Greensboro Hit And Run
It was 1988 and a group of teenagers decided to make a last-minute Christmas shopping trip that sadly turned into a tragedy. The four men were driving along Interstate 40 and at some point of their journey a blue Monte Carlo began chasing them.

They tried to escape but the Monte Carlo bumped them from behind until the teenagers lost control and crashed. One of the boys died while the others suffered severe injuries. While the man who caused this accident was never caught, it's suspected the teenagers were victims of a hate crime.
Rietbok Plane Crash
On the 13th of May, 1967 South African Airways Flight 406 crashed into the sea on approach to East London, South Africa, killing all 25 passengers and the crew. This was one one of the deadliest plane accidents of the 60s, but what happened?

Though there are many theories, including a sabotage and the pilot suffering a heart attack, no bodies were recovered and because of the minimal wreckage, there wasn't enough evidence to establish an actual cause for the crash.
The Disappearance Of David Guerrero
David Guerrero was a 13-year-old art prodigy that disappeared without a trace on the 6th of April, 1987 while on his way to a radio interview in Malaga, Spain. Many people were interrogated over the course of the investigation yet no significant clues were found.

Information was scarce and, sometimes, even contradictory. Eventually, the trail was lost and the case grew cold. Unfortunately, to this day, David Guerrero remains missing.
The Murder Of Robert Wone
In 2006, Robert Wone visited the house of Joseph Pryce, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward, who all lived as a polyamorous family. Minutes before midnight, Zaborsky called 911 and paramedics arrived only to discover the body of Robert Wone lying in a bed with three stab wounds to his chest.

It was later revealed that Zaborsky had told 911 that there was an intruder in his house, but the police never bought it. Therefore, the three men were arrested and charged with Wone's murder. However, in 2010, the men were acquitted and the mystery of what happened that night continues to this day.
Stolen Boeing 727-223
On the 25th of May, 2003 an aircraft was stolen from Quatro de Fevereiro Airport in Angola and somehow it completely vanished. It is believed that the Boeing 727 crashed somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, but no remains have ever been found.

Its disappearance prompted a worldwide search led by both the FBI and the CIA over speculation that the plane had been hijacked by terrorists. However, the search mission was unsuccessful as the case remains unsolved.
Georgia Guidestones
Dubbed as 'The American Stonehenge', this mysterious structure was built in 1979 in Georgia in a field off Highway 77. It contains ten commandments written in eight languages, but these 'commandments' are nothing like the ones found in the Old Testament.

What's also interesting about the Georgia Guidestones is that nobody knows who paid for its construction. The person who claimed responsibility went by the pseudonym of 'R.C Christian', but his identity still remains unknown.
Sneha Anne Philip's Disappearance
31-year-old medical intern Sneha Anne Philip disappeared from her New York home under mysterious circumstances just ten days before the 9/11 attacks. But when was the last time she was seen?

She cleaned up the apartment that she shared with her husband, changed clothes and went to buy bedding and different articles of clothing, without ever being seen again. Her name ended up on the 9/11's victim list, but there were allegations of Philip leading a double life and running away to start fresh somewhere else.
Boston Heist Paintings
The art world was shocked on the night of March 18th, 1990 when two thieves broke into Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum after disguising themselves as police officers and handcuffing the guards. The thieves took hold of $500 million worth of famous paintings by artists like Rembrandt and Vermeer.

Despite not having any promising leads, thirty years later the museum still hasn't given up and extended indefinitely their $10 million reward for anyone that can help recover the lost art.
The Disappearance Of Claudia Kirschhoch
29-year-old Claudia Kirschhoch vanished in 2000 in Jamaica, after having breakfast with her friend and going for a walk on the beach. Days later, her belongings disappeared from her hotel room, but a few months later, an important piece of information was revealed.

Apparently, Claudia spent time with a man named Anthony Grant who worked on the hotel but had called in sick the day after she disappeared. He denied his involvement, although sniffer dogs traced Claudia's scent on Grant's back seat and trunk. Kirschhock was declared dead in 2002.
Patrick Earhabor's Murder
On September 2001, a torso belonging to a young boy was discovered floating on the River Thames. The autopsy revealed that the boy had been poisoned and the investigation uncovered a network of child traffickers who kidnapped boys and brought them to the UK.

Several arrests were made, but the murderer has never been found. One of the suspects, a woman named Joyce Osagiede, stated that the boy's name was Patrick Earhabor, and that she had left him with an unknown man.
Bird Deaths In Arkansas
On New Year's Eve 2010, five thousand blackbirds went berserk and slammed into telephone poles, trees, and buildings in Beebe, Arkansas. The birds died instantly, and it was thought that celebratory fireworks had caused them to freak out.

However, the same strange phenomenon happened exactly one year later, only this time, fireworks had been banned in Beebe. The mass bird hysteria hasn't happened again since, and despite people's outlandish theories, the reason why so many birds died two years in a row remains a mystery.
The Wow! Signal
In 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman was scanning the stars around the constellation Sagittarius using a radio signal detector which belonged to the Ohio State University. Surprisingly, he picked up a 72-second frequency that appeared to be coming from deep space.

Understandably shocked, he wrote "wow!" in the margin of his computer printout. To date, the mysterious signal hasn't been detected again, and its origin remains unknown. Is it possible that extraterrestrial intelligence attempted to contact humans? I guess we'll never know.
Dutch Schultz's Treasure
Dutch Schultz was a 1930s smuggler and gangster who was sure his days were counted, much like many others who pursued the same criminal activities that he did. Schultz had loads of money, so he decided to hide it.

He put his fortune in an iron box or a steel suitcase, drove to the Catskill Mountains in New York and buried it with the help of his bodyguard. Schultz was eventually murdered and his treasure (if it ever existed) is still out there, waiting to be found.
The Phoenix Lights
On March 13th, 1997 thousands of people saw strange lights moving slowly across the Arizona sky. Witnesses said the lights were arranged in an upside-down V shape, made no sound, and stopped to hover in one location from time to time.

Even actor Kurt Russel saw these mysterious lights as he descended from his private jet in Phoenix. Authorities stated that those lights had merely been military flares, but most people remain wary of this, believing the phenomenon is evidence of the existence of aliens.
DB Cooper
On November 24th, 1971, a man by the name DB Cooper boarded and hijacked a plane from Portland to Seattle, using a briefcase that allegedly contained a bomb. In Seattle, he released all passengers and demanded that authorities give him $200,000 and several parachutes.

He then ordered the pilots to fly to Mexico and leave the rear door unlocked. Cooper jumped and that was the last time anybody ever saw him. Everyone thinks he couldn't have survived the jump, but the FBI has issued a 2017 composite of what he may look like today, so maybe he's still out there!
The Zodiac Killer
The so-called 'Zodiac Killer' terrorized San Francisco for several years, murdering at least seven people. He was known for sending taunting letters to the police and press, containing encrypted messages that promised clues to his identity, some of which have never been decoded.

The Zodiac Killer last made contact in 1974 and San Francisco Police have investigated at least 2,500 suspects since the murders started. However, there's still no conclusive evidence or leads about his identity. The case remains open.
Area 51
Area 51 is probably one of the most famous and mysterious locations from around the world. The US military base is located in the middle of the Nevada desert and has been subject to outlandish rumors that date back to the 1940s.

Back in the 40s, an alien shuttle supposedly crashed in Roswell, New Mexico and alien bodies were taken to the base to be studied. Area 51 has strangely become ingrained in pop culture, and despite rumors, we may never know what goes on inside such well-guarded base.
Jimmy Hoffa's Disappearance
Jimmy Hoffa was an infamous labor leader and Teamster president that was involved with organized crime. He even spent seven years in prison for jury tampering, fraud, and bribery, among other crimes. Therefore, it's no surprise that Hoffa made a few enemies along the way.

He vanished on 30th of July, 1974 outside a restaurant's parking lot in Detroit, where he was supposed to meet with two mob leaders. Hoffa's body has never been found and there is no evidence of his whereabouts. He was declared legally dead in 1982.
The Max Headroom TV Hacking
In 1987 two Chicago television stations were taken over by a mysterious hacker, interrupting broadcast signals and appearing wearing a Max Headroom mask and sunglasses. The first strike occurred during a new segment and lasted only 25 seconds, in which the masked character said and did nothing.

The second, however, happened during a Doctor Who broadcast, and the Max Headroom character mocked several TV networks and received a spanking while screaming. To this day, the hijacker remains at large but it's suspected it was just a very elaborate prank.
The Black Dahlia
In 1947 a body was discovered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles, California. The body, which belonged to 22-year-old actress Elizabeth Short, was sliced in half and had three-inch cuts on each corner of the mouth, thus coining the term 'Glasgow smile'.

After the discovery of her body, Los Angeles police started an investigation that produced over 150 suspects but yielded no arrests. Sadly, over seventy years later, her murder remains unsolved.
The Gurdon Light
This strange phenomenon has been seen by hundreds of people throughout many years in Gurdon, Arkansas. There's no logical explanation to this mystery light, but as it often happens with the paranormal, many theories exist.

Locals believe that a railroad manager was killed by one of his employees and that his ghost now wanders the town, unable to rest peacefully. They say the light started to appear shortly after the crime, which is why this came to be the most popular legend. Do you buy it?
The Taos Hum
In the small town of Taos, New Mexico there is a strange sound that has been annoying and fascinating its inhabitants since the 1990s. Have you ever heard or read about it?

After several studies were conducted, it was revealed that 'The Hum' was actually several different sounds reported by different people, ranging from hums to buzzes, and whirs. Still, the sources of these strange sounds haven't been identified to this day.
The Disappearance Of Judge Crater
In 1930, New York Supreme Court judge Joseph Crater disappeared on Manhattan, near Times Square. Crater's vanishing prompted a massive investigation that earned him the title of 'The missingest man in New York'.

What truly happened to him remains a mystery, though it's speculated that he was probably murdered since he had loads of enemies, or that he may have escaped the country with a mistress. We'll never know.
The Alcatraz Escape
The Alcatraz federal prison in San Francisco was famous for being 'the most inescapable penitentiary in the US'. Built on a small island, any prisoners who tried to escape were either caught or died — except for the Anglin brothers, and Frank Morris, three convicted bank robbers.

They escaped Alcatraz in 1962 using spoons to dig up tunnels and sailing away in a raft made out of raincoats. Nobody ever knew whether they perished in the cold San Francisco waters or if they made it home safely. No bodies were ever found, though a letter from one of the alleged escapees appeared in 2018, stating that all three had made it out alive.
Amelia Earhart's Disappearance
In 1937, famous aviator Amelia Earhart boarded her Lockheed Electra 10E plane and tried to fly around the world, never to be seen again. US authorities figured out she likely crashed somewhere near the Pacific, though many people believed she survived and started a new life somewhere.

However, bones that were found on a Pacific island in the 1940s and were believed to belong to a male have recently been re-tested and proven to belong to a female, meaning they could probably be Earhart's. Maybe, this world-famous case might finally be closed in a few years' time.