Couple's Selfie Goes Viral Worldwide — Can You Guess Why?

When It All Began

Way before becoming the famous Instagrammers they are today, Wendy Joseph and Dan Hennessey were two ordinary college students still trying to figure out their paths in life.

Back when they met in 2006, Dan was an 18-year-old Exercise Science student, whereas Wendy had just graduated from high school and was planning on enrolling to medical school. But how did their lives first cross paths?

A New Social Media

Dan was an extrovert man who loved meeting new people. Therefore, when word came out that a new social media platform named Facebook had been released, he created himself an account at once.

Let's not forget that Facebook was barely taking its first steps back in 2006. At first, it was almost exclusively used by college students hoping to meet or date new people. Little did Dan imagine that he would eventually meet the love of his life through this new platform.

Reaching Out Through Facebook

Dan had actually made himself a Facebook account with the aim of making new friends rather than for dating. One day, he came upon the profile of a young woman named Daphne. Noticing that they had several friends in common, he sent her a message.

Daphne never replied back, but just as Dan was looking through her friends' list, he came upon the profile of another girl named Wendy. Struck by her beauty, he sent her a message too, but what happened then?

A Persistant Man

Wendy knew better than to talk to strangers, so before writing back, she reached out to Daphne to see if she had anything to say about him.

Daphne obviously told her that Dan had messaged her too. Guessing he was nothing but a womanizer, Wendy decided not to reply his message. However, Dan wasn't planning on giving up that easily!

Strike Two

A few weeks later, Wendy signed in to her Facebook profile, only to find another message from Dan. She couldn't help feeling intrigued, so she sneaked through his profile to find out more about him.

To her surprise, she realized that Dan was friends with quite a few guys she had gone to school with. Reassured by the fact that they shared several mutual friends, she made up her mind and wrote back to him. But how and when did they first meet?

They Hit It Off

Dan was anxious to meet her, so he invited her to one of his college parties at his apartment. He actually didn't expect her to go along with it, so he almost got cold feet when it dawned on him that they would finally meet!

Wendy showed up at the party with a few friends, and to her surprise, she and Dan hit it off right away. They danced and chatted all night long, but Wendy wasn't sure whether he wanted to start dating him. Wanna know why?

Bad Timing

Wendy wasn't keen on the idea of dating someone cause she had just gotten out of a long-term relationship. She wanted to enjoy being single at least for a while, so she thought it was better for her and Dan to remain as friends. However, you never choose when to fall in love, right?

The truth was that the two hit it off from the start and they would text each other every single night. Even though they went on a few sporadic dates, it wasn't until six months later that they officially began dating. However, little did they imagine the troubles that lay ahead of them...

Party Animal

It wasn't long before Wendy realized how different they both were. While she was committed to her studies, Dan was more of a party animal. He would go out virtually every weekend while Wendy would often stay home and study.

Wendy didn't really mind it at first, but she slowly started feeling a bit jealous. She couldn't help but notice that her boyfriend kept making dozens of new Facebook friends each week, but while she tried not to be fussed about it at first, everything changed when she came across an unsettling Inbox message a few years later...

She Couldn't Deal With Her Jealousy

One day, while Dan was at work, Wendy was using their shared computer when she suddenly received a Facebook notification. That's when she realized that Dan had forgotten to log out of his account, as the notification read that a woman had just sent him a message.

Even though Wendy tried taking her mind off the whole issue, her jealousy just wouldn't stop growing. What if he was cheating on her? Before she knew it, she was going through all of Dan's messages, as if trying to gather some incriminating evidence against him. But did she?

The Hardest Break-Up

Wendy started feeling more and more insecure and unhappy as the months went by, greatly because he felt Dan was unwilling to commit to their relationship. But above all, she didn't like the person she had turned into while being with Dan.

Therefore, after seven years together, Wendy finally decided to break up with him. She decided to focus on her studies, but it wasn't long before she realized that living without Dan was way harder than she ever imagined...

Feelings Of Regret

Dan, on the other hand, had never wanted to break up in the first place. In fact, he soon realized that he had always taken her for granted and deeply regretted his lack of commitment.

Such was his regret, that he kept messaging Wendy for more than a year after their breakup. He terribly wanted to patch things up with her and he hoped that his perseverance would pay off once again. But would it?

A Promising Influencer

Concentrated on her studies, Wendy still didn't feel like getting involved in another long-term relationship. She eventually completed her Master's Degree and launched her own YouTube channel about beauty and hairstyle tutorials, Wendy's Curls.

It wasn't long before she built herself a solid fan base: her videos started receiving thousands of likes and her channel soon collected tons of followers. Danny was amazed at the successful, independent woman her ex had become and wanted her back more than ever. But would his dream come true?

They Crossed Paths Once Again

Dan and Wendy's story sounds straight out of a Hollywood movie, since the two bumped into each other in the street barely a year after their breakup. Dan couldn't believe how beautiful and confident she looked and couldn't help asking her out.

Wendy was left speechless. She couldn't deny the fact that she still missed him, but had Dan really changed ever since their breakup? Had he really grown out of his teenage party phase? While she hadn't made up her mind just yet, she agreed to go on a date. Can you guess how this twisted love story evolved?

Fan-Favorite Couple

Wendy was surprised to find out that Dan hadn't dated anyone ever since their breakup. She really felt he had genuinely changed and decided to give their relationship a second shot. As to Dan, he was living the dream!

Sooner than later, Dan started featuring in some of Wendy's videos, and to her surprise, her fans totally loved seeing them together! They eventually started posting videos giving relationship advice and reflecting on their experiences as a couple, which only boosted her fanbase.


It wasn't long before Dan opened his own Instagram account, and he hoarded over 25,000 followers in a matter of weeks. He was far from his girlfriend's whopping 105,000 followers, but it was still a major feat for a newbie!

There was no denying that both Wendy's and Dan's popularity had rocketed ever since they had gotten back together. Therefore, when they celebrated their 10-year anniversary in December 2017, they decided to share the special moment with their fans. Little did they know that they were about to become viral nationwide...

The Picture That Went Viral

To celebrate their special day, Wendy posted a side-by-side picture of them on her Instagram and Facebook profiles: the first picture was from the days they first began dating, whereas the other had been taken just a few days ago.

Even though she knew her fans would love the picture, she never expected it would become that viral. In a matter of days, her post amassed over 60,000 likes and it was even picked up by a few media outlets such as The Daily Mail. But why did their picture become such a sensation?

Unbelievable Body Transformation

To begin with, fans couldn't believe Dan's and Wendy's body transformation. Ironically, they seemed fitter and younger now than in their throwback pic taken a whole decade ago!

Nobody could believe how perfect they looked, but there was actually a reason behind their puzzling transformation. Upon realizing their pictures had become a nationwide sensation, the couple explained how they had managed to pull off such stunning physiques.

Fitness Fans

It turns out that both Dan and Wendy were passionate about fitness, even since before they met. Therefore, it was no surprise that they had managed to keep in such enviable shapes.

In fact, they would always upload workout routines, fitness tutorials and nutrition advice on Wendy's YouTube channel. Realizing they had such a huge fan base, the two went on to launch their own fitness company, True4You Fitness. Did their company take off?

The Time Of Their Lives

Their fitness company was such a success that after a couple of years, they saved enough money to travel to Paris, Thailand, and Costa Rica, among many other mesmerizing sites.

After traveling for several months, they went back to the US and settled down in San Diego, California. But since their lives weren't yet perfect enough, they decided to start planning their wedding! Doesn't their story seem straight out of a fairytale?

Fitness Experts

Dan and Wendy are now a happily wedded couple and their YouTube and Instagram fitness pages never stop growing. Their aim is to help people transform their lives through fitness, just like they transformed theirs!

It goes without saying that their popularity rocketed ever since their before-and-after pic went viral all over the world. So now you know: if you wanna travel back in time and look younger, all you have to do is start following these two lovebird's fitness advice!