These Bizarre Fashion Trends Need To Stop


Luckily, this trend is not so prevalent anymore, but it does still exist. Who in the world thought that sticking feathers onto clothing was a good idea?

You might think that feathers make you look classy, but they just make you look crazy. They're the complete opposite of elegant, so you'd better get rid of any item of clothing you own that has feathers on it.

Sheer Shades

This trend should have died in the early 2010s right when it started - no, actually, it should have never existed, to begin with. Sheer Shades are not only ugly but also impractical.

The thing is, you can't even see with them! And if you think that sacrificing your sight to look cool is worth it, we've got news for you: it doesn't look cool.

Color Camouflage

Camouflage clothing was invented so that soldiers could hide from their enemies in plain sight. But does this serve any purpose in our everyday lives? Nope.

Not only is camouflage unflattering, but when it comes in different colors like pink or blue, it isn't even camo anymore! This trend has been around for decades, and it's time to let it go.

Blue Snake Shoes

Snake shoes have been around for a long time, and there's nothing inherently wrong with them. The print can look nice in the right color and design, but, as always, people take it too far.

Blue snake shoes, in particular, just need to stop. Have you ever seen a blue snake in real life? No, because they don't exist. These shoes shouldn't exist either!


Crochet is a lovely technique for grandmas to make sweaters for their grandchildren, but that's about it. If you're not an old lady, you should stay away from crochet.

You can let your creativity flow by creating any crochet design you like. Just make sure that it never leaves your home, or else people will think you're someone's grandma trapped in a young person's body.

Puffy Jackets

Puffy jackets with crazy prints were big in the '80s, but let's be honest: they never looked good on anyone. This is one of those things that look good on celebrities but look stupid on regular people.

These awful clothing items are slowly making their way back, and we're not here for it. You can find something that stands out but is also flattering, and these jackets won't do it for you.


OK, we are fully aware that this one will be a little controversial since scrunchies are a huge trend again, and people seem to love them. But like many trends, they just don't look flattering on most people.

Scrunchies are very comfortable and practical, but if you're over 15 years old, you're probably too old to be using one. However, if you're a little girl, you're in the right age group for these bad boys.

Dragon Prints

Now, who came up with this atrocity? Dragon-print jackets are an abomination, and we're very sorry if you happen to be the owner of one.

They're tacky, unflattering, and don't go well with anything. However, if your goal is to simply turn heads and have everyone look at you, they will get the job done - just not for the right reasons.

Christmas Sweaters

Before you get angry at us, wait. Christmas sweaters are not inherently bad, but many people take this holiday as an excuse to wear hideous clothes, and that's not right.

You can wear a Christmas sweater as long as it is not ridiculous like this one in the picture. You can keep it classy and festive without going overboard.


Much like crocs, people either love or hate Uggs. Sure, they are comfortable and keep you warm, but does anyone genuinely think these awful boots are flattering?

Many people have criticized Uggs for decades, but now it is really time to let them go. They've been around for too long and look bad on most people. You can get comfortable boots that look better anyway!

Full-Body Camouflage

Yes, we are aware we've already talked about camouflage on this list, but this fashion trend is so awful that we need to bring it up once more.

Wearing one item with a camouflage print is already bad, but wearing full-body camouflage is a disgrace. It doesn't look right, it never looked right, and it never will, so just let it go.


Vests are awful, aren't they? There was a time when vests made people's outfits more elegant, but those days are long gone. Also, what's the point of vests anyway?

They don't keep you warm because they don't have sleeves, so why wear them in the first place? A vest in this day and age will just make you look stupid, period.

Denim On Denim

You might say that the denim on denim look only looked good on Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, but be honest with yourself: it didn't even look good on these two.

So if it doesn't look good on the most gorgeous people in the world, what makes you think it will look good on you? It's time for a reality check. One piece of denim clothing works at a time.


The emo trend was huge 15 years ago, and we all thought it had died out. However, it has recently been making a comeback, and this should not be happening.

Nostalgia may be clouding our vision because this trend was awful and unflattering. There's a reason why people stopped doing it, and it was because it didn't look good!

Pointy Shoes

Many high-fashion brands have been releasing different versions of pointy shoes, and we can't help but ask ourselves: why? There is simply no excuse for someone to wear these shoes in public.

You should never wear these unflattering monstrosities unless you get a job as a court jester. It feels like brands are desperate to find something new but just can't figure out how to do it.

Toe Shoes

Since we are on the topic of awful shoes, let's talk about toe shoes. These abominations have been around for a while, but they've only gotten uglier as time went by.

It can't be argued that they seem to serve some kind of practical purpose, as they're supposed to help your feet move in a healthier, more comfortable way. However, is it really worth sacrificing your style?

Siamese Shoes

This is yet another attempt from fashion brands to make their pieces stand out for the wrong reasons. Sure, you're getting people's attention, but who in their right mind would buy this?

Siamese shoes are uncomfortable, bulky, and just plain stupid. They could maybe work for a costume party, but that's about as much use as you can give these horrible shoes.

Fluffy Nails

Nail art has become more and more popular in recent years, and like any other trend, some people have taken it way too far. In an effort to seem creative, many people have added hair to their nails.

This just seems unhygienic, impractical, and, most importantly, ugly. There are many creative nail designs out there for you to try out without going to this extreme.


Manba is a trend that originated in Japan. It consists of painting your face darker while leaving the area around your eyes, your lips, and the top of your nose, white.

On top of just not looking good, this trend has been criticized for being problematic, as it is considered by many to be a form of blackface. Regardless of your stance on this topic, you can't deny it's just ugly.

Eyeball Jewelry

Eyeball jewelry consists of small implants added to the eyeball to decorate it. This cosmetic implant became a trend in The Netherlands and has made its way around the world.

Not only is it unnecessary, but doctors also warn against it. Anything that goes in the eyes is potentially dangerous, and you wouldn't want to risk your health just to have a silly piece of jewelry in your eye, right?

See-Through Handbags

See-through handbags were huge in the 1990s, but there's a reason why this trend ended. Like most '90s trends, these bags are making a comeback.

The truth is that they're just not that cute, and why would you want everyone to see what you're carrying in your bag? Not to mention that you have to keep them really clean; otherwise, they start to look bad really quickly.

Ripped Stockings

You may be under the impression that ripped stockings make you look cool, but if that's the case, you're wrong. Ripped stockings were cool in the '90s, but now they just look bad.

Wearing ripped stockings is an easy way for you to feel cool and indifferent. Still, the reality of the situation is that you look unkempt and lazy. Do yourself a favor and throw your stockings away once they get holes.

Sock Shoes

Sock shoes have become huge recently, primarily thanks to Balenciaga, a brand that has been making many different versions of this type of shoe for a while.

When it comes to fashion, you must remember that just because something is expensive or has a big brand behind it doesn't mean it's a good purchase. These shoes look bad on most people and are too expensive anyway.

Cage Pants

FashionNova is a trendy brand nowadays, but they have been known to take their designs a little too far to stay fresh and creative. One example of this is the cage pants.

We're not saying that every item of clothing has to serve a purpose, but if something is there just to look fashionable, then it has to at least look good! These pants are neither functional nor fashionable.

One-Legged Jeans

Jeans have been around for a long, long time, and everyone loves to wear them. However, many brands have tried to spice jeans up somehow and ended up just making them look bad.

One example of this is one-legged jeans. Not only do they seem uncomfortable, but they also just don't look right. Also, what's wrong with regular jeans anyway?

Asymmetrical Pants

Another example of brands trying to change traditional jeans is asymmetrical jeans. While it may look good in some promotional pictures, this is not a style that most people can pull off.

Ever heard the saying: if it ain't broken, don't fix it? Well, maybe some fashion brands should take note. There's nothing wrong with regular pants, so stop trying to make these crazy designs happen!

Chainsaw Dress

We can't figure out what name to give this dress other than "chainsaw dress" because it honestly looks like somebody attacked it with a chainsaw. It might be kind of creative, but it doesn't look right.

Surprisingly, celebrities like Katy Perry have been seen wearing this type of dress. This is probably one of those things that only famous people can pull off while everyone else would look stupid.

Extravagant Ponchos

Ponchos are a great way to stay warm in winter and can look very elegant if styled correctly. However, some designers have taken their ideas a little too far.

For example, this poncho right here looks more like your grandma's duvet than an actual piece of clothing. When it comes to ponchos, less is more.

Broken Sneakers

Many brands have released clothes that look broken recently, but we are just not buying it. Since when is it fashionable to wear clothes that look old and worn out?

One example of this awful trend is these broken sneakers by Margiela. These were released in 2017 and retail for $1,400.

See-Through Shoes

Since we've mentioned it before, let's talk about the one thing that is worse than see-through handbags: see-through shoes. These shoes may sometimes look good in pictures, but don't let them fool you.

As soon as you start walking in these, the heat and sweat from your body will make them look sticky and blurry, on top of making them super uncomfortable to walk on.