2030 Time Traveler Passes Lie Detector Test And Reveals Our Future

Returning To The Past

A couple years ago, news about a supposed time traveler from the year 2030 started spreading around. Soon, the man was all over the news.

He allegedly came back to the past to warm us about what would happen in the near future, and the revelations he made were truly shocking.


The man wished to keep his identity concealed, so his face was blurred out in all interviews and he made people call him 'Noah'.

He claimed that he traveled back in time as part of a government program that actually started in 2003 but was kept a secret until 2028. But he didn't come here empty-handed...


When Noah revealed his story, he was prepared to provide proof of his claims. He told news outlets that he was willing to answer any question they wanted to ask him.

Not only that, but he also agreed to take a lie detector test to prove that everything he was saying was true, and the results took everyone by surprise.

The Moment Of Truth

Noah agreed to take a lie detector test in a show of good faith, and he would need to answer several questions about the future in order to pass it.

If he was telling the truth, this would mean we would know about what will happen in the future and, therefore, be prepared to face it when the time comes.

Lots Of Fakes

Noah wasn't the first person to claim they came from the future. In fact, there have been many 'time travelers' over the years.

Many of these people even went on TV to make crazy claims about the future, which were all later debunked. But something about Noah was different...

The Claims

These are some of the claims Noah made during his lie detector test. First, he said that cryptocurrency would continue to grow in popularity.

And this one is very believable. After all, Bitcoin is becoming more and more popular every day!

Not Enough

The cryptocurrency claim seems believable, until you really think about it. When you put it into perspective, it is actually an assumption about the future that anyone could make.

In fact, most experts in the topic have predicted that cryptocurrency will be the currency of the future, so Noah could just be making a prediction. He needed to give more credible information to prove himself.

Futuristic Cars

When asked about transportation in the future, Noah gave some interesting information about futuristic cars.

According to him, all cars in 2030 are electric and driverless. They have batteries that can make it drive for up to 600 miles, which is double the amount of what cars in the present can do.


Driverless cars, according to experts, are absolutely possible to create in the future. However, most experts doubt we will have the technology by 2030.

But who knows, really? After all, technology advances faster and faster as the years go by, so it could definitely be possible.

Robots and AI

Another topic that is often discussed when talking about the future is artificial intelligence and robots.

We already use AI and robots in our daily life but according to Noah, people in the future will rely on them constantly.

The Test

Noah not only had to answer questions about the future, but also about himself: his identity, where he was from, etc.

And he actually passed every single question. However, he did not use a traditional polygraph machine to carry out the test, which made many people skeptical.

The Presidency

Another claim made by Noah was that Donald Trump would serve a second term as President of the United States.

He also said that Oprah Winfrey would run for president in 2024 but won't win, but a relative of hers would become VP in 2030.

War Is Coming

The next claim made by Noah gave many people chills. He said that a big war would come soon.

He said it would not be a World War, but that North Korea, China, and the US would go on a deadly war against each other.

Going To Space

Because of global warming and pollution, many people wonder whether humans will leave Earth and move to Mars.

According to Noah, this will be a major concern in the future, and the space race to conquer Mars will be a huge part of the political climate of 2030.

Mars Tourism

According to Noah, as soon as he goes back to 2030, the first expedition to Mars will take place.

But now that he came to the past, people wondered how he would make it back to the future. According to Noah, this would not be easy.

Stuck In The Past

One of the biggest questions that people had for Noah was how he was going to get back to the future and his present.

When he answered, he seemed distraught. He explained that this would not be possible because he got fired from the time-traveling government program and he would just have to live in the past until 2030 came around.


The biggest reason why Noah could not go back to the future was that he didn't have a time machine.

He was sent here by the government and, because he got fired, he could not be taken back. He expressed that he still wanted to make the most of his time here, so he revealed even more information about the future.


Noah was all over the news for a while, but he later decided to make a YouTube channel and make his own videos.

He had his face blurred out and his voice synthesized in all his videos, until he finally decided to reveal his face and voice to the world.

'I Can't Do This Anymore'

One day, Noah uploaded a completely different video: now he was showing his real face and voice.

However, the video was titled: 'I can't do this stupid character anymore. In it, he revealed that it was all a hoax. But how did he get away with it for so long?

Denis Bel

The man behind the character of Noah was actually sixteen-year-old Denis Bel, a YouTuber from South Africa.

He explained that what had started as an innocent joke turned into a nightmare for him. Not only that, but a company was behind the hoax...

Bound By A Contract

According to Denis, he had signed a contract with a company called ApexTV, and this contract forced him to maintain this farce for a long, long time.

But the fact that the character went viral all over the world put too much pressure on him, forcing him to speak out and tell the truth.

Outlandish Claims

As the character of Noah, Denis made lots of claims, some of which seemed very believable. But he also made many outlandish claims that got out of hand.

He said that he had actual photos of dinosaurs from the time he traveled to the far past, and he also claimed to have a map of the US after global warming where the east and west coasts were underwater.

Exposing The Company

Because Noah became so popular and made headlines around the world, Denis could not take the pressure anymore.

He uploaded the unblurred versions of the 'Noah' videos to YouTube and exposed ApexTV, the company behind the hoax.

How It Began

Denis opened up about how the whole thing began. According to him, ApexTV approached him and offered him money to make only one video as Noah.

However, because that video went viral, they offered him more money and a contract to keep playing that character. Not long after, he was doing interviews for news outlets all over the word.

Being Exposed

Although many people believed that the whole thing was true, many others were skeptical and decided to look into 'Noah'

People on the internet discovered his real identity and even sent death threats to the sixteen-year-old, making him afraid for his life.

The Apology

Although ApexTV was behind the hoax, Denis also felt responsible for how things got out of hand.

He made an apology for everything and promised he would never get involved in something like that ever again. Now, he makes normal YouTube videos under his real name.