First Date Horror Stories That Will Totally Freak You Out

Grand Theft Auto


    Came out from a movie, late at night, and date's Camaro was stolen. Apparently, he called his WIFE (that I did not know he had) and let her know where he was and what happened. She showed up and realized he was on a date! She started chasing ME around the parking lot telling me she was going to kill me. Saved by the cops who showed up just in time to take the auto theft report.

This is just insane. Who knows why the man thought it was a good idea to call his wife, whom he was cheating on, to help. And why did the wife get angry at the date instead of her husband? At least the person saved themselves from further trouble by learning the truth on the first date!

A Sad Call

  1. u/GenericSupervillain3

    We were out on a date; we had been seeing each other for a while. She gets a phone call. Suddenly she looks destroyed —her fiancé had just died in a motorcycle accident.

This one is just sad. Not only because there’s the loss of a loved one involved, but because the poor fiancée didn’t know he was being cheated on.

Love Is Blind… And Drunk.

  1. u/mox44ah

    Got set up on a blind date once between mutual friends. She shows up to the restaurant already a little tipsy, orders multiple appetizers and only takes like one or two bites from each one. Then she proceeds to order 3 or 4 more drinks and is visibly drunk at this point. She gets up and says she's going to the bathroom and staggers off. About 15-20 minutes go by so I try to call her several times but no answer. Finally I decide to pay the check and just leave. About 2 hours later I'm sitting at home and I get a call from an unknown number. It's the police department. She was picked up on a DUI on her way home after she ditched me and gave the cops my number to see if I could go bail her out!

This one is wild! Some people are really that inconsiderate, though. What’s puzzling is why the woman thought it was a good idea to call the date she had just ghosted instead of a friend or a family member.

Lost In Translation

  1. u/fantazja1

    I was brought up in Poland by Polish parents (university professors), went to a Polish school, Polish university, etc. Then I had a date with an American man whose grandmother was Polish. He grilled me on the language and criticized my pronunciation, and corrected my grammar. This from a guy whose Polish vocabulary was maybe 100 words. He told me I spoke like a peasant.

This one is mean and, to be honest, a bit xenophobic. Still, the date should have simply got up and left instead of allowing themselves to be lectured by such an ignorant man.

Double Trouble

  1. u/tyrano_dyroc

    It was a double date. She was more interested talking to the other girl throughout the whole thing. Found out later from the other guy that his girl cheated on him with my date.

This one isn’t as horrifying as others on this list, though it’s pretty awkward nonetheless. But hey, that’s the risk of double dates!


  1. u/rmorlock

    My wife wanted to plan our 13th wedding anniversary. I was excited because usually, I plan it. She bought us some new disc golf discs, and after a quick supper, we went to play. We hadn't played in forever. We were laughing, and I had a great time. She then served me with divorce papers and told me that date was a test to see if she still had feelings for me

    I also learned that she was having an affair that started well before our anniversary.

This one is heartbreaking. Maybe the wife could have waited until after the anniversary to serve her husband with the divorce papers and refrained from telling him it had all been a test. At least they had a pleasant evening… For a while.

Fixer Upper

  1. u/ahe_243

    Tinder date. She looked nothing like her picture while not ugly just completely different. Picked the worst restaurant in town which I looked past because everyone has different taste. We came back to my house and she complained about me not showing affection or touching her so I started touching her and then got mad about ohhh wanting a hook up which I didn’t, but the final straw was when she decided she didn’t like my house which I had just bought and was proud of. She immediately wanted to go to home depot to buy stuff to start remodeling. It was by far my worst and weirdest date and I hope she found a house to remodel.

This one is hilarious. Maybe she just watched a lot of home improvement shows or was a very intense architect. Either way, let’s hope she channeled that intensity into something more productive than wanting to remodel her date’s house!

A Lie Has No Legs

  1. u/4EVRGamer

    When I was in college —many years ago, before the advancement of cellphones and social media— I was chatting with a girl I met on a [bulletin board system] who lived in Long Island, New York. I was 18 at the time but lied and said I was 22 because she said she was 25. We spent a few weeks emailing each other as well as calling each other. We even exchanged pics. When we finally met up, things blew up.

    Turns out we both lied about our ages. She was really 33 and lied because she thought she looked younger. She admitted she sent a college photo of herself to me. We still had dinner together, but it was awkward as hell. We never spoke again.

To be fair, that's karma for lying about his age in the first place...

The Princess

  1. u/Charon_With_The_Boat

    I pre-ordered two drinks like normal. She shows up, she orders a ton of expensive items and drinks, all the time she is on her phone. I think the bill was around 350 but I already paid my part so I walked out through the back and ghosted.

This happens a lot, unfortunately. Some people are just rude and have little to no consideration about the person standing in front of them. Good for him to get up and leave. That girl didn’t deserve an explanation.

Silence Is a Man’s Best Friend

  1. u/catmos

    Go on a dinner date with a guy as a first date. The conversation is good, and we go to his place. I make it clear we will not be having sex. He’s fine with it; everything seems good. To preface this next part, I know I'm an attractive woman, but I have some crooked bottom teeth.

    Anyway, for some reason, this man asks me what my biggest insecurity is. I say my teeth. He asks me to smile. I do. He says, 'Wow, yeah, they're pretty f---ed up!' and that's all.

    I went home shortly after and never texted him again. Killed my self-esteem for a minute there.

Even though this must've stung, these types of questions can really help you get to know the "real" person sitting next to you.

Too Intense!

  1. u/Kalle_79

    Blind date #1. She showed up in an outfit that would be sloppy for the gym and her third sentence was "God I'm so horny! I haven't fd in months and I want it so badly!". Classy lady, never called her again.

    Blind date #2. She couldn't string more than 6 words together. Zero interests, zero smalltalk skills. Apparently I wasn't hot enough for her anyway.

    Blind date #3. She spent half of the time talking about her ex who had dumped her to become a priest. We texted for a while but she decided she wasn't over the soon to be Reverend.

    Since then I've decided not to accept offers for blind dates from friends.

Well, maybe if the first one had been a Tinder date instead of a blind date, things would have been different, as her approach could have totally worked with someone else. Still, it must have been an intensely awkward moment, so let’s give him that.

Third Wheel

  1. u/IncrediblyShinyShart

    Showed up to a Tinder date where we agreed to meet, but she wasn’t there. Texted, and she replied back that 'they' were around the corner. Come to find she (a mid-20s divorced socialite) and her friend (a mid-40s man) had been drinking all day and were pretty s--tfaced.

    I proceeded to join them at the table, where she proceeded to talk about the married guy at the next table over and kept walking by and dropping things so she could bend over in front of him. Then came some racist talk and drug use (them, not me). And then they decided, mercifully, to ditch me because I was no fun.

It's still amazing that after going through hell, this guy was ditched because he was "no fun"...

Basic Bro

  1. u/gengarsnightmares

    We went to dinner, and he started chatting up the waitress —like interrupting me every time the waitress came over and talking to her for a few minutes instead. After a couple of times, I just pulled my phone out and started scrolling through Reddit. He complained when he noticed that I was on my phone and then lectured me about my generation (he was like six years older than me, IIRC).

    Then he got mad when I wouldn't suck his d--- in the parking lot. I ended up going back inside the restaurant and calling a friend to pick me up. Dude's car was still sitting there when I left.

If anything, this shows the importance of having a trustworthy friend to take care of us when we're in a difficult situation.

Medical Emergency

  1. u/bstyledevi

    Met her for dinner, we seemed to hit it off well in the first few minutes, until I started feeling the worst pain ever in my side. Turns out I had a kidney stone. I unfortunately had to nope out of that one very quickly. She had blocked me via text when I abruptly left dinner, so she never got the message that I ended up in the hospital.

    I didn't see her for years until we ran into each other at a bar, me with a different girlfriend, her with her husband. I explained what had happened, she felt pretty bad, but hey, no long lasting harm done. I bought her and her husband a drink, chatted for a few, and left them to finish their evening together.

This one is a bit wholesome. It’s probably horrifying having to bolt out of a date because of kidney failure, but it’s pretty sweet they got the chance to give their date an explanation and know that there were no hard feelings between them.

Cheap as Chips

  1. u/Moth-Seraph

    Was told we were going to dinner and then shopping. I drove to his town, one hour each way, cuz he didn't have a license. I didn't know my way around at all, so he directed me to...Burger King. I ended up paying for dinner, too. Then we went to...Walmart —where his mom worked— so he could get a discount. Didn't buy anything.

    On the drive home, he started apologizing out of nowhere. I thought it was because of the bad date. Until the smell hit me. He passed gas, and I had to legit pull over and roll the windows down for a while.

He passed gas more like he marked her with his scent. No she's his.

A Family Affair

  1. u/KatEyes1990

    He brought his mom...

    I decided it wasn't going to work out for me... but I stayed... because... I mean... I couldn't miss it.

    At least I can remember it as funny in some degree.

Oh boy. The only situation where it’s acceptable to invite your parents to your date is if you are a child or a teenager. However, it would come out incredibly creepy if you are a mature adult —as it likely did in this story. Fortunately, the commenter had some great sense of humor about an otherwise horrible situation.

A Public Scene

  1. u/ManUpYaPansy

    Got set up on a blind date by some friends, and we met in a nice restaurant in the city. I was in a nice suit and tie; she showed up in jeans, flip-flops, and a hoodie. I jokingly said, 'I'm assuming they didn't tell you this place is sort of snooty?' She goes, 'They did. I didn't give a f---.

    She then said, "You seem nice and all, but I ain't shaving my legs and putting on some fancy dress for some guy who I don't even know if I'm willing to f--- with.' I just stared at her in disbelief and asked her to keep her voice down, and she goes, 'WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO KEEP MY VOICE DOWN?! YOU AFRAID PEOPLE WILL HEAR ME TALKING ABOUT GOING HOME AND GET O-- BY MYSELF INSTEAD OF LETTING YOU F--- ME?!' I just stood up, walked over to the waiter, paid for the drink I had while waiting, apologized to them for her outbursts, and said, 'Blind date...I'm not sticking around' and left.

This man handled the situation like a true gentleman. I would've been so embarrassed I would've panicked!

Moving Way Too Fast

  1. u/andandandetc

    Not necessarily a date but a person I was dating invited me to his parent's house for the afternoon. He wanted to introduce me to them and show me the house he grew up in. I thought it was super sweet and had no problems going. He was also in the middle of moving and needed to pick up a few things, so it really didn't seem that unusual.

    Yeah, we got there and it was awful. His entire family was there. They traveled from hours away too. This was not just meeting the parents, it was meeting the ENTIRE family. Even worse? At some point, this jackass told his parents that he had proposed. We had been dating TWO months.

    I spent the entire afternoon dumbfounded and just playing along. We were two hours from home and I had no cell service, no way to leave at all. We ended up spending the afternoon brainstorming wedding ideas and planning an Alaskan honeymoon that his parents planned to gift us. His brother even called to say congratulations!

    We drove back to his apartment in silence. When we got there, I got in my car and left, didn't even bother grabbing my stuff. Weirdest experience ever. I have no idea how he broke it to his parents that we weren't getting married.

This one’s so outlandish it could probably be made into an indie comedy. Maybe if the guy had told his girlfriend beforehand about the whole engagement thing, things would have gone a bit smoother, and the two could’ve played along —which doesn’t make the situation any less weird, but it’s better than lying to your partner.

Funny People

  1. u/LexLuthorJr

    Met a girl through a dating site, and we agreed to meet up for dinner. I learned very quickly that this girl had absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever. I don't even think she cracked a smile the entire night. The date just got more and more painful as the night went on. At one point, we were talking about online dating. She told me about a friend of hers who went out on a first date with a guy online. She said this crazy guy fell absolutely in love with her friend and said he wanted to marry her. So I said, 'Oh, well, I guess I shouldn't have picked up this engagement ring on the way here, then!' She just stared at me blankly and said, 'That's not funny.'

Though this one isn’t as bizarre as other stories, it’s still pretty painful. The thing about online dating is its unpredictability. Some people can seem pretty cool online and end up being the complete opposite in person. It’s also really hard to figure out someone’s quirks and sense of humor via text, so awkward dates like the one above are rather usual.

What Would Freud Say?

  1. u/SgtGo

    Met a girl at a country bar one night in my 20s. We were both pretty drunk but hit it off pretty good. Ended up getting her number and we agreed we’d go on a real date. Fast forward to the date, she gets in my vehicle and…… she looks almost identical to my mom. I was mortified. I was polite and we went for lunch where I found out she also had a boyfriend she “wasn’t sure if she was into”. Never talked to her again

This one is giving Back to the Future vibes! But at least it comes with a lesson: Remember, kids, drinking too much can not only damage your health, but it can also get you to go on a date with one of your parents’ döppelgangers.

Spilling The Tea

  1. u/Paranoides

    She started talking about her life story from childhood to that day. Year by year... with every single traumatic story and emotions. That was our first ever date, and she didn’t even let me speak for that duration. I was like, “oh okay, she is now talking about high school. Six more years left, hold tight."

This one isn’t so much of a horror story, though it must’ve been pretty uncomfortable. Some people are oversharers, which in itself isn’t a bad thing —but it can be intimidating for others who are a bit more private. That being said, it’s not cool that the girl made it all about herself, as conversations shouldn’t be one-sided. On the other hand, maybe that’s exactly what she wanted.

Is This What A Real Man Looks Like?

  1. u/No_Bet4331

    This guy had a farm, and he took me to see the animals, feed, etc. I walked away for a few minutes and overtrusted a fart. I just looked at him and asked if he could please take me back to my car…he wanted to know why and I said, “because I pooped in my pants” Guy had a super nice truck and made me sit on my feet all the way back to my vehicle. We actually ended up dating for 2 ish years….and somehow, this incident on the first date was the end of all jokes.

Aww, how bizarrely wholesome! That was one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to someone, and the man handled it like a true gentleman. It’s also really sweet that both of them could get past the awkward first date and eventually fall in love!


  1. u/its-me-chase

    He was over an hour late, no text or call, and when he finally showed up, his excuse was, “sorry I’m late, my mom had to take a s--t."

Maybe the guy’s mother was his ride. If so, why would he out her like that? Nevertheless, he could’ve sent a text warning that he would be late and perhaps make up a better excuse. It’s safe to say the date didn’t go that well aside from the delay...

Weird Fetish

  1. u/ab_1999

    I went over to a boys apartment I had hung out with a few times already to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie he stuck his finger in my belly button. We weren’t even cuddling. Just randomly turns towards me and puts his finger in my belly button. I said to him “get your finger out of my bully button?” To which he responded by making a weird noise similar to an adult using baby talk and saying coo coo to a baby and wiggled his finger still inside my belly button. I left immediately, never talked to him again, and my friends still refer to the situation as belly button boy.

This one’s by far the weirdest date on this list. We’re not about kink-shaming because there’s nothing wrong with wanting to play with belly buttons per se, but this guy could’ve learned a thing or two about consent —no matter how innocent or playful it may seem, if the date told him to get his finger out of her belly button, he should’ve taken it out!

Six Feet Under

  1. u/CrazySnekGirl

    It was with an undertaker's assistant. He'd circle every topic of conversation back to corpses.

    Me: "So, do you know what you're gonna order?" Him: "Well I was thinking the steak, but I had eaten steak when we got the river guy in, and now it makes me feel queasy."

    I ended up leaving after half an hour.

We live in a time where it’s difficult to get our heads off work and often think about it when we should be relaxing or simply enjoying life outside the office. That said, most of us don’t work with corpses, which would make for a really morbid (albeit interesting) conversation. Maybe it was too much for a first date, but let’s give the guy a break. He could’ve simply been stressed out!

Giving Back

  1. u/nowhereman136

    At the end of the night she stopped the taxi saying this was her place. She then went into the ATM and took out some money. She handed me what she said was her half of dinner and then got back in the taxi and never saw her again. Maybe not the worst date, since she paid me back for dinner, but still weird.

This doesn’t seem that bad. Maybe the way it went down wasn’t the best, but paying dates back for dinner isn’t something that happens very often. Furthermore, as several commenters pointed out, the date could've gotten a bit creeped out and decided it was best to avoid 'owing' anything to the guy. At least she had a nice gesture, which is a far better ending to a failed outing than most on this list.

The Critic

  1. u/Ladyjaneinmd

    I had a date with a guy who spent the entire date whining about how much 'this' or 'that' sucked. Everything sucked. The food, the wait staff, the movie, the fact that I took my own garbage to the garbage can after the movie, and most of all, the night shift computer people he saw who hung around the outside of their office, smoking (he complained about their high salaries). I pointed out that I was one of those computer people (no, I didn't mention how much I made), and that was the LAST date I ever went on with him. I never talked to him again.

The sympathy is real with this one, as people who complain about everything (mainly the most insignificant stuff, like taking your own garbage to the garbage can) are indeed very annoying. It must’ve been such a drag having to deal with such a Negative Nancy, but at least it was the first and last date the commenter ever went with him.

Stripped Away

  1. u/Deleted User

    Didn’t happen to me, but it’s worth sharing. A friend of mine was on vacation in Miami and met a girl at a bar. They went on a date the following day and ended up both naked in the hotel pool at 2 am. She told him she needed to pee and grabbed the room key. After waiting 30mins he went to the lobby to get a towel and a room key. She’d taken everything, phone, suitcase, clothes, money, passport - everything. I got him at the airport back in the UK. I couldn’t stop laughing for a year. The thought of him naked in Miami with nothing...

This one is creepypasta material. Unfortunately, it seems quite plausible. We can’t really blame the guy, though —having those things happen is part of the risk of going on dates with strangers. The scary thing is that it happened in a foreign country, where he likely didn’t know anybody. At least he spoke the language!

Strict Parents

  1. u/Predditor_drone

    Met a girl online, everything seemed okay and the conversations were good so a few days later we decided to meet for coffee and go for dinner later. I show up to the cafe about 45 minutes early and order a coffee, intending to read for a bit.

    While I'm reading I notice an older fellow staring and taking far too much interest in me before leaving. Odd, but okay. Continue to read until about 10 till meet up when I text the girl that I'm already at the cafe.

    Shortly after, the odd older fellow comes back in one entrance, and this sets off my Spidey sense so I'm making my way to the other entrance when my date catches my arm to say hi. I tell her we should step out for a minute, getting a bad vibe from this guy, she asks which one, so I describe him.

    It's her freaking dad, doing advanced recon for her dates at 24 years old. I was a bit sketched out at that, but thought maybe she had some bad dating history that possibly made sense. I meet her dad, he says they wanted to make sure I was who I said I was and to enjoy the date. He leaves and she says being an only child has its downsides. Makes enough sense, we get coffee and chat for a bit, walk in a nearby park and decide where to go for dinner. We get to my car and she asks if I could take her home to grab a jacket before dinner, no big deal.

    We arrive at her place (lives with parents) and I talk to her mom and dad while the date grabs a jacket. They seem nice, but overbearing parents. Date calls me back to her room to meet her cat, and the entire time I'm meeting her cat, the parents are hawking nearby obviously eavesdropping and it's obvious the date is dragging her feet for some reason. I said something about getting out to dinner before the rush and her parents who "happened" to be walking by ask where we were going before they start a dialog on local restaurants, which pivots to ordering delivery/carryout and how we should just do dinner together at their place.

    I told them no offense, but I'd greatly prefer to dine in someplace relaxed and get to know their daughter. They seem really resistant to this, I'm agitated, and ask if this is how her dates normally go. They said "no, normally we don't let her go out with men, but you passed the background check and your messages to her made you seem nice like you'd have dinner with us"

    I was flabbergasted, they ran a background check on me, read our exchanges online as well as the advanced recon, and expected me to have dinner with 2 additional people I hardly knew when I was expecting a date. I told them that will absolutely not work for me, and that they are being extremely over the top with their expectations and precautions. I left.

    Later received a torrent of text messages and calls to the general sentiment of you were supposed to be better than this. I don't respond for a day before telling her/them this is not normal or healthy, I refuse to be any part of it and will be blocking their number and filing restraining orders if I find them lurking around.

Has your date ever done a background check on you? Or did her parents do something as uncomfortable as this lady’s parents? Even when she’s already 24?

Text And Call Blast

  1. u/Krustyliciousness

    First date after my divorce. She was nothing like her profile picture and just a horrible person. But that not the fun bit. She stalked me to my work van after the date and took down my phone number.

    On the way home she asked if I would come back and see her, said thanks but no thanks and have a nice life. In the proceeding days I received numerous texts and phone calls from her and had to have her number blocked by my phone provider.

    On new years day at 4am I receive a call ...... from her ex husband asking what was wrong with her? That she is a good person etc. etc. Turns out they went out on NYE and got drunk together and decided to call me.

    I hung up, only for then to keep calling me back. Ended up turning my phone off. Woke around 7. Turned my phone on and I had received 20+ voice recordings that were getting more and more threatening, on the last one I could hear them in a car saying they were coming over to get me.

    Spoke to my neighbour who gets up early and had gone for a run and he told me there was a couple being arrested around the corner from our place drunk as heck who had hit a light pole. Scary thing is I had my two daughters with me that night.

If a date does not work out, then maybe people should just accept it and move along. There is no point in forcing another person to like you.

The Right Mix

  1. u/ohiamaude

    I had a date send her drink back several times. Eventually our server got mad at her pickiness and snapped.It was unbelievable. He brought out all of the ingredients in separate glasses so that she could mix it herself, the "right way". What's worse is we were both in the service industry at the time.

We all have our cup of tea. We make our drinks based on our preferences. But isn’t it too much to ask for your exact mix in a restaurant with their own “right mix”?

Picky Eater

  1. u/funky_grandma

    Met her at a bar. She ordered food but didn't eat it since it "looked disgusting" (it looked fine). So we left to go to a different restaurant and on the walk there, she kept ducking and glancing at the sky like she was being attacked by bats. She hardly said anything over the whole date, it was like pulling teeth to get her to talk about herself. At the second restaurant she took forever ordering and again didn't eat because the food looked disgusting. Emailing about the date afterwards, she admitted that she was high on "ice", which I guess is some kind of drug?

It must have been hard to go on a dinner date with a person who sees food as disgusting. But seriously, this date was a total disaster.

Wrong Person?

  1. u/tractorsuit

    I was on a tinder date and we met at a bar. She was a bit late so I had a sample of their whiskey selection. Anyways 10 minutes later a girl comes towards me and I reach out for a hug, she looks a bit confused but hugs me nonetheless. As we stop hugging, two things happen simultaneously. One, my Tinder Date arrives, and we lock eyes. Two, the waiter, still in my arms, tells me they just changed shifts and she will be my server this evening.

    My anxiety kicks it into high gear and I am barely able to fathom what's going on much less explain to either of them what's going on.

His date couldn't have picked a more awkward time to walk in. Too much has happened in a short span of time. Well, how will he explain this situation to both ladies?

The Guy At The Concert

  1. u/friendlyMissAnthrope

    Met a guy at a concert who asked me out to dinner the next weekend. Said we’d go to a restaurant halfway between his place and mine. Gives me the address which I printed out on Mapquest because this was before GPS was normal on phones or in cars.

    I get there and it’s an apartment building. Call him to say I think he gave me the wrong address and he said, nope! You’re driving. Takes me to an Applebee’s because they have the cheapest happy hour, he said. We have one drink and he eats potato wedges by himself.

    When I drove him back, he asked me where my overnight bag was. I said I’m not staying the night and thanks for the beverage. He took my keys out of my ignition and told me to go upstairs. I told him if he doesn’t give me my keys back, I will start screaming and call the cops. He threw them in the front seat as he got out telling me I’m missing out on hot tub time. I thankfully never saw him again.

This world is full of creepy people. Luckily, this lady thought fast and saved herself from a lot of trouble. We should always be careful with the people we go on dates with.

Where Is The Girlfriend?

  1. u/mayneffs

    I went to a new years eve party with a guy I had been chatting with for months. When we got there his friends asked him where his girlfriend was, and they were not referring to me. I went out for a smoke at that point and he went after, saying she was boring and he was gonna break up with her. I didn't hang out with him for the rest of the night.

    I guess I should thank him because I went home with the party host instead and we've been together for 7 years.

It must have been uncomfortable to be the date of a guy who everyone knows has a girlfriend. Good thing is, she actually ended up with the guy’s friend.

Most Expensive Date Ever

  1. u/confusedthrwawayxx

    Was on a first date. Went to the bathroom, asked the guy to watch my coat. Came back and my coat was gone. It had my cell phone, wallet and keys in it. Guy was too busy chatting up the bartender, and hadn't even seen the guy take it. We had to uber back to his house so he could get his truck and drive me home. Had to wake my roommates up to let me in, had no ID, cash or way of contacting anyone for days. Ended up tracking down the guy who stole it but only got back my phone, he threw out my wallet, keys (with fob on it) and coat. Guy I was on the date with never contacted me again! Most expensive worst first date ever!

How could a single date cost you a coat, cellphone, wallet and key? It is completely understandable that things didn't work out for these two people who went out on a date.

Mr. Rate Everything

  1. u/erin_baile

    I went on a date with this guy who kept trying to rank everything out of 10.

    Before drinks arrived he asked “on a scale of 1 to 10 how attracted to me are you”, “scale 1 to 10 how well is this going”? Etc. I couldn’t even figure out if I liked him because he kept asking for rankings then he freaked out when I turned him down for a kiss. Full toddler style tantrum.

Some people need to accept that you can’t rate or measure everything. Maybe they should chill a little and let things unfold at their own pace.

Just Taking A Few Bottles

  1. u/DreyaNova

    I went on a date with a guy who picked me up and said he just had to swing by his work before we went to the restaurant. No problem. He works in a dental office as an assistant, so he invites me into his work. The office is clearly closed and no-one is there, and all the lights are off. Okay a bit weird but maybe he just forgot something really important that can’t wait until tomorrow morning to pick up? Nope, he’s going to the medicine cabinets and taking out a few bottles of ketamine.

    Okay. I’m now an accessory to theft of dental anaesthesia.

    There was no second date.

Some dates really just let you in on one of their darkest secrets way too soon. I hope not a lot of people experience this kind of a date.

Too Unlucky

  1. u/itsdjc

    Got a flat tire after picking her up. Dinner reservation was lost. My credit card got declined so I had to walk to an ATM that was half a mile down the road. We missed the show due to said dinner reservation being lost. I was already worrying that this was going to be the worst date ever when, as if it was not bad enough, we ran into my ex who tried to start a fight with my date.

    It was our first date. Somehow it wasn't our last.

They say love is all about luck. Well sadly, this guy ran out of it. But, did it still end up well?

Job Discriminator

  1. u/tikitori

    I actually get more offended when a guy wastes my time then texts me all these apologies when he doesn't show and beg for a second chance...I drop them after that. Dunno if they think it's funny or what. Only a couple times but still.

    Anyway, one of the worst dates I've been on was with this guy from OKC. Hit off fine online, decide to meet in a coffee shop in the middle of the city. Figured if we liked each other we go to a nice restaurant nearby.

    He's super awkward in person. Looked like he didn't try to look nice at all or even shower. I try to just talk the normal topics (Oh what do you do, etc) and when I mentioned I was a nurse he's like "Oh aren't you guys basically poop custodians"

    I wasn't sure if he was making a bad joke or not. I decided to ignore it and I mentioned how excited I am to finally start my dream job in a new city.

    The jerk then says, "Wow, I can't believe your dream was to get coffee for doctors"

    At this point I get up to leave. He tries to stop me and I said, "You are not NEARLY hot enough to get away with negging. Buzz off."

    I went across the street to the food hall and proceeded to have a grand time by myself

We should not let anybody tell us that our dreams don't make sense. What other people think does not matter. Do what makes you happy.

Will You Show Up?

  1. u/astromech_dj

    Saddest was when I met a date at the bus stop outside the cinema. She was looking around worried until I said hello. She almost had tears in her eyes and replied “I didn’t think you’d want to show up after seeing me.”

    She was a cute but curvier lass in early 20s and apparently had been stood up twice before. She wasn’t the most mature, but was really fun, and lovely. Had I not met the [now] wife, I’d have seen her again. I hope she found happiness.

First dates are scary, especially if you don’t know if your date will show up or not. Luckily, this guy did and it did change his life.

Date Or Hang Out?

  1. u/Pleasework94

    On one date I showed up at her parents house to pick her up, thinking we we’re going for drinks in the neighbourhood. She opens up the door wearing sweatpants, trainers and a hoody as if she just got back from football practice. I was pretty well dressed so she decided to change into something else. She says I can just wait in the living room with her parents. Not that bad, we have some small talk and I expect to be leaving soon anyways. She then shows up wearing the next less than casual outfit and sits down in the living room as well, saying nothing she just gets on her phone… she’s doing nothing but texting whilst I’m left talking with her parents (didn’t expect a date with them). At this point I don’t know what to expect anymore, luckily I was able to convince her to go out after a bit and we end up having drinks… all in all she wasn’t my type, definitely after that date.

It must not feel nice if you expected you’d go out on a date, but end up just hanging out at their house? But at least he convinced her to go out for a bit.

A $5 Debt

  1. u/ManateeSheriff

    In college, I hit it off with a girl and agreed to go on a first date to a school hockey game. When I met her there, I realized I had forgotten my wallet, so I had to borrow $5 from her to pay for my ticket. Not a great start, and I could tell I had dug myself an early hole. Then, once we sat down, we realized that neither of us liked hockey at all. I have no idea why we agreed to meet there, but we were both totally uninterested in the game. So we started talking about other things we were into, and I mentioned that I liked board games. She said, "You sound like my grandma."

    At that point it was clear that neither of us were into this at all, but it was the first period of a hockey game that she had paid 10 whole dollars for, and neither of us felt right leaving. We sat there and stonily watched the rest of the game. Afterwards, we said, "Let's hang out sometime," and then never messaged each other again.

    Then, a few semesters later, my friend called me up all excited about a new girl he was dating. He wanted me to come to a get-together at his apartment and meet her. I walk in, and of course he's sitting on the couch with his arm around the very same hockey-hating girl. I immediately grabbed my wallet, handed her $5, and said, "Thank God! I've been looking for you for two years!" She laughed, and things went all right after that.

If things didn't work out for you, maybe it will for your friend. Funny how things escalated in this story.

Drunk Crying

  1. u/cburnard

    This happened to a friend of mine:

    She showed up to a bar/restaurant and the dude was already visibly intoxicated. He proceeds to brag about himself, asking her no questions about herself. then this jerk off starts to CRY OPENLY, saying he resents his parents' loving marriage because it taught him nothing how to date (a.k.a he thinks his bad luck with women is due to his parents and not the fact that he's the type of person who gets drunk and openly cries on a first date)

It is annoying to be on a date with a person who only talks about himself. It feels like the person doesn’t have any intention to get to know you at all. Additionally, he drunk cried too?

Dorm Cook

  1. u/McGator598

    First date, we went over to her dorm, we had plans to cook lunch and go for a walk. I show up with sides, she has a package of chicken breast and nothing else. And is in her pajamas. And all of her roommates are there. I roll with it, improvise with what's in the kitchen (not much, broke college kids) and start making a decent chicken Alfredo. 5 minutes in she offers me my choice from mini bottles. I accept because, well, do I need a drink now. 5 minutes later she gets a call. She spends the next half hour on the phone loudly talking with her sister while I cooked. That was, by and afar, the worst date I have ever been on.

Have we all experienced being broke college students eating cheap dorm food? It must be frustrating being invited to a date that ends up just you cooking dorm food.

Ex-boyfriend Before Anyone

  1. u/cxgdarch

    I was set up by a friend's girlfriend. Shown a picture and said sure. She was good looking and I liked the girl's other friends that I had met. She couldn't be too bad, right? I call her and set up the day and time for pickup at her house (we were both still living with our parents). I arrive to pick her up and there she is with her parents and brother sitting around the kitchen table just talking. I get a bad vibe from everyone but her when she introduces me.

    On the way to dinner I mention the tension I felt from them all. She says it's because she just broke up with her boyfriend a few weeks before - her family loved him and they were all upset with her dating someone else. OK, I can see that...maybe they'll get over it and like me once they get to know me if we date for a while. Later on I ask about her brother. No brothers.

    OK, cousin? No boy cousins that she is close to. What about the guy with her parents when I picked her up? That was her ex. There to have dinner with her parents. They have had him over several times a week since the break up trying to get them back together and had made sure he was there when I arrived. Sounded like a terrible situation to get involved in no matter how good looking I thought she was. Dropped her off early, told her to call me if they ever stopped doing that, and never ended up speaking to her again.

Some people really have the audacity to start dating while waiting for their ex to beg for them back. This kind of people will really make you question your worth, do yourself a favor and step out of these kinds of connections.

The Turn of Events

  1. u/Extremely-Vanilla

    A guy approached me at a coffee shop and we ended up hitting it off and talking all night. About a week later we had our first “real date” at my place so I could cook him dinner. I lived in a small one bedroom apartment at the time and the bathroom door was right next to the kitchen. He excused himself before dinner and proceeded to take the loudest, and what I presumed to be, the most massive dump this universe has ever seen. The sounds of the toilet carnage still echo in my nightmares. I, of course, didn't mention that I heard the whole event and we went about our evening. After dinner we got into my bed so we could watch a movie. 30 minutes into it, I needed to use the restroom, so I got out of the bed to reveal that I had unknowingly started my period and left a noticeable pool of blood where I was sitting. He helped me change the sheets. Anyway, we’ve been married a year now and he still takes the nastiest dumps known to mankind.

Even if you embarrassed yourselves during your first day, if you’re really meant for each other, the embarrassment will be worth it.

Not Thinking it Through

  1. u/Terriblu

    When my wife and I were dating I asked her to come to my brother's wedding with me. It was a terrible idea because:

    I was a part of the wedding party.

    She had never met my parents let alone my entire extended family, which is quite large.

    I didn't make a good plan for who she would sit with at the start of the reception.

    Luckily my cousin and his wife took her under their wing and my Aunt who married into our crazy family sat and talked to her until I was done with Wedding party duties. My wife still gives me a hard time about it.

Sometimes we rush things and make dumb decisions, and later realized that we were wrong. In the future, we will think about how we should have acted and planned events. This guy was lucky, he still got married to the girl he likes.