can imagine that are a lot of differences between the story that wrote Martin and the story that we watched on TV. One of them can be the age difference between the characters.

For example at the beginning of the book’s story, Jon and Robba are 14, Sansa is 11 and Arya, Brandon and Rickon are way younger than we watched on the TV series. Not even imagine that Dany’s age in the book is only 13 when she married Khal Drogo.

#3. Character’s Real Names

As we can imagine, in many TV shows and film adaptations from books series there are some things that have to change. One of those things is the real name of some characters.

For example, the character of Yara Greyjoy’s real name was Asha or Robin Arryn’s real name was Robert. The producers explained that they made those changes to not pronounced their names incorrectly.

#2. A Happy Ending

During eight seasons and almost 10 years, everyone was expecting the final episode of GOT. Since Benioff and Weiss announced it, nobody could imagine how it was going to end. But as we can imagine, sometimes we can’t always get what we want.

If we were expecting a happy, satisfying and joyous ending, of course, we had chosen the wrong series. GOT’s final episode was just as the whole series was: not fair and real.

#1. Some Iconic Mistakes

We know that the final episode was the favorite episode of all, not even the entire season but GOT had the final it needed. Although it was a great TV series, there are some mistakes that are unforgivable and it was not just one!

From the Starbucks’ latte that was left on the table while everyone was celebrating the victory over the Army Of The Dead to Jon’s false sword or the time that Jamie got his hand back! It’s strange to think if the producers didn’t pay attention to those details or they just wanted to give winks to fans.