Couple Issues

Sounds exactly like the kind of conversation that needed a lot of privacy. Bless the waiter’s heart for giving them space to work through the kinks in their relationship.
She Wants A Divorce

Maybe this was a last ditch effort to save what was left from their already crumbling marriage. Either way, it backfired. Woefully.
Awkwardly Happy

Breaking news of an unplanned pregnancy to a parent or guardian is hard. You never know how they will take it. Looks like she was smart enough to choose a location people could quickly help to defuse the situation.
Apology For Violence

Hmm... all this scenario needed was an “awkward” waiter to “accidentally” spill water over the man’s pants. However, it looks like she held her own.
That's Not Great

What could have been more awkward than this waiter’s situation? He didn’t listen in on an awkward conversation but started one. Luckily, the kid’s mom understood.
Exchange Of Partners

The waiter handled it in a stellar manner. Many would have been stuck looking from one couple to the other in confusion.
Terrible Husband

A test of character that has never failed is watching how they treat service staff. If he could barely muster enough decency towards a total stranger, it’s no surprise that he is that way to his wife.
Classified Information

If you work in a top-secret organization, it only makes sense that you know how to keep a secret.
Confused Woman

It’s not easy walking a path that very few choose. Sometimes it gets so lonely, all you need is a nice waiter that is willing to listen to you purge out your heart.
Took Their Emotions Out On Me

If you are upset about something else entirely, try not to dump your pain and anger on the innocent staff attending to you.
The Danger Of Insensitivity

One person’s careless speech is about to cause trouble for several parents who have inquisitive kids.
Last Moments Interruption

It’s a good thing that everything went smoothly for grandpa’s last rodeo and the waiter was able to understand and accommodate their excesses.
It Could Be A Crime

That nurse could be an accidental witness to a crime and they’ll never know because how exactly does one bring up such things in a conversation.
Got The Boot

Welp, safe to say that before you decide to break a table, be sure there aren’t any actual tables around you to be broken.
Weird Drama Dialogues

Way too awkward to hear. Can’t imagine being in a situation of having to hear such weird, attention-seeking, drama dialogues.
Another Divorce Conversation

There are about a thousand and one more appropriate places to have chosen to finalize a divorce than a restaurant.
Daughters’ Foot

Good to know that your daughter earns money for herself or your family, but not sure how could have made these women happy. Also, the waiter has the worst timing in the world.
Bowel Topic At Lunch

This topic is not weird. But not in a restaurant! Why discuss bowels when people are trying to eat. Not so sure if this person is the only one who heard this while eating their lunch.
Friends’ Future Pregnancies

If your friends have no issues bringing up your private business in the presence of your co-workers for no reason at all, then you should probably reassess the kind of relationships that you have.
Educating Daughter

Kids have no filter. If you’re taking them out, be prepared for several scenarios where they blurt out the worst things at the most inopportune moment.
Dog Thought Of Playtime

Poor doggo just wanted to join in on the fun, she didn’t mean to throw her momma right in the middle of an awkward situation.
Another Shady Looking Conversation

Imagine being in this situation. Goosebumps can be experienced because you will never avoid wondering if a crime is being committed in front of you.
First Date, Not Cute

There are some cute couple-sy things you can do with our date, depending on how long you both have been together. Putting your hands on them on the first date without the green light is not one of them. Certainly no after you have just shoved those same hands in food. Gross!
I Can Understand You

Ha! The expression on their faces must have been priceless. Now, that’s how you cut down badly-behaved people to size.
Took Off The Ring

This one is a perfect time for interrupting an awkward situation. People who remind you of your sacred vows are the best.
My Boss’ Issues

Personal assistants are supposed to anticipate their bosses' needs so they can remain on top of things. However, there is nothing in the training book that prepares you for walking in on your boss crying.
She Can’t Hold It Anymore

If you’ve ever hung out with a group of seniors, this will not be surprising. They tend to blurt out the worst things with no respect to speech volume. Between older people and younger kids, the jury is still out on who’s worse at this.
Uncovered Unexpected Stories

Understandably, when you have to serve almost the same set of people and unintentionally hear their stories, you start to feel a little invested in their lives. You share their wins, losses, etc., even though they may be unaware that you exist.
Parting Ways

She was already hanging out in the new guy’s house before calling it quits, yet she had no qualms about asking him to pay for her food? The audacity!
Cheat Plan Over The Phone

Cheating must have been so difficult to pull off before the invention of cell phones in the 80’s.
When I was serving, I walked up to a couple at a table with their food. As I approach, the chick said to the dude, “you need to decide what you want your life to look like and if I’m in it.” I turned around and chilled in the kitchen for a few minutes