Everyday Items With Hidden Features You Never Knew About

Beauty Products' Expiration Date

Beauty products are real mysteries. Have you ever realized they always come with all sorts of strange numbers and codes that are impossible to decipher?

Well, it turns out that one of those strange figures is actually the product's expiration date. Take a close look at any face cream lying around, and you'll realize there's a tiny 6 M, 12 M or 18 M written on the corner. That number represents how many months are left until the product expires, counting from the moment you open it.

How To Heat Food On The Microwave

Isn't it annoying when you heat your leftovers in the microwave, and the food seems boiling hot, but once you start eating, you realize it's still freezing cold in the center?

Take spaghetti, for instance. Why is it so difficult to heat spaghetti in the micro without half of the dish staying cold? Next time, make a hole in the middle so that everything reheats evenly. It's that simple.

How To Peel An Orange

Why is it so hard to peel an orange without getting your clothes soaked in juice? I've got the answer: because you're doing it wrong!

First, you've gotta cut off the top and bottom layers of the peel. Then, cut its side, and finally, unroll it into a neat line of orange segments. Voilá!

How To Clean A Blender

If you're a smoothie fan, you must know that cleaning a blender is no piece of cake. No matter how much effort you put, there are always some crumbs lingering inside. But did you now there's a simple and effortless way of having your blender cleaned?

Next time, instead of scrubbing for three and a half hours, just pour in some hot water and a few drops of detergent and blend it all up until it's clean. I know, what a time saver!

The Milk Trick

Do any of you remember the time Joey Tribbiani from Friends starred on that ridiculous milk infomercial? For those of you who were born on another planet and haven't seen the show before, Joey starred in an ad that sold a special apparatus designed to pour milk without spilling.

If you ever considered buying such a gadget, let me stop you right there: there's a much simpler method! Try pouring your milk from the longer side of the carton, and you won't spill a drop ever again.

That Mysterious Scrap Of Fabric

I bet you've always wondered why each time you buy new clothes, they come with a tiny extra scrap of fabric and a button attached to the tag. Wonder no more, cause we've got the answer.

While the button is obviously meant to replace the one that falls off, the fabric serves an even more practical purpose. The whole point is for you to test the fabric with different detergents so that you don't ruin your garment after your first wash.

The Secret Behind Wooden Hangers

Wooden hangers have grown popular these days, but don't be mistaken – they're much more than just a cool trend. There's a reason why they're the best option to hang your clothing.

It happens to be that wooden hangers are made out of a specific type of wood that repels pests such as moths. They also prevent your clothes from getting all wrinkled.

The Arrow Next To The Gas Icon

Have you ever gotten out of the car at the gas station and wondered what side the gas tank was on? You'd be surprised to know there's a simple method of knowing where it is.

Next time you get in the car, take a look at the dashboard behind the steering wheel. In the corner, you'll find a gas tank icon with a tiny arrow on its side. Wherever the arrow is pointing, that's the side where the tank is.

The Tic-Tac Dispenser

The problem with candies like Tic-Tacs is how incredibly addictive they are. The fact that they're so small makes it even harder to control yourself. For those of you who suffer from candy addiction, you should know there's a clever method of getting just one Tic-Tac at a time.

The lid comes with a tiny dent that is big enough to fit just one Tic-Tact. Just flip the box upside down, open it sideways, and there you go! Problem solved!

Keeping The Tin Foil Inside The Box

I don't know about you, but I always lose my temper whenever I want to grab a piece of tin foil, but the roll keeps falling out of the box. While it may not be the biggest problem ever, it has a straightforward solution.

You probably never realized that the box comes with perforated tabs on each side —which are meant to hold the roll and keep it from sliding out. If only I had known from the start!

No More Dry Peanut Butter

If you're just as much of a peanut butter fan as I am, then you get how disappointing it is to reach the bottom of the jar and find it is as dry as a bone. How can this happen if there's so much oil on top when you open it?

Everyone knows you're supposed to mix the peanut butter as soon as you open it, but this is not enough to prevent the bottom layer from drying up. The key is to store the jar upside down so that the oil is evenly distributed from top to bottom.

Multi-Function Dental Floss

Dentists love reminding you of the importance of flossing, but most of us are too lazy to buy floss in the first place. But did you know it can serve many purposes other than keeping your mouth in good health?

For instance, floss can be used to slice up soft cheeses without squishing them, which is what generally happens when you use a knife. Who would've thought?

The Oven's Bottom Drawer

Those of you who live in a two-room flat must know how important it is to maximize the available storage space in kitchens. While people tend to believe that the drawer at the bottom of the oven is there for storing pans, it actually serves a more practical purpose.

The bottom drawer is actually meant to warm food. So whenever you're making a big meal, and the first couple of dishes are done before you finish cooking, store them there for a while, and you've solved yourself a problem.

The Diamonds On Measuring Tape

There's a high chance you've noticed this before, but did you know measuring tapes have some weird diamond-shaped markings on them? Well, there's a reason other than decoration.

These diamonds actually have a name –stud fingers–, and they're meant to help people find the right position for wall studs. This tip will definitely come in handy during your next home renovation project.

Opening Cans Without Your Nails

Those of you with long nails or with no nails at all probably struggle to open soda cans. It's not really a matter of strength, but instead of adequate nail length. However, there's a simpler way of cracking a can open.

Suppose you flip an ordinary bottle opener upside down. In that case, you can slide the flat part right beneath the tab, and the can will pop open in the blink of an eye without anyone's nails getting ruined or their fingers getting hurt.

The Lollipop's Anti-Choking Device

Have you ever noticed that lollipop sticks have an unusual hole in the middle? While it makes a funny whistling noise when you blow through it, it also serves as a safety mechanism.

The hole is meant to prevent kids from choking if they swallow it. It also helps hold the lollipop in its place, as an extra bit of sugar is added around the hole to keep the candy attached to the skin. Good call!

The Pointy Bit On Medicine Caps

Have you ever struggled to open the cap of an ointment or any medicine that comes in the form of a cream? Sometimes, the tubes are so small that peeling off the cap entirely is quite a challenge. However, there's a simpler method for having this done.

The pointy part on the middle of the cap is a mechanism designed to break the safety seal. All you need to do is unscrew the cap, flip it around, and finally press the pointy part into the seal.

How To Peel A Banana

Bananas are the easiest fruit to peel, but despite that, everybody peels them wrong. You probably peel them from the stem side like any average person does, am I right?

Well, next time, try peeling them from the bottom side. This way, you won't squeeze the fruit, and there will be way fewer stringy pieces getting inside your mouth.

Plastic Disks In Drink Caps

For some reason, people love peeling the little plastic disks glued against the inside of drink caps whenever they're bored. Here's why you should grow out of this habit.

These disks work as a seal, which means that the drink would leak and lose its carbonation if they weren't there. Are you ready for our top 3?

Slotted Patches On Backpacks

Have you ever realized that many backpacks have a slotted patch on them? Everyone thinks they serve a merely decorative purpose, but there's a pretty interesting history behind them.

As crazy as it sounds, these patches –which are technically called lash tabs– were created to carry tools such as knives or axes. So next time you're planning on carrying an ax, you know where to put it.

Prevent Your PC From Switching To Sleep Mode

This one is definitely a life-changer. I bet it totally bugs you out when you step away from your computer for an instant, but that instant is long enough for it, so switch to sleep mode. Every time!

Whenever you have to leave your PC for only a couple of minutes, place the mouse on top of a wristwatch, and that'll do the trick. It's as simple as that!

The Loops On Grocery Carts

It's always difficult to fit everything in the cart whenever you go for a big grocery shopping trip. You usually end up with three layers of bags in your cart, worrying that the products on the bottom will get smashed.

To prevent your cookies from getting crushed into pieces, use the loops on the sides and back of the cart to hang a few bags and save up some room.