#28. Look What Happened To Dinosaurs
Being a veterinarian is an important job that is often not taking in seriously. Some people think that pets don’t get sick as humans do but veterinarians prove that this is not real and we should all go to the vet if our pets feel in pain.

Look at this hilarious sign from Acton Animal Hospital. We can’t imagine how it would be a veterinarian for dinosaurs, can you? Although we believe dinosaurs would need more than one!
#27. We All Know That
Since the beginning of times, cats and dogs have been the favorite pets of humans. Some people prefer a dog and others prefer cats. Are you a cat-team or a dog-team? If you like being around a cat, you probably know that they don’t show to much affection.

We know that cats could be adorable and entertaining to watch and play a little but they won’t be around you all the time. In fact, cats are well-known for being independent — at least when they are not hungry. So if they have your number, they probably won’t text you back!
#26. Cats Are Their Own Masters
As we said before, cats can come to us for food, clean them or for some affections but cats are their own masters. On the other hand, dogs understand that we are their owners so they usually do what we tell to them.

Can you imagine a cat picking up a ball we throw to them? Impossible! Cats love being around the house and playing alone because cats know we are going to wait for them.
#25. They Know We Cheat On Them
If you have a cat or dog, probably it’s very common that they are happy and quiet until they find out we are going to take them to the vet. Most of them feel it and don’t like going out. But what they really hate is wearing the cone of shame.

Perhaps we believe they don’t care about it but most of the animals feel shame and sadness when they have to use it. We know that this will be for a short time and it’s for their best.
#24. Always The Cat Is Right
If you have a cat, perhaps you noticed that they don’t stay in one room and they often have problems deciding which room they are going to spend the night. A door closed is their biggest temptation, just because they want to meowing and soon after getting out of the room.

Of course, cats are intelligent and they know you will open the door and wait for them to come back cause as we said before, cats are the masters.
#23. The Speed Of The Light
If you have a dog, you probably know the appetite they have for food that we accidentally fall off the table. Humans are familiar with the 5-second rule if we drop a piece of food on the floor. But what about dogs?

Dogs don’t respect the 5-second rule! If you let a piece of your food on the ground — no matter if the floor is clean or not — they will be like Flash and eat in only 2 seconds!
#22. They Can Not Lie
Perhaps at a party when the song “Baby Got Back” sounds everyone goes crazy and dances with Sir-Mix-A-Lot’s song. Perhaps you notice that the Veterinary Hospital is playing on words with the song and luckily because the song is a little inappropriate.

For sure, the hilarious and funny sing will make you laugh. Imagine the people that actually have big mutts and go to that vet!
#21. A Funny But Wise Advice
Having dogs and cats is not always fun and games with them. If you have a pet, you need to be responsible and take care of them in every way, even what concerns to neutering. Some people are afraid of their pets by doing that but it’s completely necessary.

This veterinary knows how to catch the attention of dogs and cats owners by warning the advantage of neutering their furry pets. One advantage is that dogs become less aggressive and wild.
#20. Relax And Be Like A Dog
Perhaps one of the happiest animals on earth are the dogs and sometimes we should be more like them. As the sign says, if you ever feel stressed about the routine and life, be like a dog!

We are not sure if peeing on the sofa or rolling on the grass would make feel happy and less stressed, but who knows. Next time remember this vet’s advice!
#19. For The Marvel Fans
We have to say that this sign is very funny and goes for the Marvel Fans, especially of Thor. For the ones who have a labrador, do you imagine them with controlling a hammer?

We can imagine they would be the most adorable superhero of all time! Or we can imagine Thor with a furry buddy in all his adventures. For sure, this veterinary will receive many labradors.
#18. Pug Fans Will Be Pug Fans
We know that the mythical rapper Tupac Shakur said something very different from the veterinary sign, we can’t deny that veterinarians touched the heart of every pug fan.

It seems that there is something special about this lovely breed that makes pugs’ owners want to have more than one and if they have a new pet, they choose again a pug. Some people are very loyal to the little dogs and they love them.
#17. A Golden Medal Champion
Cats and dogs are way different, that’s something we can’t deny. While dogs love to play in the garden hours, cats love watching us trying to call their attention. But there is one thing that cats love more: sleeping for hours.

Perhaps there’s a biological reason but cats spend a lot of time sleeping in bizarre places of the house, like in shelves at height or in bookshelves. Maybe being a house cat is an exhausting life.
#16. Please, Call First
Some people are not used to take their pets to the veterinary as a regular thing to do for their pets but it should be really common. This vet knows this and puts a friendly reminder for the ones that are taking their pets for the first time.

It’s very easy as making a phone call or text to the place and arrange an appointment. It’s good to remember that sometimes veterinarians are full of people and animals and don’t have space.
#15. Dogs Teeth Are Important Too
If you have a dog, besides neutering your furry friends, it’s important to take care care of their teeth. As we are reading, the teeth of the dogs are important too and it’s a part of their body that we should protect.

We know that teeth dogs are stronger than humans teeth, we need to take care of their dental hygiene too. Thankfully, this vet makes dog owners aware of this.
#14. Against Animal Testing
We couldn’t be more agree with this veterinary about animal testing and its consequences over the animals. Although they say it in a funny way, it’s an important message to everyone.

Every year there are many companies that try to use animals for their tests and they do terrible exams on the animals. It’s important to remind that animals suffer too and perhaps companies could use a new method to try their new products.
#13. Do You Know The Answer?
This sign will make us laugh out loud! We don’t know how someone came out with that incredible joke but is hilarious. Did you imagine a dog with a black hat and a cape?

The answer “labracadabrador” sounds almost like a tongue-twister! We can imagine a blonde labrador doing their magic tricks. Definitely, this is one of the most hilarious signs that we ever see.
#12. Personal Alarm
We know that some people prefer having dogs as their four-legged friends because dogs show more their emotions, they want to play all the time and they like to sleep with you.

As you can imagine, dogs are owner’s personal alarms. If you ask to someone who has a dog, they will tell you that their furry friend often wakes them up one or two hours before their alarm. If you want to wake up early, don’t hesitate and buy a dog!
#11. For Katy Perry Fans
Katy Perry rose to fame when she released her single “I Kissed A Girl” — and she liked it. Nowadays, the song is still one of the favorites of her fans. We know the fans of Kitty Purry would like this sign too.

Can you imagine a romance between a pug and a cat? Kitty Purry could do it and she will like it. Keep on reading to see the most incredible and funniest signs of all time!
#10. Have The Conversation With Your Cat
If you are a cat lover, perhaps you know that cats are particularly fond of the catnip. Knowing as the “mint for the cats”, it could be really addicted to your feline, so don’t avoid the conversation of the effects of catnip.

Believe it or not, the catnip is very addictive to the cats and the majority of them loved the plant. The plant would have very good effects on the feline but let them have a minimal dose so talk to your cat about catnip!
#9. Dalmatians Can’t Play Hide-And-Seek
For sure back in the ‘90s, the breed dalmatians were one of the favorites of the people and we can find 101 reasons why!

Everyone wanted to have a four-legged friend with their incredible spotted coat — did you understand the sign? Okay, we can understand that these dogs don’t like the fact they are always spotted but they are adorable.
#8. A Lannister Always Know What To Do
If you were a fan of Game Of Thrones, definitely this sign have to make you laugh out loud. During the eight seasons of the TV series, we understood that a Lannister always pays his debts.

Well, thanks to the Caldwell Mill Animal Clinic that now we know what Lannisters do when they have a pet. Can you imagine a Lannister spaying a baby dragon? As the motto says “A Lannister always spays their pets”.
#7. They Wish You The Best
We can imagine how stressful are the weeks before the holidays. People go crazy planning the perfect evening, the perfect meal and the perfect presents and others.

It’s nice to see a sign like this that wishes us a “fleas navidog and happy neuter year” so we don’t forget about our pets and their cares during this crazy time of the year.
#6. Poker Face
Cats are known for their intelligence and independence but there is something they can’t do: play poker in the jungle! Why? Because it Is full of cheetahs!

Although we know that cheetahs don’t live in the jungle and it would be hard for them to play poker, we have to say that the sign is one of the funniest from our list.
#5. An Alligator Joke
Alligators are not friendly animals and it’s not common to see one of them unless you live in their natural habitat, like Florida and Louisiana. But it’s very often to see very good jokes related to alligators.

We have to say that this is a very good one! Imagine an alligator with a suit resolving crimes and smoking. Definitely one of the most clever jokes of all.
#4. The Best Name
We know that one of the hardest things we have to teach our dogs is not to bite anything or everyone. Some people are afraid of dogs because of that reason.

We can’t imagine the pooch of Snowman — although it wouldn’t be small or delicate. But what do we know is the name of the four-legged and we have to say is the perfect name for it!
#3. How They Do That?
Maths are difficult or at least for a big part of humankind. Scientifics are still studying if animals are able to do maths or resolve logic problems.

But thanks to Highland Road Animal Hospital we know how cows do maths! We have to say that it must be really funny seeing a cow using a calculator or as the sign says: “cowculator”.
#2. Don’t Mess With A Kangaroo
Kangaroos are the strongest animals in the world. If you think they are adorable, you are making a terrible mistake as they could heat you with their incredible legs.

Their muscles are the strongest weapon these animals have and it’s better to be away from them. Maybe a pouch potato looks adorable but it is better not to bother a mother kangaroo and its baby.
#1. They Have To Do It
For the ones who have dogs in their homes, they probably have seen more than once their four-legged friend trying to catch his own tail. It’s one of the funniest and most adorable things to see from dogs.

We know that sometimes it’s complicated to make ends meet for humans as sometimes we have to do things we are not used to. But let’s imagine a dog trying to make ends meet, it can’t look so adorable!