Muddy Dog Photos To Brighten Up Your Day

Anywhere But The Face

This one leaves us puzzled because how exactly was this dog capable of getting mud in every single inch of his body except for his face?

Notice how this dog has a huge grin at the before picture and then he looks like he knows he did something wrong? That's a classic!

Is Everything Okay?

It's common consensus that dogs are cute. But this one seems to just get cuter with the mud! Look at his precious eyes, they are literally begging for you to forgive his little mischievous act.

It's the same look a little kid that ate all the fresh cookies would give you. He just knows he goofed up but knows he'll get away with it.

What Is A Bathtub?

While this one has a beautiful brown fur coat, that didn't save him from looking all guilty when that coat was covered in mud and some dried soil.

The funnest part is that you can still see how murky the bath water is and it doesn't seem like that made the slightest difference. How many baths will he need?

Fresh Mud Bath

Could there be a better before and after picture? It looks like this dog modeled for this just to make sure their owner would capture the perfect position!

He's just laying there chilling as if the mud was just part of his daily routine. The owner probably had a laugh, though I doubt he was too amused at the thought of carrying him back home on the car.

The Brightest Smile

There's no doubt that a Golden Retriever's smile is to die for and this pooch is no exception. Just look at his smile, he's practically laughing!

No matter if he's muddy or not, sticky and wet, that won't stop this dog from sharing its amazing grin. How can anyone get angry at such a sweetheart?


While our first dog had mud all over except for its face, this one is just the opposite. The funniest part is that they are both completely white, which makes their naughty acts even more apparent.

This pooch is killing us because it's actually licking the mud! He seems to be telling its owner: "nope, I don't regret it one bit".

Did You Say Something?

This dog looks like it's literally asking you to repeat yourself because it was too busy rolling all of its body in the fresh mud.

But you can't help yourself but say "aww" because it just has that smile and eyes that you cannot say "no" to. They just always win!

I Think I Want A Bath

Probably one of the pooches with the most mud, this one definitely looks like it needs a bath. It even looks like it's asking for one!

Unlike most of the dogs in our list, this guy seems to be a bit sad that it was able to get all of its fur dirty. He can't even keep his eyes open!

That's Better

This dog definitely needed a mud bath, she looks so much happier after it! It seems like being covered in mud is actually the natural state of this pooch.

Rather than being indoors, this dog dreams of the outdoors. If he happens to be an apartment pet, then his owners are in for some big trouble.

New Boots

If you've never seen an Afghan before, here's how they look like. This dog is not only adorable but also hilarious. I guess being tall as a dog has its perks!

The composure of this one has us laughing. How is it even possible to look this elegant after being playing around in the mud?

The Birthday Guy

Some people celebrate their dog's birthdays and go all out, while other don't really. This one is definitely part of the former, I mean, she even has a birthday hat!

But while that pooch was getting a full on celebration, it still looks happier in the muddy photo! Who knows what the hat's fate was!

Not The Eyes

Did you ever get shampoo or soap in your eyes while you were showering? It's definitely one of the worst sensations ever, your eyes feel like they're burning.

Well, it seems like this dog feels the same way with mud! He's a bit of a drama queen though, he's not that covered in mud.

I'm Hungry

In this picture, it looks like the before and after picture are directly related. The before picture seems to be the dog thinking about the idea of being rolling around in the mud.

He's licking his lips as if he's ready for it, for crying out loud! I wonder whether he's aware that a one-hour bath awaits him.

On The Condition...

This is another funny one because it looks like the dog is saying to its owner "If I fist bump you I better get my mud bath". And he doesn't seem to be willing to take no for an answer!

In the first picture, the pooch looks like it is completely uninterested playing with the owner, but this changes completely in the after photo! It looks like the pooch got what he wanted.

Can You Help Me?

This dog is definitely not having a great time with all the mud covering its body. Without a doubt, this before-and-after pic would make a great meme.

It literally looks like he's wondering where he is, and if there's anybody that could sort the situation out. Poor guy, it really needs a nice warm bath!

May I Help You?

While the one before this looked like it needed help, this one is rather the opposite. Instead, this dog seems to be asking its owner if they need help.

The funniest part is that we can easily imagine the dog saying to his owner "can I have some privacy please?" The nerve!

Cutest Eyes

Dogs have this habit of looking at you with their adorable eyes and somehow, we humans always fall for them. This is no exception.

This dog seems to even be asking: "will you forgive me if I look at you with my big beautiful eyes?" I'm sure he got his way.


Pomeranians have a rather fancy demeanor and this one is no exception. If there's a dog that can pull off a fashionable look after they've been hanging around the outdoors in a muddy area, it's this one.

It literally looks like she's showing off her new heeled footwear. As to her body, nobody knows why, but it's clean as a whistle!

My Happy Place

Our hearts melt when we look at this one. This dog is just looking at you with its huge smile and perky ears, and it's impossible not to fall for him.

Its face has mud, its paws and legs are covered in it, but he's just laying there relaxing, enjoying the nice breeze outside.


We save the best for last. This one has us laughing on the floor because it seems like the dog didn't really want to roll in the mud but that its owner made it do it.

He has this grumpy look in his face and his expression reads something along the line of "are you glad I'm covered in mud?"