Drums In The Distance

Maybe this was some kind of sick prank from a fellow camper? Who knows...
The Fog

Maybe the guy was feeling a little under the weather that day and that's why he was so confused, or maybe... something paranormal took place that night.
An Awful Prediction

This story is truly heartbreaking. Siblings can have a strong connection between them, and maybe that's why he knew what was going to happen.
Is Someone There?

Maybe the ghost of a loved one is visiting this person from time to time, or maybe it's all in their head. Who knows!
Real Haunted Mansion

An old mansion converted into a museum? Sounds like a typical haunted mansion!
The Male Presence

People do all sorts of weird things in their sleep, so this could've just been a dream. The weird part, however, is that her mom felt it too...
The Possessed Elf

Children's imagination knows no limits, but this story does sound a little too creepy...
Ghostly Old Lady

Sure, it could've been a ghost. But also, it could've been some lost old lady who needed help.
A Powerful Mind

Maybe, this person has some telekinetic powers they haven't discovered yet...
Groundhog Day

A child's imagination knows no limits, but the fact that he was crying makes this story seem true.
Memories Of A Past Life

Some dreams can be very intense and seem real but, at the end of the day, they are just dreams, but who knows!
A Humbling Experience

It could've been an intruder, for all we know. Luckily, the boy was okay and nothing happened.
Running A Ghost Over

The good thing is that, in this story, nobody got hurt - not even the ghost!
Not In My House!

It was as if his great grandparents were scolding him for swearing from beyond the grave. Crazy!
Bringing A Ghost Home

Now, the real question is: why did he roll the window down in the first place? Did the ghost compel him to do it?
Seeing The Future

All we can say is that this would make for an excellent movie plot!
The Cursed Island

Living on an island sounds great, but if it's cursed, it's definitely not worth it.
Three Is A Crowd

Whoever that ghost was, it should've known the couple wouldn't be OK with a third person interrupting their cuddling session.
The Strongest Bond

Some say that the bond between a mother and her child is the strongest bond there is. Somehow, this woman knew her mother was in trouble and saved her life.
Danger In The Woods

This story has nothing to do with the supernatural, but it's still so scary. There's a lot of creeps out there...
Trapped In The Closet

This story is very strange, but it was probably an intruder who changed his mind and decided not to steal anything.
A Call From Grandma

This is arguably one of the scariest stories here and yet.. there's something sweet about his grandma trying to contact him.
The Grim Reaper

Sometimes, when we can't see something clearly, our brains automatically fill in the gaps for us. This girl might have seen a trash bag floating in the wind... right?
Need A Hand?

This could've been a prank, and the perpetrator probably wanted to hide their identity to avoid getting into trouble.
More Than Just Dreams

Many people believe in astroplaning, which is an out-of-body experience that occurs while people sleep.
Saved By The Phone

This could very well be the plot of a new Final Destination movie, right?
A Mysterious Voice

Maybe, what this woman heard was the voice of her own subconscious, or it could've been a coincidence. Then again, it could also have been something supernatural, like a guardian angel...
The Final Goodbye

This story is not creepy; it's sad. But at least, it's nice to know he got to say goodbye to his aunt somehow.
The Exploding Bottles

There must be some logical explanation for this, but we just don't know what it is.
Ugly Paintings

Maybe, if this person hadn't insulted the ghost's taste in art, the ghost would've left them alone!
Was camping in the middle of no where. Around 2 am I hear distant native drumming. I look around but can't see anything. But it keeps getting louder and louder and LOUDER. Soon it sounds like there is a huge group of people banging on these drums all around me! I freaked out, ran in the dark towards my car, jumped in, turned the lights on, saw NO ONE, so I took off, all at around 2:30 am.