Hilarious Pics Of Naughty Pets Caught In The Act

A Beautiful Girl

This adorable dog managed to steal her owner's lipstick and ate all of it. Lipsticks are small and easy to lose, so her owner wouldn't have realized she stole them if it weren't for the lipstick stains.

But hey, doesn't she look beautiful with her makeup done? Maybe she just wanted to look as pretty as her owner, so we can't blame her.

Best Friends

Having more than one pet can be challenging because they may fight over territory. This cat and dog, for example, were caught in the middle of a fight.

Whatever their disagreement might have been, at least both of them decided to stop once their owner entered the room. Also, they both look embarrassed after being caught in such a compromising position.

Checking For Snacks

Not all cats know how to do this, but many cats are able to figure out how to open all kinds of doors. This one, for example, knows how to open the refrigerator door.

She was caught red-handed as she was getting ready to steal a snack from the freezer. She looks very embarrassed, and honestly, who could get mad at such a cute face?


Here, we can see what a terrible mess has been made, and there are only two suspects. The dog on the right looks incredibly guilty, while the one on the left looks pretty confident.

But who knows who really did it! They might have acted together or separately, but we will never know. Our guess is that the one on the right probably caused most of the mess.

The Cookie Monster?

Cats will eat pretty much anything, whether it's good for them or not. That's why it is essential not to leave food unattended.

This cat almost managed to steal his owner's cookie, but was quickly caught in the act and froze on the spot, hoping his owner wouldn't notice. The owner, on the other hand, did notice and took this awesome photo.

Everything Is Fine

This picture is both adorable and hilarious because this dog is pretending everything is fine. Maybe he thinks that if he acts normal, his owner won't notice the mess he made.

But this poor puppy's efforts are useless because it is pretty obvious he is responsible for what happened. However, his owners probably forgot about it immediately looking at that adorable face.

Where's The Fish?

At first sight, it doesn't seem like there's anything wrong with this picture. There's a cat just chilling on top of a fish tank, right?

Well, the owners forgot to close the tank, and this cat snatched a few fish out of it. Sadly, this is the owners' fault, but the cat still looks sorry.

Sandwich Thief

This adorable pupper thought she wouldn't be caught stealing her owner's lunch, so she just went for it. Unfortunately, she didn't even have time to take a bite before she was caught.

Poor girl though, she looks extremely embarrassed. Hopefully, her owner wasn't too hard on her after they took this picture.

Hanging Out

Imagine you open your closet to find this: a cat trapped in your hangers. How did he even get there, and what was he trying to do?

He probably got stuck, panicked, and got even more stuck than before, resulting in this hilarious photo. He's probably thinking: "Put the camera down and help me!"

Chilling... Literally

Of all places you could find your dog, you would never think of the fridge, would you? Well, this dog managed to open the refrigerator door and get inside.

Not only that, but he ate some of the steaks his owner was saving for dinner. The dog looks incredibly guilty and totally knows he messed up!


Okay, this dog wasn't caught in the act, but it is still pretty cute to see him going through his punishment. As the sign says, he ruined an antique stuffed panda bear, and he seems sorry.

His owners made him pose for this adorable photo by putting his face through the hole where the panda's used to be. Hopefully, he learned from his mistake.

I Didn't Do It

This panda clearly thought nobody would realize he stole some bamboo, judging by his surprised face.

Still, he was quick to react to being caught and held his adorable hands up in the air as if he were saying: "I didn't do it!" although we can clearly see the bamboo next to him.

And I'll Do It Again!

Like we've mentioned before, cats will get their sneaky paws on any kind of food if they can. This cat managed to steal several sausages and is very angry that he got caught.

Not only that, but judging by his facial expression, he'll definitely do it again and doesn't feel sorry at all. His owners should hide their food better!

What Are You Looking At?

This cat was obviously caught trying to get food out of the mixer, but he doesn't seem ashamed. On the contrary, he looks upset after being interrupted.

By looking straight into the camera, it's like he's saying: "What are you looking at?" He just wants to be left alone in his mischief.

Potty Training

Everybody wishes that their dog could learn how to use the toilet so they wouldn't have to take them on walks anymore. This dog tried, but obviously failed.

Instead of using the toilet to do his business, this doggo is just chilling inside. Poor dog doesn't know he's getting a bath right after!

Newspaper Thief

We understand that cats and dogs would want to steal food, but this cat is on a whole other level. This cat just stole his neighbor's newspaper!

Cats simply love to steal for the sake of stealing. We don't know what he's going to do with the newspaper, but he seems absolutely unbothered after being caught.

Stealing? No Way!

This dog was clearly trying to steal a snack from someone's bag, and now looks absolutely horrified after being caught. It's like she just froze into place.

We are not sure if she looks scared, regretful or if she’s acting like she's been falsely accused. Perhaps, it's a mixture of all three.

Not Ashamed

Cats shouldn't eat chocolate, but that doesn't mean they aren't going to try to if they find it. That's why owners have to be careful with what they leave within reach of their pets.

This cat saw his opportunity and took it. He found a cake on the counter and took a huge bite from it, and doesn't seem ashamed at all.

Pancake Fan

The owners of this adorable cat should have seen this one coming. Already in the first picture, you can see how she is staring at the pile of pancakes, waiting to get a bite.

It wasn't long before she saw her opportunity, and stole a pancake. In the second picture, we can see her after she got caught. She doesn't look guilty at all, however.

Nap Time

Okay, nobody wants their pillows destroyed, but this dog is on to something if you think about it. Wouldn't it be better to climb inside a pillow rather than just laying on top of it?

It's probably much more comfortable and warm in there, so we totally get why this dog did it. Hopefully, the owner did too.

I Can Explain

Cats do like to ruin furniture, but destroying a sofa to this extent is truly rare. This cat managed to carve a hole big enough to get inside!

But now that he was caught, he just looks shocked. It's like his eyes are saying: "Wait, I can explain this," but we'll never really know how he managed to do this.