These Funny Things Only Happen In China

Squat Toilet

Wait… on the floor? I’m afraid the answer is yes. Most public places in China have a squat toilet. You might come across one in a restaurant, a hotel, or even in an airport. While it’s true that the position makes pooping easier, it can get a bit weird.

Chinese people prefer the squatty potty because the cost of building and maintenance is significantly lower than a sitting toilet. After all, it’s just a matter of trying something new that helps you with going number two.

Don’t Tell Me There’s No Room!

Before telling a Chinese person that you can’t give them a ride home, you’d better think about it because they won’t take any excuse for an answer. No matter how tight, uncomfortable, unpleasant or perverse the ride may be, a Chinese will always find a way to give you a ride home.

Even if they don’t have enough space, there’s always room for one more passenger, just like in this case, where they used the passenger seat to load supplies and came up with an extra passenger seat. All those years playing Tetris were worth it.

The Surviving Building

Cities are constantly developing and growing. The need to build roads is increasing day by day, and it’s impossible to deny how much needed they are. In this case, the house owner had been asked to move but didn’t give up on her home, sweet home.

Even though the owner of this house had been repeatedly asked to move out and was offered significant sums of money, she wouldn’t go for it. The highway was built as though the house wasn’t there. After the construction process was done, the house was still standing. This house owner’s determination is way beyond normal.

Risky Transportation

They say to watch out for children, but this child has been seriously overlooked. It’s all fun and games until you have a child inside a box, and you have a box attached to a motorbike, and the motorbike is riding the streets.

Let’s imagine for a moment that this funny uncle wanted his little nephew to have some fun. This situation immediately turns from funny to risky the moment you get in the middle of the road with traffic, cars and buses. One speed bump and the child goes to infinity and beyond with Buzz Lightyear.

Elastic Boy

Some people are gifted with flexibility and can do amazing things with their bodies. Being able to flex your legs wide open and place them behind your back is not a talent you see every day.

This Chinese man has his own space at the park, giving astonishing demonstrations with his flexible body. He uses a stick to show how far his legs can go, defying the laws of stretching and gravity.

Creepy But Funny

This is one of the weirdest buildings in China. The construction is located in the city of Chongqing, and it’s known for its weird appearance, not only for the shape but also for the mix of colors and funny decorations hanging around it.

If placed in a film, it may well be the home of a creepy clown, a haunted house, or even an attraction in an amusement park. Not sure which one is the best choice, probably the least creepy and scary, which doesn’t include It in it.

Worst Traffic Jam

China’s overpopulation is a fact, and the government has already taken extreme measures to fight it. The world’s most jammed country also has one of the world’s worst traffic jams ever.

This aerial footage shows one of the longest traffic jams in the world. Citizens of Beijing were heading back home after a long National holiday. You won’t complain about traffic after seeing this picture.

Chinese Way Of Cooling Food

The Chinese people are known to be clever and have the best inventions in the world. Their products are manufactured and sold worldwide. They have found ways to make life easier, and we thank them for it.

As important as food is for Chinese people, they have created a tiny fan that is attached to chopsticks to have food cooled in a matter of seconds. You don’t need to blow on your hot food anymore. Thanks to this invention, you can save your air and give your lungs a break.

Barber Better Use Imagination

How far can people go when it comes to nationalism? Even though the Chinese regime has been constantly criticized by most people, others have become government fans.

This picture answers the question. This guy must be a true fan to ask his barber for a unique government haircut with even a waving flag on top of it.

Posture Pins

China has a peculiar way of doing things, which we aren’t going to judge here, but it’s quite surprising for us. While it’s a fact that China has one of the strongest militaries in the world, they owe their reputation to strict rules and customs.

Soldiers in the Chinese military are given extra help to keep their posture in parades. They do so by placing a sharp element in the collar. They even use needles, as you can see in the picture. Let’s hope that they don’t have the urge to sneeze.

On Fire

The Chinese people have tons of fun when it comes to the Chili Pepper Festival. A chili eating contest is held every year in China, where people jump into a pool of chili peppers and eat as much chili as they can.

Each participant is given a plate full of fifty chili peppers. The first person to eat them all is the winner of the contest. When holding a contest of this kind, doctors are present in case an unfortunate event pops up. So far, few people have eaten 50 chili peppers and lived to tell their story.

Cell Phone Lane

Phones are probably one of the greatest inventions ever; no one would argue that. It has helped people from different corners of the world connect, see each other’s faces, and share moments. However, it has also caused people to do stupid things.

People indeed get transported to another dimension while using their cellphones, as they don’t watch out for their steps and get easily distracted by it. This is why in China, you have an exclusive lane for those who want to use their cellphones while walking, so no one would get in their stupidity lane.

China Likes Google Translate

English is the universal language of business, but so is Chinese, even though most English speakers don’t get a single word. Truth is, almost every sign in China has its English translation, although it might not be an accurate one.

China probably used Google Translate to translate this sign or asked for someone’s help who barely knows English. Anyway, please take careful consideration before following Chinese signs. Otherwise, it might end badly.

Defying The Laws Of Nature

When looking at this picture, the real question is: how on Earth did someone manage to load and pile up multiple trucks in such a weird position? This Chinese mystery has no answer.

Ten tiny blue trucks are arranged in such a weird way that it seems as if someone wanted to test the laws of nature. It feels like it’s barely holding, and it’s about to fall, but in fact, it didn’t.

Persistent Or Stubborn?

This picture isn’t photoshopped at all; it is the case of a property owner in Southwest China who strongly refused to give up her home, despite having at disposal huge amounts of money. She even managed to build a staircase since her home wasn’t on level ground.

All neighbors accepted the deals offered to them except this woman who didn’t blink at monetary compensation. This case was brought to Court, and it set the final date for the woman to move out. So far, this stubborn woman remains in her one-level-above-ground home.

No Chair? No Problem

Standing on your feet for hours can cause exhaustion to your legs and your whole body. Sometimes you have no choice but to stand or sit on the floor, which is not an option for people who take hygiene seriously.

This man has found a way to sit down without having a chair or even reaching the floor. We can’t ascertain how long those bottles can hold for the man, but they sure did the trick.

Nap Time

The Chinese people give extreme importance to napping. They consider napping a fundamental moment of their day which can’t be missed under any circumstance.

It’s hard to tell whether this man is comfortable in such a weird position, but we can assure you that he found the perfect spot for him. Despite street noises, he managed to have his napping time.

Water Ride

Most Chinese people struggle with floods in some areas of the country, such as any other part of the world. What’s impressive is the way they handle these situations. Most people would rather get wet or find a boat to cross over. The Chinese do it their way.

When a flood comes, Chinese people have their bikes ready to float and get anywhere they want. It can’t be denied that it’s a great invention, as they don’t even touch the water. Floods are not a problem at all in China.

Emoji Haircut

It’s hard to find a good barber these days. Talent and imagination must be a barber’s top skills, which are sometimes missing. This boy found a talented and creative barber who made his wish come true.

The purpose of having a haircut of this kind must have been to make people laugh, and it certainly did the trick, as the woman can’t stop herself from laughing at such a haircut.

Entertainment At All Times

Cell Phones have developed over time to replace video games consoles, phones, cameras, and even a TV. The goal is clear, but still, no one would argue that a real console or TV doesn’t compare to a tiny cell phone.

Truth is, most people just use their cells to do everything with it, even watching TV. China has invented a plate where the phone can be inserted; now, they can easily eat pasta without even touching the cell.

Super Bike

It seems that China builds the strongest bikes in the world. They tend to hold as much weight as a truck, even though it’s uncertain how.

This particular bike is not only holding tons and tons of weight but is also long and steady, as it can carry a pile of bags without even falling apart.

Sweet Little Watermelon

When you run out of ideas for Halloween costumes for your baby, or you don’t have enough money to afford one, please remember this picture. This mom has improvised a Halloween costume out of a watermelon.

The kid had a watermelon dress and a watermelon hat, all taken from the same fruit. This picture has three stages: stage one, he didn’t realize what he had to wear; stage two, he realized what the costume was; stage three, he didn’t care and carried on. That’s the Halloween spirit, kid.

Latest Chinese Trend

Nowadays, there are loads of options when it comes to swimsuits for women. Bikinis, one-piece, monokini, tankini, burkini… you name it. I bet you didn’t know about the facekini.

Chinese people take extreme measures when it comes to their skin health —something we should all do. They were facekinis to cover their face and reveal only the mouth, nose and eyes.

Urban Forest

Architects in China have no limits when it comes to building extravagant structures. This 385 meter-high skyscraper is located in Chongqing, China and was meant to have a garden on each floor.

This project was entitled Urban Forest and was designed to give each of the seventy floors a unique nature-like space. Architects wanted to give the city green space, and they came up with a vertical forest.

Death Won’t Do Us Apart

This is a sad story, but creepy too. This man and his girlfriend had wonderful plans together, as they wanted to get married. But life had other plans for them, as she got cancer before the wedding.

The girl died before she could say ‘Yes, I do’. After passing away, the groom decided to carry on with the wedding, so he married a corpse, not a person. As creepy as it may sound, it seems that they would be joined forever, death won’t do them apart.

No Need To Use Headphones

Some people, let’s call them baby boomers, are still listening to the radio instead of watching TV or using any sort of electronic device. It’s true that they are used to it, but it gets uncomfortable if you are surrounded by people and don’t use headphones.

This Chinese old man may not feel comfortable with using headphones and found a smart way of getting away with it. Instead of using them, he just arranged his radio and tied it up to his head. Problem solved.

Bulky Load

It can’t be denied that Chinese people always find ways to make their lives much easier. In this case, they have found a way to ship the whole load in a single truck. They could have used two trucks, but time is money, baby.

Chinese people think smart. They make choices that help not only to save them some time but to save them money. Sometimes, choices are extreme or risky… but they eventually find a way out.

Say Cheese!

Chinese people are considered the most clever beings on Earth. Even though there are times when they don’t think, just act. Just like this case.

This couple is holding their baby boy while posing next to a huge tiger. For the record, a real tiger, with sharp claws and teeth. It’s a fact that, in these circumstances, animals are drugged. But the risk of having a tragic outcome must be a fact too.

The Importance Of Napping

Chinese people consider napping a must for their days. They can’t have a good day if they don’t take a nap. In schools, naps are part of their daily schedule. They are even forced to take a nap, even if they don’t want to.

The funny thing is that napping may be the most important thing at kindergarten, but they didn’t find a quiet and comfortable place for little kids to nap. They don’t seem to be complaining about it, but you get muscle pains when you look at this picture.

How To Deal With Traffic

This man was tired of dealing with traffic every day he commuted to work. He tried every transportation possible, but none of them got him good results. Until he came up with a brilliant idea.

Tired of traffic jams in Shanghai, this clever man invented this tiny car that allowed him to easily avoid traffic. Now he surfs it like a champion.

Highway To… The Sky?

Overpopulation in China has made people build ways to go from one place to the other without collapsing. If it’s not underground, it must be above ground.

China has built a 55.8 km highway up in the air to have a faster and better connection between cities New Anshun and Ziyun. The project aimed at connecting the South West of China with economic areas of the country. Chinese people are truly smart.

Chinese Swimming Pools

Even though it’s hard to see the water, this is a crowded Chinese swimming pool. Not even a needle would fit in there. Wanna join? Don’t worry, they would certainly make room for you.

Not sure how they have fun and actually swim in a swimming pool as crowded as this one. Maybe these people are so used to being piled up and always together that they don’t really care about the concept of space.

Sweeping Truck

Chinese streets always look nice and clean, but I don’t think we should thank this weird machine. The purpose of having a sweeping truck was clear: dirtless streets. How they accomplish such a purpose is kind of funny.

A sweeping truck was created for cleaning all streets. So far, it just cleans the path the truck goes in such a way that it scatters the dirt all over the place. We don’t see the trick, but Chinese people certainly do.

As Simple As That

You may have seen Nike’s slogan everywhere. ‘Just do it’ is part of the brand and looks really cool on t-shirts. It’s a combination of adventure and braveness, with a bit of recklessness.

The creator of this t-shirt had other things in mind when designing this piece of clothing. Another possibility is that he doesn’t know the English language and he just wanted a phrase as catchy as Nike’s. The truth is that it looks suicidal if you were it.

Path To Hell

China has experienced several sinkholes over the past years. Earthquakes, old and bad-built constructions, and many others can be causing them. Fortunately, there were no casualties in this sinkhole. However, there were cases of half a dozen people dying because of sinkholes.

This unfortunate event took place in June 2012, where a van found its way down in a 4 meter long, 2 meters deep hole. The driver of the van had minor injuries but still, he required hospitalization. Driver, consider yourself a lucky man.


China won’t ever stop surprising us with such creative and witty inventions. Their buildings are astonishing and breathtaking, no doubt. As many incredible buildings as we can find, here we have a building with the shape of a cell phone.

The architect-designed it in a way that the windows would resemble the cell phone screen. He included numbers and even a hand holding it. It’s a great advertisement idea which must have increased sales.

Parking For Women

The idea that women don’t know how to park a car is purely caused by sexism. Sucking at driving is equal both for men and women. People get crazy on the streets, regardless of gender.

In China, some places have special parking for women, which are wider and larger than any other normal parking, and include a pink sign to recognize it. Please, don’t even dare to use this sexist parking.

Upside Down

China is a country of intelligent people, no doubt. It is a country full of clever architects with crazy ideas in mind. If you don’t believe me, look at this house.

I don’t get the math here, but the architect must have calculated every single inch of construction to have such an incredible result. People live there as any other individual in their house would.

Clever, But Not Original

We have claimed countless times that Chinese people are very clever, but in this case, they haven’t racked their brains to find a good name. Not only do they lack originality, but also lack knowledge of intellectual property rights.

The real KFC didn’t stand behind and quickly filed a lawsuit for intellectual property infringement, and of course, won the case.

The Worst Traffic Jam

This image is quite similar to the game where you have to remove a car to have the rest of the traffic flowing naturally. Except that in this image, you would have to remove almost every car to eliminate traffic.

China's rush hours tend to be like this, which is awful. However, they are used to it. Overpopulation is a fact and they just can’t run from it. They’ve learnt how to live with it.