You Can’t Ask To Join
You know how the first rule of Fight Club is ‘don’t talk about Fight Club’? Well, this is very similar. If you want to join the Hells Angels, you can’t just waltz in and ask to join.

It even says so on the club’s website: “If you have to ask, you probably will not understand the answer.” If you’re not asked to join by them, then you’re not becoming a member.
You Must Attend All Events
The Hells Angels host many events, believe it or not. They’re not just driving around with their motorcycles all day: they actually sit down to hang out for most of the time.

If you’re a member of the club, then you have to show up for stuff. If you’re flaky, you’ll get kicked out in no time, as they like people who take the group seriously.
You Can Only Wear Official Merchandise
How are people going to know you’re a Hells Angel if you’re not wearing a jacket that says so? That’s why it is very important for members always to wear the group’s official merchandise.

If you want to wear anything else to a meeting with the group, you might as well not even show up because they’ll kick you out as soon as they see you.
You Can’t Spill The Beans
From the outside, the Hells Angels look like a tight-knit group comprised of very tough men. From the inside, however… well, we don’t know much about them.

That’s because one of the rules of the club is that they can’t talk about what goes on behind closed doors. Not only that, but if a member is absent during a meeting, the rest cannot talk about him.
You Can’t Invade Another Member’s Territory
It should be obvious at this point that respect is one of the most important values for the Hells Angels. Disrespecting another member can get you in a lot of trouble.

If one member has clearly established his territory, every other member must respect it. If you’re invited to hang out in their territory, then it’s fine, but showing up unannounced is just looking for trouble.
You Must Fight Other Gangs
Hells Angels members put each other first, no matter what. Therefore, if another motorcycle gang crosses anyone in the group, all members must band together to teach them a lesson.

Conflicts between gangs usually arise due to territory. If any gang steps foot on Hells Angels’ ground, they’re looking for trouble. Every member has to step up and claim the territory back.
You Have To Give Back
So far, we’ve established that the Hells Angels are a tough group of people. However, like everyone else, they have a soft side. Even the hardest dudes in the world have a heart!

Charity work is a requirement for memberships, and giving back to the community is vital for the gang. Members usually feed the homeless or help children in need.
Treat Others How You Want To Be Treated
This is the Golden Rule that everyone is taught in kindergarten: 'Treat others how you want to be treated.’ For the Hells Angels, this is one of the most important rules.

Although they have a tough exterior, many journalists who have interviewed them have said that they are very warm and polite. They would never disrespect you first, but if you provoke them… that’s a different story.
The Brand Must Be Protected
The image that the gang has is no accident. Actually, it has been carefully crafted by members over the years and tarnishing it is a big violation of the group’s rules.

The gang has also fought people in court when they felt that they had been misrepresented. For example, they sued Disney for not portraying the group correctly in the movie Wild Dogs.
You Have To Be On The Road A Lot
It is no surprise that a motorcycle gang would be on the road a lot. After all, what are motorcycles for anyway? However, members have to be ready to go anywhere at any time.

Whether it’s your grandma’s birthday or you’re feeling under the weather, you have to be ready to go. Flaking on your mates will get you kicked out of the group ASAP.
Only Harleys Are Allowed
There are many motorcycle brands out there, but the Hells Angels only work with one of them: Harley-Davidson. Owning any bike is just not enough to be a part of this crew.

Some charters do allow other brands, but only if they are made in America. Owning a foreign motorcycle is a huge insult to the gang.
You Can Start Your Own Hells Angels Charter
Is it possible to start your own Hells Angels? Absolutely. Is it easy? Not at all. The club’s website carefully defines who can start one, and the requirements are very strict.

According to the website: ‘Motorcycle clubs consist of people who have ridden together for years, live in the same area, are known by the community, have runs and parties and are a brotherhood.’
Don’t Correct Their Grammar
When you think of the Hells Angels, the last thing on your mind is grammar. However, when you pay attention to the way in which they spell their name, it becomes clear that there should be an apostrophe in Hells.

However, the group is always quick to point out that grammatical rules don’t apply to them and that this is the correct way to spell their name. In short, they do not care.
Always Abide By The Dress Code
If you want to be a part of the Hells Angels, you must be ready to always wear their official uniform: a vest emblazoned with the group’s insignia and name.

The thing is, you must wear it at all times, especially while riding. Each charter also has its own dress code, and if members don’t comply, they may get kicked out.
You Must Ride In Order
Have you ever noticed that motorcycle groups always ride in a specific way, almost as if it were choreographed? That’s because there’s a specific way to ride according to each group.

The most respected and oldest members usually ride in the front, leading the way. New members always ride in the back, and the more respected you are, the closer to the front you get.
You Can’t Be A Part Of Another Club
This rule basically applies to any kind of club, but it is still worth mentioning. If you belong to the Hells Angels, then you belong to them only.

Being a part of another motorcycle group is a huge insult to your fellow members, and should anyone find out you’re riding for two groups, you’ll be in a whole lot of trouble.
You Can’t Speak To The Media
The Hells Angels do give interviews from time to time, but there’s always a reason for it. It usually happens after a decision made by the whole group.

Individual members can’t just speak to the media without approval from the other members, however. This club is very secretive and they intend to keep it that way.
You Must Respect The Vest
When you’re inducted into the Hells Angels, you are gifted a vest with the group’s name on it. This is almost like a sacred ritual, and nothing should be done to disrespect it.

The vests are a symbol of the members’ commitment to the organization and should always be honored. Taking it off or throwing it on the ground is a mistake no member should ever make.
You Must Get Voted In
The Hells Angels is a sort of democracy behind closed doors. As we’ve established before, not anyone can become a member, and it is important that existing members accept the newcomers.

After many membership rituals that sometimes take years, the last step to become a member is a democratic vote among everyone in the charter.
You Must Be Ready To Be Hazed
Hazing is a common practice in which someone who intends to join a group is subjected to a series of humiliating or degrading tasks to show that they’re willing to commit to the group.

The Hells Angels are no exception when it comes to hazing, and new members must be ready to put up with a lot of heavy hazing rituals.
You Can’t Like To Their Website Without Permission
When you belong to any kind of group or company, it is normal to link to their website, right? Well, not when it comes to the Hells Angels. Even as a member, you need permission to do so.

Outsiders can do it but only in specific situations and, of course, with permission. Also, this permission is always temporary.
You Can’t Have Other Hobbies
It’s not that you are not allowed to have other hobbies when you join the Hells Angels, but you simply won’t have time to do so. It would be humanly impossible to put your energy into anything else.

The organization expects members to give 110% to the club, which doesn’t leave much time for anything else. Not only that, but the club should always come first, no matter what.
You Can’t Be In Law Enforcement
The Hells Angels are notorious for getting in trouble with the law for many different reasons. Police officers are not welcome anywhere near the club.

Needless to say, they are also not allowed to join. Even having some kind of relationship with law enforcement is unacceptable, such as having a friend who is a prison guard, for example.
You Can’t Interrupt Meetings
As we’ve mentioned before, respect is of utmost importance to the Hells Angels. Everything involving the group is sacred, including their vests, bikes, and all the rituals they take part in.

Meetings are also very important, and interrupting them is a violation of the group’s rules. Interrupting a meeting could cost a member $100.
You Can’t Snitch
This rule applies to most motorcycle gangs: you should never snitch on your fellow mates. If one member of the group gets in trouble with the law, you must not say anything to the police.

Snitching can get people in a lot of trouble, sometimes even more trouble than breaking the law, to begin with. Unless you want to feel the wrath of the whole group, stay out of it.
You Can’t Abuse Substances
This one may come as a surprise, but it is actually a very important rule for the group. While drinking and having fun is okay, abusing illegal substances is forbidden in the organization.

Some charters are even more strict about it. For example, the Toronto Hells Angels have explicitly stated that they have a zero-tolerance policy on illegal drugs.
You Must Pull Over
If the group is riding and one member gets pulled over by the cops, then everyone must pull over. This is done as a sign of solidarity for the one member affected.

This practice is also intimidating for the officer, who is only trying to pull over one person and then has to deal with dozens of people pulling over.
You Can’t Retire
Becoming a Hells Angel is a lifetime commitment. After all that it takes to become a member, you can’t just quit all of a sudden.

Once you’re part of the group, you’re in it for life, unless you get kicked out for breaking the rules of the organization. Otherwise, you’ll be a member until you die.
You Must Face The Consequences
Breaking any of these rules could bring very serious consequences. The rules exist for a reason and they should be taken seriously.

There have been rumors about members who were punished in very violent ways after breaking the rules, but due to the group’s privacy, we cannot know for sure.
Women Are Not Allowed
In case you haven’t noticed by now, here it is: there are no women in the Hells Angels. Women are not allowed to join under any circumstance.

However, members are allowed to come in contact with women, of course. Many members have wives, girlfriends, daughters, and female friends, and that is allowed.
Honor The Fallen
This is probably one of the most sacred rules of all: you must always honor the fallen. In fact, funerals for late members are no different from military funerals.

Hells Angels members take honoring their dead brothers with uttermost solemnity. Thousands of bikers generally show up and they're expected to be on their best behavior.
You Must Be Patriotic
When Hells Angels was formed back in 1948, most of its founders were World War II veterans. This probably explains why patriotism is so deeply rooted in their culture.

As a matter of fact, the club offered President Truman their services during the Vietnam War. Even though he turned them down, their patriotism has never wavered.
Concert Security
If you happen to be a music fan, then I'm sure you've spotted Hells Angels working security at concerts at least once. It all started when the iconic rock band Grateul Dead hired them as security and paid them with beer.

Ever since then, hundreds of bands –including the Rolling Stones– have hired their services, although I doubt they still accept beer as payment.
Logos For Members Only
It doesn't matter how much you love the logo or even if you want to show your support for the club — never EVER should you wear the club's logo.

Wearing the Hell's Angels logo without being an official member can get you in quite a bit of trouble. Believe us when we tell you that they won't take it lightly.
Support Gear
Wearing the club's official logo without being a member is practically the eighth deadly sin, but there are other ways in which you can express your support for the club.

There is plenty of gear that outsiders can purchase from the club's official website, and wearing them might even help you get voted in.
Treat Women With Respect
It's already been established that Hells Angels isn't the most gender-inclusive group out there. However, sexist behavior among members is frowned upon.

However contradictory this may seem, members of the group are expected to treat all women with utter respect. In fact, breaking this rule can be punished with banishment.
Newbies Do The Dirty Work
Thousands of people die to be voted in as a Hells Angels member, but they should know that once you're in, you're expected to do the dirty work that nobody likes.

Prospects are expected so set up for every meeting, fetch coffee and beers for the older members, clean up after the meetings, and wash other members' bikes. It's needless to say that no complaints are tolerated!
Buell Bikes Are OK
Remember we said that Hells Angels members can only ride Harleys? Well, you'd be surprised to know that there is one exception to this rule. But just one!

Some clubs allow its members to ride Buell bikes, too. This is because the club was founded by one of Harley-Davidson's designers, and Harley-Davidson bought an interest in Buell bikes.
Can't Work In Prisons
Just as Hells Angels members can't be in law enforcement, they're also forbidden from taking a job at a prison. Even if it's a cleaning job, prisons are simply a place you can't set foot on voluntarily.

To be honest, we wouldn't be surprised if prisons had the same rule about not hiring Hells Angels! Let's just say that law enforcement and Hells Angels don't usually see eye to eye.
The Golden Rule
Hells Angels may seem tough from the outside, but they're more soft-hearted than what you'd imagine. Can you guess what their number one rule is?

The Golden Rule that every member must follow is to treat others as you'd like to be treated. If you run into one of them and treat them with respect, then they'll be polite and welcoming. But if you're rude to them... you'll probably regret it!