#20. Bulbs
On a dark evening, a college student who was only a couple of months into her semester witnessed how all the bulbs in her dorm room blew up out of nowhere.

Later, she heard her roommate calling her from outside the door.
#19. Shadow
She quickly got out of bed just to realize that her roommate was asleep in the room.

She looked at the door and saw a shadow of what looked like two boots, and the shadow suddenly disappeared after a while.
#18. Relationship
A high school girl got involved with a guy who appeared to be nice and caring, but in the end, he became obsessed and somewhat possessive.

She thought it was over when she managed to break it off with him, but it wasn’t.
#17. Creep
And when he tried to reconnect with her years later, she rejected him. Then her dog began barking at her room window one night.

And when she went to look what was happening, her ex-boyfriend was there watching her.
#16. Boy
After his older brother’s girlfriend moved in with them for a while, this boy had a weird experience.

The girl claimed she could see things that other people could not, and the boy saw something himself after a while.
#15. Girl
When he woke up to a shadowy figure standing by his bed, he started to believe that the girl had brought evil energy into their house.

And soon enough, when she moved out, he never had an experience like that again.
#14. Uncle
This uncle was pretty sure he had heard his little niece running around non-stop in the floor above him.

Since the little girl was supposed to be asleep, he decided to go and check it out.
#13. Land
When he entered the kitchen, he found his niece and her father just sitting at the table watching television.

He then asked about the footsteps he had heard, and the girl’s father told him that the house was built on the site where a massacre had happened some years before.
#12. Infant
This Ohio resident would stare at a corner of his bedroom for hours straight when he was an infant.

His gaze would rarely shift from that area. This is weird as it is, but things got weirder when the child turned three.
#11. Jay
He told his mom that he had a new friend, who was also a little kid and that his name was Jay.

His mother did some research and found out that the previous owner had killed his wife and child right in the house, and their son's name was Jay.
#10. Creature
This person’s life changed drastically when they once woke up, and staring back at them in the mirror was a creature.

It had scraggly hair, yellow eyes, and rows of jagged teeth. Pretty spooky, right?
#8. Mirrors
They drape clothes over the mirrors or tape them up to this day to prevent the entity from appearing ever again.

They even say that when they mention or reference said creature, the coverings drop off the mirrors.
#7. Truth
After the test drive, she decided to ask the dealer why were they selling the car so cheaply.

The dealer ended up admitting that the previous owner was carjacked in it and shot in the head.
#6. Long Hands
When the son of a religious family woke up one night, standing in the middle of his bedroom, there was this weird shadowy figure.

The figure proceeded to extend its long hand towards the boy. He said it felt like his organs were being scrapped.
#2. New Driver
This new driver had to pick their very first car, so she decided to go to a car loot one afternoon.

When she got there, the lot’s owner recommended a particular car, but when she saw it, the car gave her a weird feeling.
#5. Crucifix
Even his crucifix necklace was ripped off by the creature. He suddenly woke up after yelling “With the power of Lord Jesus Christ I command you to be gone!”.

He thought it was a dream but the necklace wasn’t there anymore.
#4. Attic
The parents of this Connecticut resident went out for the night and left her alone when she was 17 years old.

Every television in the house shut off after making some weird noises sometime after they left. The girl then heard some noises in the attic.
#3. Television
She went up to check it out, and found a television that was sputtering on and off.

She waited until her parents came home to show them, but when they did and she took them up there, the television was no longer there.
#2. Chest
These two sisters were asleep in the same room one evening when the younger one woke up suddenly.

she felt a weight on her chest and when she opened her eyes, she saw some kind of shadowy figure that was sitting on her chest.
#1. Sleep paralysis?
The creature disappeared instantly, but the next day, her older sister said she saw the entity as well.

She said she tried to scream out for help, but she wasn’t able to make the slightest noise.