People Shared The Creepiest Things That Ever Happened To Them

Drums In The Distance

  1. u/feral_philosopher

    Was camping in the middle of no where. Around 2 am I hear distant native drumming. I look around but can't see anything. But it keeps getting louder and louder and LOUDER. Soon it sounds like there is a huge group of people banging on these drums all around me! I freaked out, ran in the dark towards my car, jumped in, turned the lights on, saw NO ONE, so I took off, all at around 2:30 am.

Maybe this was some kind of sick prank from a fellow camper? Who knows...

The Fog

  1. u/placeholderNull

    I was playing with a drone with my friend at our elementary school after-hours. I went to pick up the drone, and when I did, it became incredibly foggy and quiet. I went back the way I came, since that's where my friend was. I kept running in that direction, and it just kept getting foggier and it felt like I was being watched. Eventually, my friend just appeared, and the fog went away.

    Me: "Weird how the fog went away like that." Friend: "Fog?" Me: "yeah, it was foggy for nearly 10 minutes. I could barely see." Friend: "It hasn't been 10 minutes." Me: "But I was running back here for what felt like ages." Friend: "No, you've been standing still for about 30 seconds." To this day, I still don't know what happened.

Maybe the guy was feeling a little under the weather that day and that's why he was so confused, or maybe... something paranormal took place that night.

An Awful Prediction

  1. u/diamonddogday

    In 2015, I had just started a business with my brother flipping houses. He had been on a road trip with his daughter for a little over 1 week and had just gotten back home. I spoke with him on the phone and he said that he would be down to meet me at the property that we had just remodeled that friday to finish it up and get it listed. When I hung up the phone, I was walking into the kitchen when I thought to myself, 'he isnt coming because he is going to have a heart attack and die tomorrow".

    I have been scolded in the past for being negative and so I just kept it to myself and tried to put it out of my mind. The following day I was sitting on the edge of my bed, when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and it was my mother. I immediately knew what the phone call was going to be about. I picked up the phone and my mother said that my brother had just had a heart attack and they were trying to revive him. She said she would call me back. I knew without a shadow of doubt that he was already gone. I walked into the kitchen and stood there in a daze.

    I looked up at the wall where the late afternoon sun was casting a bright spot and found my self staring at it. It seemed to get brighter and wider and in an instant it had surrounded me and was holding me. I wasn't scared. I just stood there letting the bright light envelope me. Just as quickly as it happened, it was gone and I was brought back to reality by the sound of my phone ringing. I realized I had been holding my breath and answered it. It was my mother saying that he had died. To this day I cannot explain this.

This story is truly heartbreaking. Siblings can have a strong connection between them, and maybe that's why he knew what was going to happen.

Is Someone There?

  1. u/Extrasherman

    A few nights ago, in a row, I woke up thinking someone was in bed with me. To the point where yesterday I woke up and started talking to them, but when I rolled over no one was there. Really weird sensation. I have no idea how to describe that hollow feeling.

Maybe the ghost of a loved one is visiting this person from time to time, or maybe it's all in their head. Who knows!

Real Haunted Mansion

  1. u/GinaTRex

    I used to work as an assistant in an old mansion that was converted into an art museum in New England. The basement and old kitchen quarters were turned into the museum shop- with back wings being more smaller galleries. The servants staircase opened into a very narrow hallway that lead towards the back rooms of the basement, or to the front of the shop- all beneath ground level.

    The stairs were kept locked from everyone except staff and the only way to the basement was to enter from the outside courtyard through a door that was right beside the shop counter. Infront of the counter was an old tv mounted in the upper corner that showed security cameras to the back galleries- but the camera switched only when motion was detected in the area.

    It's a late winter night- i am staying late doing homework while the owners are in New York. The only other person in the building should be the house manager who I know is working on the fourth floor.

    I am hanging out at the shop counter in the basement when I hear some noise in the back galleries. I assume it's a patron who was making their way out but no one comes out from the hallway, so I call down to the back that the museum is closed, and I'd be happy to show them out the back way. No answer- but now the security camera starts switching to different empty galleries.

    Only slightly on edge, I pick up the phone to call up to my manager when- on the opposite of the shop counter- a revolving card stand full of classic postcards starts slowly turning. I think the look on my face is more surprise than anything else. Its a heavy, old stand and it takes some force to get it going- but when the turning of the stand abruptly stopped and began going the other direction I noped right out of there.

An old mansion converted into a museum? Sounds like a typical haunted mansion!

The Male Presence

  1. u/messiosaspan>

    To this day I don't know if this actually happened, or if I dreamt it. I experienced waking up in the middle of the night with my eyes closed and my shoulders lifted off the bed, as if I'm doing half of a sit-up. My right arm was also raised upwards and hanging in mid-air with my hand pointing towards the ceiling.

    With my eyes still closed, I felt a firm grip on my hand, as if someone had it in a handshake. I opened my eyes and looked into dark empty space. I still felt a very firm grip on my palm. I felt a male presence, but I couldn't see anyone. After a few seconds, my arm and shoulders dropped and I went back to sleep.

    I told this story to my mother (who I lived with) five years later. She said she often felt the presence of an old man in the house, and once thought she saw him in the early hours of the morning.

People do all sorts of weird things in their sleep, so this could've just been a dream. The weird part, however, is that her mom felt it too...

The Possessed Elf

  1. u/bloop_bob

    We had an Elf on the Shelf as a kid, I walked downstairs and it was in the same spot as the previous day, in a little glass candle box that had a latch on it. Being small, I assumed the poor thing was locked in there overnight, so I opened the door and went upstairs to tell my parents. They were both asleep when I got up there, and the only other person in the house was my baby brother. After I told them our elf was trapped, I walked back downstairs and it was on the chandelier.

    At the time I was like 'well duh, he's alive.' Now, I am terrified of the thing. I sometimes wonder if I imagined it.

Children's imagination knows no limits, but this story does sound a little too creepy...

Ghostly Old Lady

  1. u/First_Uchiha

    Was driving home real late one night. Buddy was asleep. I swear I saw a ghostly old lady walking down the side of the road in a nightgown looking scary as hell. I didn’t turn around and didn’t tell my buddy. I’m not sure if I saw her or it was just a trick. I think about it sometimes though.

Sure, it could've been a ghost. But also, it could've been some lost old lady who needed help.

A Powerful Mind

  1. u/This31415926535

    One time in my basement I was watching TV, and I looked at the TV and thought to myself I wish I could turn it off without getting up to get the remote or hit the power button. Suddenly the TV just shut off. I freaked out and ran upstairs. It turned out that the TV had died and we had to throw it away.

Maybe, this person has some telekinetic powers they haven't discovered yet...

Groundhog Day

  1. u/BabbyBo

    When my brother was about 7 yrs old, he woke up one day acting really strange and didn’t get out of bed. My mother went in to check on him and he started sobbing, it was awful and he sounded so full of despair. It wasn’t the cry of a seven year old, he was so so upset and it really worried us both.

    My mother kept asking “what’s wrong? you can tell me!” and after a long few minutes he finally confided in her. He told her that he had been living the same day over and over and over and that it was always the same. But that’s not what upset him. What made him cry was that today was the first day in a really long time where something had changed.

    We never spoke about it again, he was seemingly fine after a few days but I still have no idea what happened. I know my brother, and it’s not something he’d come up with out of the blue. Completely unexplainable from my perspective.

A child's imagination knows no limits, but the fact that he was crying makes this story seem true.

Memories Of A Past Life

  1. u/DadsRGR8

    I had a flashback to a former life. I was trapped in the hold of a wooden ship that was sinking in the ocean. It was freezing and I could hear crew members yelling faintly above me. The walls were wet and covered in rime, and I knew I wasn’t going to get out. It was incredibly real, and nothing like it has ever happened before or since.

Some dreams can be very intense and seem real but, at the end of the day, they are just dreams, but who knows!

A Humbling Experience


    When I was 13, I was home alone with my three dogs. I'm laying in bed, watching youtube, and I hear something on the steps. I'm not talking about a raccoon, cat, or dog... I'm talking BOOTS. One step, two, and three. My blinds are down so I can't see out the window, and I don't really want to. A few minutes go by, and here it is again. Now I'm done. I call my mother. I'm in the hallway, almost in tears, asking my mom what to do. She says "Are the dogs even barking son?" I realize, they are not, hang up the phone, and it must be something silly.

    TWO SECOND PASS and my dogs ERUPT. Barking as loudly and furiously as they can, with their hair up and snarling. I ran back into my room and lock the door. I'm shaking, almost in tears. The closet gun in the house is across the main room, which is nothing but windows, and I don't want to be seen by the mystery thing, and possibly shot. I hear the steps ONE TWO THREE rapidly go down the stairs. I call my brother in tears, and he scoffs making fun of me, and begins heading home (20 Min drive). I sat there, and one last time, I hear one SINGLE step on the stairs and then nothing.

    All I have to do is pull back the curtain and look, but I cannot. Eventually, my dogs went to sleep, my brother came home, and nothing happened. I have no idea what was out there. Our yard has a large wooden fence with chicken wire, so no cows or other large animals could get in, but nothing small made that noise. Being a teenage boy, I thought I was tough... I got really humbled that night...

It could've been an intruder, for all we know. Luckily, the boy was okay and nothing happened.

Running A Ghost Over

  1. u/narwhalbaconbits

    I was driving home late at night when I turned a corner and saw someone in the middle of the road. I slam on my breaks and tried to stop, but it was too late. As I passed through the ghostly figure the temp in my car dropped several degrees. It was chilling. Literally.

The good thing is that, in this story, nobody got hurt - not even the ghost!

Not In My House!

  1. u/VividCash76329

    I was home alone at my grandparents house, which used to belong to my great grandparents. My grandma always told me how much my great grandparents hated swearing. Anyways, one day, I stubbed my toe and said the F word. Then every door in the house opened and closed at the same time.

It was as if his great grandparents were scolding him for swearing from beyond the grave. Crazy!

Bringing A Ghost Home

  1. u/blurkick

    My friends and I went to go drive around the abandoned mental institution (partially opened for schools, and the film industry. But otherwise boarded up with steel/wood on every entrance) Riverview hospital - if you're interested. We never left the car, but I had an urge to lower the window. It's October in Canada, so it's by no means warm. I quickly rolled it back up. I ended up at home just before midnight.

    We have a Husky/wolf hybrid who greeted me and came to sleep with me that night. I crawl into bed and he jumped on the bed, stood over me, stared at my nightstand and growled. I nudged him. He didn't stop. I pushed him and he was rigid, he would not stop,he would not move.

    Now, anyone who owns/ed a dog knows that they growl and bark differently depending on what they are doing. This was a noise I'd never heard from an animal in my life. It was a protective growl. A warning. Suddenly, he stops. Acts like nothing happened and curled up at the foot of the bed.

    I always say I brought a ghost home with me that day. I have never heard him or any other dog make that noise. I cannot stress that when I pushed him he was so rigid, like a column- immovable, standing over me. He was in a trance. It scared me.

Now, the real question is: why did he roll the window down in the first place? Did the ghost compel him to do it?

Seeing The Future


    I work at a home improvement store and I work around powered equipment all the time. One night I had a dream I was spotting for my coworker carrying a unit of 2x4's, on isle 29 (this parts important) and I remember my vision went black and I thought to myself "That guy actually killed me!"... then I woke up and was relieved it was only a dream.

    Fast forward a couple more days. I was spotting for my coworker, and he was carrying a unit of 2x4's, on isle 29, and something flipped in my brain, and told me to walk a little faster, next thing I know the driver of the forklift, unexpectedly floored it, and slammed into the panel saw, it would have easily crushed me if I didn't listen to my brain... after that I remembered that dream, I freaked out on the driver and some harsh words were said... he lost his license.

All we can say is that this would make for an excellent movie plot!

The Cursed Island

  1. u/QueenBlaze16

    Didn't happen to me though my aunt always has creepy stories about herself or our other family members. We lived in a small town, with a bridge connecting to the small island that me and my family lived on. While my auntie dropped me and my sister back off at our house around 5 am, she was heading back towards the city and took the only road that exits out of the small island.

    She stopped at the stop sign, and reached for her purse on the floor which was on the passengers side. When she looked up she said she saw a girl wearing all white with her hair covering her face, it creeped her out and she booked it. What was even creeper is that the same thing happened to my other auntie who came into town around 3 am, but they saw her when they were going towards my house on the other side of the island.

    There was a legend I heard about the island being cursed by spirits. Living on the small island for most of my childhood, there has been a lot of scary experiences happening to everyone living there and a lot of bad luck.

Living on an island sounds great, but if it's cursed, it's definitely not worth it.

Three Is A Crowd

  1. u/YungRylo

    One time when I was 17 my girlfriend at the time and I were laying in bed, she was sleeping and I was just laying there cuddling her. We were facing towards my window with the bedroom door on my back, which was closed. It was pitch black I wasn’t on my phone or anything just laying there. All of a sudden I feel something touch my shoulder, not just a light touch but it felt like a physical person had touched me.

    I jumped up and shot down towards the end of my bed. I looked behind me and nothing was there, I ran to turn on the light. And my girlfriend asked me what was wrong. I told her what happened and she told me right before it happened she was having a dream, in the dream she was looking at us in the third person and saw someone behind me. In her dream the person touched me. As soon as it did in the dream is when it did in reality.

    Up to that point I already believed in the paranormal, but that experience definitely solidified it.

Whoever that ghost was, it should've known the couple wouldn't be OK with a third person interrupting their cuddling session.

The Strongest Bond

  1. u/artsy_heather

    A while back i was in my kitchen making breakfast, I distinctly heard my mum call my name (bearing in mind I'm 36 and have lived away from her since 21)! After that all morning I had an overwhelming feeling I should go to her house. I'd only gone over the day before but I thought I should go again.

    Found my mum lying on the floor unable to get up and in pain. She has parkinsons so had fallen and couldn't move as her tablets had worn off. I called the ambulance and they helped check her over and popped her shoulder back into place. How did I feel that and where did that audible voice come from?

Some say that the bond between a mother and her child is the strongest bond there is. Somehow, this woman knew her mother was in trouble and saved her life.

Danger In The Woods

  1. u/RevolutionaryPeak550

    It happened this past Saturday, actually. My parents live about an hour away in the middle of nowhere. There’s a hiking spot I love, especially around this time of year, on the way. So I stopped there around 9am. The trail was “temporarily closed” and no other cars were there so I just got out real quick to snap some pictures of the fall foliage.

    All of a sudden, I hear a cough. Me being paranoid, I immediately got back in my car and locked the doors. Saw a man walking up the path from the highway. He doesn’t say anything, just stands in front of my vehicle and motions for me to get out. I started my engine, naturally, and he didn’t budge. I shakily gassed it, maneuvering past him through the grass. Not really eventful but I was quite shaken up. I’m a 90lb woman. Never going to the middle of the woods alone again. Especially miles from civilization.

This story has nothing to do with the supernatural, but it's still so scary. There's a lot of creeps out there...

Trapped In The Closet

  1. u/endlessly_curious

    When I was about 7 or 8, I was playing in a large closet with two girls. My dad and their dad were best friends and they were hanging out so I was there. They came up and told us they were walking to the store, probably for beer. They told us to stay there and they left

    At some point, one of us tried to leave the closet and the door was blocked. We started freaking out and screaming. Our dads came back and someone had blocked the door with a dresser. They were gone probably for 10 minutes. I remember the fear in their faces so it wasn't our dads. Nothing was missing and we have no idea what happened to this day.

This story is very strange, but it was probably an intruder who changed his mind and decided not to steal anything.

A Call From Grandma

  1. u/deleted user

    My grandmother passed away when I was in my early twenties. She was in my life but not extremely close, and her health had declined slowly until she needed a few surgeries and then things escalated for the last few months until it was too much. She lived across the USA from me and I visited a lot growing up but in the later years we would only talk every now and then. She was by no means a tech person - mostly used a LAN line and very simple flip cell phone rather than any type of smart phone even in 2014 or so. I am certain she never had any Apple products and probably didn’t know or care that I did around that time (this will matter soon).

    I got the news she passed away, grieved with my family, dealt with her estate, and maybe a year or so had gone by at this point. I distinctly remember laying in my bed waking up from a dead sleep to an incoming FACETIME call from her HOUSE number, her name lit up on my screen.

    Confused, I answer the call to see simply a still, blurry white image of some kind, like a phone camera placed face down on a white surface too close for the camera to adjust into focus. I say “Hello?” still trying to understand what’s going on, and only after a few seconds do I hear an female voice call out “Hello?! Who are you?! How did you call me like that?” The voice was clearly decently far from the phone, maybe across the room. I explained that I received a call from this number, and the woman responded that I was the one that had called her and she doesn’t know how it accepted without her doing anything. She sounded a little scared, like honestly creeped out that some guy’s face and voice just started coming out of her phone without being anywhere near it. Once it was clear that both of us didn’t know what happened or have any business with the other, we hung up.

    I laid there with shivers running down my spine for a good few minutes. Told my family who also didn’t know what to make of it. If I had my wits about me I might have asked if she had recently got this phone number, but she was so understandably weirded out I’m not sure she would have volunteered that info. No idea what to make of it.

This is arguably one of the scariest stories here and yet.. there's something sweet about his grandma trying to contact him.

The Grim Reaper

  1. u/Ness_902

    This one time me and my dad were driving home from ice skating, and I swear to this day I saw some grim reaper creature thing floating around in the sky. It had a shaggy cloak, shackles around the wrist, and a pitch black space for its face. It looked almost transparent from what I remember…

Sometimes, when we can't see something clearly, our brains automatically fill in the gaps for us. This girl might have seen a trash bag floating in the wind... right?

Need A Hand?

  1. u/SemiHemiDemiDumb

    I once saw a disembodied hand waving at me from my bedroom window. It scared the life out of me and I ran to the living room, where I was I semi-expecting the perpetrator to come through the front door to laugh at me. It never happened. To this day I'm still uncertain as to the origin of this floating hand.

This could've been a prank, and the perpetrator probably wanted to hide their identity to avoid getting into trouble.

More Than Just Dreams

  1. u/lostandnotfound21

    would have vivid dreams as a child, of flying over places I'd never been before, cities, forests, oceans, clouds, sunsets, you name it. If I wanted to look closer, I could "dive" closer, I could feel my whole stomach move (like the feeling you get when a plane takes off and lands) it used to feel so so real.. I'd wake up feeling exhausted, sore, yet happy to have seen such things.

    I once mentioned this to my auntie, and she starts freaking out. Apparently she had a previous conversation with my father, about my "creepy sleeping habits." I would roam the house at night, enter his bedroom and stand at the end of his bed staring, sometimes growling words My father DOES NOT, AND I REPEAT DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GHOSTS,but he told my auntie these are very creepy encounters indeed, and would give him chills, all hairs stand up kind of thing.

    My aunty told me I needed to stop my vivid dreams, as she believed I was astroplaning. And whilst I was having the time of my life seeing things in my dreams, something more sinister was lurking in my night-time body, walking around my house growling and spooking my father.

Many people believe in astroplaning, which is an out-of-body experience that occurs while people sleep.

Saved By The Phone

  1. u/tensebustle

    I used to cycle to work and one day on my ride home I had an urge to stop and check my phone. I lived in a country with good cycle lanes so it was easy to just stop, but a strange urge since I was cycling at good pace and really wanted to get home after a busy day. As I fumbled through my bag to grab my phone, I heard a massive screech and saw a car loose control and crash about 50 metres in front of me. Smashed right through barriers and into the cycle lane. The speed that car was going and with the force that it hit the the wall, I would have been dead had it not been for me stopping to check my phone.

This could very well be the plot of a new Final Destination movie, right?

A Mysterious Voice

  1. u/deleted user

    I was a new mum and going through the usual chronic lack of sleep. I was sat in bed nursing my premature newborn (so she was tiny) when I accidentally fell asleep. Big no no. Super dangerous. Suddenly a male voice told me to wake up and a felt a breath blow in my face. Woke up to see my baby in the crook of my arm, face perilously close to the pillow. I had never been so scared in my life and was now very wake and alert. If I hadn't had woken up then... I don't even want to think what could have happened. Every now and then I think about that male voice and want to thank whoever or whatever that was.

Maybe, what this woman heard was the voice of her own subconscious, or it could've been a coincidence. Then again, it could also have been something supernatural, like a guardian angel...

The Final Goodbye

  1. u/get-r-done-idaho

    came home from work at around 2:30am. I sat down to take my boots off. While I was bent over I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked but there was nobody there. Felt a shiver run through my body. Shaking a bit I went to bed. About a half hour later the wife's phone rang. It was my uncle calling to get help because he just found my aunt dead in her chair. Turned out she died around 2:30am from a heart attack. We were very close. I think she was saying goodbye.

This story is not creepy; it's sad. But at least, it's nice to know he got to say goodbye to his aunt somehow.

The Exploding Bottles

  1. u/Streeg90

    Almost 10 years ago I bought two bottles of alcohol, one clear red liquor and a cream one. Don’t know the names. It was a local stuff here in Germany. I bought them and drove home. I placed them on my kitchen counter and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. Halfway there I heared two loud sounds, as if bottles exploded. I went back to find exactly that. Both bottles had exploded.

    They didn’t have carbonic acid in them, there was no temperature difference, nothing special. They just exploded all over the kitchen both within a second. Almost at the same time.

There must be some logical explanation for this, but we just don't know what it is.

Ugly Paintings

  1. u/UnBrewsual

    1. When we first moved in I noticed a pull down stair to get to the attic. I went up and there were several of these awful black velvet paintings of naked women on horses. I said outloud: 'ugly paintings,' and right after all of them fell over.

    2. In the middle of the night, my boom box turned on to a radio station that we didn't have. I had to unplug it to get it to stop.

    3. On more than one occasion, the record player would start up.

    4. The fireplace had a face shape with the vents for eyes. You could feel it looking at you.

Maybe, if this person hadn't insulted the ghost's taste in art, the ghost would've left them alone!