The Most Annoying Movie Characters Of All Time

The Riddler From 'Batman Forever'

In the 1995 superhero film Batman Forever, actor and comedian Jim Carrey took on the role of The Riddler, one of Batman's major enemies. But let me warn you, if you're expecting to come across a legendary performance like that of Heath Ledger or Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker, then you're in for a big disappointment.

Carrey's character throws senseless one-liners that are supposed to make us laugh, but truth be told, the jokes are just annoying. Besides, what's the deal with that wig? How many cans of hairspray did they pour on those 5 chunks of hair? And why's he dressed up for St. Patricks, for crying out loud?

Rachel Ferrier From 'War Of The Worlds'

War of the Worlds is an apocalyptic action film directed by Steven Spielberg and starred by Tom Cruise. Given that the film cost $132 million, we were expecting something a bit more compelling. But the worst part is not the plot and its many cliches, but the character of Rachel Ferrier.

Don't get me wrong, young actress Dakota Fanning did a great job portraying Rachel, but the girl is just so damn annoying! All she does is scream, squeak, and whine, and by the end of the movie, being invaded my aliens won't sound so bad compared to spending a whole day listening to Rachel.

Nicky From 'Little Nicky'

There's a fine line between being funny and being obnoxious, and more often than not, Adam Sandler's silly roles are just on the edge of the line. OK, some of his goofy characters are actually funny, but not Nicky, definitely not Nicky. The character's speech impediment is supposed to make us laugh, but I swear it'll get on your nerves and it's even offensive.

But do you know what the craziest part is? When the scriptwriters came up with the story, Nicky's character was meant to be the key to the film's success. However, his ridiculous accent and stupid jokes just drove the audience away and Sandler was destroyed by the critics. Tough call, guys.

Skids And Mudflap From 'Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen'

Let's be straight, the Transformers films are bad enough on their own. The plot is terrible, the performances are hideous, but just when you thought things couldn't get worse, Skids and Mudflap come along.

I don't know what I find most offensive: the characters' ridiculous accent or their racist jokes. Besides, why did Michael Bay even include these racist autobots in the first place? What do they add to the plotline? Trying to find a rational answer is fruitless, since there's nothing rational about these films.

Staff Sgt. Sean Dignam From 'The Departed'

All in all, Scorcese's The Departed is a pretty good movie. Besides, what can ever go wrong when you have Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson among the cast? Well, I have only one objection, and that's Mark Wahlberg's character, Staff Sgt. Sean Dignam.

Wahlberg plays the typical ill-tempered, cocksure, gaudy Irish cop that berates everyone all the time and thinks he's the King of the world. The thing is, we've seen that character over and over again in thousands of films, so let's just say we get the point.

Pvt. William Hudson From 'Aliens'

Released in 1986, Aliens is one of the best sci-fi and horror films of all time and it was a massive box office hit. But don't you hate it when a super annoying character spoils an otherwise perfect film? That's exactly what Private William Hudson did to Aliens.

Played by Bill Paxton, Pvt. Hudson is the typical jackass who mocks everyone and makes brainless jokes all the time, and who constantly tries to prove how much of a macho he is. His gruesome death at the end of the film was shocking, but I can't say I wasn't relieved.

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade From 'Scent Of A Woman'

I bet you didn't expect to find an Oscar-winning role in this list, did you? But hey, it's not like this was the only time that the Academy Awards got it all wrong. Why they gave the golden statuette to Al Pacino for his role as Lt. Colonel Frank Slade and not to Denzel Washington for playing Malcom X, is beyond my knowledge.

I'm not saying that Pacino's performance was poor per se, it's just that his character always finds a way of getting on our nerves. His bad temper and his arrogant, snobbish vibe is too much to bear for 3 hours (yeah, the movie lasts 3 whole hours!).

Short Round From 'Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom'

Directed by Steven Spielberg, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is the second installment of the Indiana Jones franchise and it was a massive box office success. Sure, the story is thrilling and the visual effects are out of this world, but... was adding Short Round to the script really necessary?

The 10-year old Asian kid is Indiana Jones' sidekick, and let's face it: could the character be more cliche? In fact, including such a character was such a stereotypical move that it comes off as a bit racist and offensive. Come on Spielberg, you know better.

Mutt Williams From 'Indiana Jones'

But Round Face isn't the only Indiana Jones sidekick that we couldn't help but despise. In the 2008 movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, we're introduced to Mutt Williams, played by Shia LaBeauf. Once again, Spielberg tainted an otherwise great movie by giving Indiana Jones a hateful companion.

Mutt is a childish, whiny brat who keeps trying to be clever but always comes off as a fool. I'm pretty sure that George Lucas and Spielberg's plan was to captivate the younger audience, but at what cost?

Napoleon Dynamite From 'Napoleon Dynamite'

Released in 2004, Napoleon Dynamite is one of the most bizarre indie films out there, and what makes it so special is that nothing makes sense. The plot makes no sense, the characters are inexplicably and unarguably bizarre, and great part of the dialogue (if not the whole script) is absurd.

If you've seen the film, you'll probably agree on the fact that the lead character Napoleon Dynamite, played by Josh Heder, is annoying as hell. Come on, I can't even stand the pitch of his voice! Why does he talk like that? However, I think that feeling irritated by him was what the writers were looking for... they did a pretty damn good job then!

Austin Powers From 'Austin Powers In Goldmember'

Austin Powers in Goldmember may well be one of the worst live-action kids' film in the history of humankind. While the first installment of the franchise was ah it among the teenage audience, the second and third installments left much to be desired.

But do you know what the worst part Austin Powers is? Austin Powers himself! His ridiculous accent and his lame sex jokes feel too forced, and don't get me started on the scene where he suddenly changes to an exaggerated Indian accent.

Jar Jar Binks From 'Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace'

When George Lucas announced the release of the 4th installment of the Star Wars franchise, the world went mad. And don't get me wrong, Episode I - The Phantom Menace is all in all a decent film and it certainly met fans' expectations... except for this tiny detail.

The character of Jar Jar Binks is just plain stupid. Voiced by Ahmed Best, the character is nothing but a ridicule of the Jamaican people and the Rastafari culture. I mean, such a mocking character is OK for a Looney Toones episode, but one would definitely expect better from a Star Wars film!

Tim And Lex Murphy From 'Jurassic Park'

The reason we chose not one but two characters, is that they're equally annoying! Tim and Lex Murphy are so irritating that it's safe to say they redefined the notion of stupidity. If you've seen the movie, then you know what I'm talking about.

Tim and Murphy don't follow any of the rules they're asked to, and it's because of their carelessness that they constantly find themselves at the brink of death. As many of the other characters start being chewed into pieces by those savage velociraptors, you come to hate these two kids even more.

Anakin Skywalker From 'Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones'

After the first three episodes of Star Wars came out, Anakin Skywalker was everyone's number one hero, but what happened then? Why did they turn Hollywood's greatest badass into a dull, emo teenager?

I partly blame this on the casting directors, as Hayden Christensen's performance clearly didn't meet the fans' expectations. Whether he's trying to be romantic to win over Natalie Portman or whether he's trying to look furious showing off his dark side, he always features the same expressionless face.

Mr. Yunioshi From 'Breakfast At Tiffany’s'

Starred by Hollywood legend Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany's way well be the most iconic rom-com in film history. We all fell in love with George Peppard's character in spite of his macho side, but there was this other man who we just couldn't stand.

Of course, we're talking about Mr. Yunioshi, the despicable landlord played by actor Mickey Rooney. Rooney's character was supposed to be Japanese, hence his caricature accent which, in my view, came off as offensive towards the Asian community.

Steve Stifler From 'American Pie'

Who didn't love American Pie as a teenager? This coming-of-age comedy film depicts teenager's insecurities regarding sex, and we can't help but relate to the troubles the characters face. But we all know that these goofy comedies always come with a character that nobody can stand.

In this film, that character was Steve Stifler. Played by Seann William Scott, Steve is the typical shallow, sex-obsessed, obnoxious party guy who you love and hate at the same time. He is constantly object of ridicule, but making him eat dog poop was just too much, don't you think?

The Ewoks From 'Star Wars: Episode VI – Return Of The Jedi'

Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is arguably the best out of all the Star Wars installments, and the film keeps you on the edge of your seat till the very end. But what did you think of these furry little creatures who help them bring down the Dark Force? Either you love them or you hate them.

Even though they proved to be true heroes, I found them quite irritating. Why did they let out such a deafening screech? Also, am I the only one who thinks it's illogical for such creatures to be the ones responsible for bringing down the Imperial troops? Those Tamagochi guys, really?

Wendy Torrance From 'The Shining'

The Shining may well be one of the most terrifying psychological thrillers of all time. In fact, I still don't get why lead actor Jack Nicholson didn't receive the Academy Award, he's the freakiest psycho ever! But while Nicholson's performance was impeccable, we can't say the same about his co-star Shelley Duvall.

I know, having such a mad psychopath as a husband must be super traumatic, but why does she have the same whiny expression all the time? I mean, literally all the time! Her ear-piercing squeals leave us practically deaf, if only she'd stay silent for just one scene.

Derek Zoolander From 'Zoolander'

Zoolander is a satirical comedy film that over the years became a cult hit. Ben Stiller takes on the lead role of Derek Zoolander, which is meant to be a parody of male models. Without a doubt,, this is one of those films that you either love or hate, and the same goes for Derek.

Obviously, Derek is meant to be irritating, but maybe the writers took it way too far. At the very beginning, his absurd faces and lame one-liners makes you shed a few tears of laughter, but in the end, his idiotic sense of humor starts wearing you out.

Mary Corleone From 'The Godfather Part III'

Is there any doubt that The Godfather is the greatest film trilogy of all time? Nevertheless, fans and film critics alike seem to agree on the fact that the third installment is not even half as good than the previous two. Why do you think that is?

What bugged me the most about The Godfather Part III was the role of Mary Corleone, played by Sofia Coppola, daughter of film director Francis Ford Coppola. Nepotism, much? They surely didn't hire her because of her skills, as her amateur acting sharply contrasted with the rest of the cast's talent.

Samwise Gamgee From 'The Lord Of The Rings'

Now that we brought up the topic of legendary film trilogies, why don't we talk about The Lord of the Rings? Oscar-wise, it's the most successful trilogy in history, and I'm not gonna lie, the movies are great? However, there's one thing I didn't stand, and that's the character of Samwise Gamgee.

Honestly, they couldn't have come up with a more irritating character to play Frodo's sidekick. I'm not sure who's to blame, whether it's author J.R.R. Tolkien or film director Peter Jackson, but the bottom line is that it's a pain having to listen to Sam's complaints during the franchise's 11 hours!