The Most Hilarious Pictures From Russia

Turning On The Heat

Russians have found multiple ways to fight cold winters when temperatures drop to -13° F. Most of them wear fur to combat the cold days. Winters are longer in Moscow, where some people have found other ways to stay warm.

There are other ways to keep your body warm in Russia, and this guy has found the answer. It was so cold outside that he just sat down on the campfire without even thinking. Let’s hope that he didn’t get his skin burned.

Blocking Others

Unfortunately, some people have had terrible experiences with their cars. Once you experience something of this sort, such as having your car stolen, you’re then prepared to avoid dealing with the same problem again.

Some people are always ready in case anything out of the ordinary pops up. Others find a way to avoid terrible things to repeat, just like this photo, in which the owner of the car is arming themselves against robberies. Getting insurance would have been safer, but it’s okay.

Do You Believe In Miracles?

Some people believe in magic, others believe in God, and this Russian lady believes in the leader of her country, Vladimir Putin. Once you have exhausted all paths, praying to your president may be a good way to get what you want.

In the photo, the Russian girl is kneeling on the floor and praying to a picture of Putin. It may be this girl's last resource, but there’s no room for judgment here; faith is faith. We just hope she gets the help she needs.


Whenever you take a bus, a train, or even a cab, you are automatically placing yourself in a vulnerable position. That’s the risk of public transport. It’s cheap and fast, but you don’t know the person who’s driving the big machine to take you from one place to another; you just trust them.

Would you trust a train that has been taped? Yes, taped. Unbelievably, a Russian train had a not-so-minor inconvenience that was “solved” with nothing but tape. No mechanics nor train experts… just the old common tape. Russians certainly don’t have trust issues.

The Socks And Sandals Trend

Wearing socks and sandals at the same time is very common in Russia. This trend may be popular in the country because of cold winter days, which sounds quite normal. However, the normal thing would be to wear shoes in harsh winters.

Even though we may not approve of this trend, the girl in the picture wearing a pink dress certainly does. Apparently, dating a guy who wears socks and sandals isn’t as awful as we thought.

An Original Present

After dating for a long time, it can be hard to think of an original and creative present for your girlfriend. If you can’t come up with one, feel free to steal this Russian idea. This girl was given a very unique necklace in the middle of the forest.

In the picture, the girl is holding a fish necklace in her hands, and she looks quite happy with it. It’s hard to imagine how the boyfriend even thought of it. Let’s add this idea to the top ten original presents for your Russian girl.

How To Wash Away Your Sins In Russia

The picture speaks for itself. It seems that this Russian girl is following a weird tradition. Somewhere in Russia, people have a particular way of performing a cleaning ritual. It consists of pouring Jaguar over themselves.

After bathing in this energy drink, they take a swim in the lake. The purpose of the ritual is to let go of the sins committed during the year. The water washes away their wrongs. What is not clear is why they bathe themselves twice.


New York and Paris are known as the most fashionable places in the world. But what about Russia? Russians wear creative and innovative outfits and should be acknowledged for being trendy, just like these pictures.

It seems like there is fake hair growing out of the jacket, but it’s far from being fake, as it is the lady’s own hair that passed through a hole. The other photo speaks for itself. When traveling to Russia, you realize how common it is for them to follow this fashion trend.

Sporty Bears

The concept of horseback riding is very different in a country like Russia. In countries like England, this is a traditional sport that involves a human and a horse. In Russia, there are no humans involved, just animals. Some may say that the photo has been edited, but it’s real.

Animal rights advocates will say that this is nothing but animal cruelty. The bears got on the horses on their own. Even though the bears’ weight may not be a problem for the horses, it seems like they were scared away by something and rushed into the race.

Dangerous Love

Love makes you do crazy things, especially when you are young and you fall in love for the first time. Some of the things people do in the name of love go beyond the stupidity limit, just like the couple in this photo.

Just like Beyoncé says, this Russian couple looks like they were “so crazy in love” that they dared to take a picture on the rails. They could’ve just laid on the grass and had a good shot, but they chose to put their lives at risk instead. Love doesn’t have limits.

Horror Kitchen

Russians dedicate their lives to cooking. For them, cooking is a competition. In fact, if you are cooking with a Russian, he or she might be ready to fight over cooking decisions. You’d better be ready to fight back. They would suggest different recipes until they find the perfect one.

Be aware that, in case of disagreement, Russians are ready to fight with frying pans and bowls. Borscht is one of the many traditional Russian dishes. Don’t be surprised to see a Russian cooking that dish while enjoying a drink, which would definitely be a Russian Standard vodka.

Elastic Girl

Russian parents teach their kids that they should excel in everything they do. Nobody would argue otherwise, since it’s part of their culture. Children are pressured to get straight As in their school exams.

Russian kids enrol in extracurricular school activities and are taught how to play at least one musical instrument at a young age. The girl in the picture is as flexible as Elastic Girl, as she had enrolled in gymnastics.

Queen Of Carrots

Men always buy flowers, chocolates, or even jewellery for their loved ones. By doing this, they get to see a big smile on their partner’s face for such a surprise. However, not all women have the same taste. In the case of this Russian girl, she’d rather have a present which she can eat.

A Russian man wanted to surprise his wife, so he bought over fifty carrots so that his loved one would be able to bathe in them. In the picture, the Russian girl is happy to be bathing in her favourite vegetable.

Reusing Your Waste

So far, we have learned awkward but interesting facts about Russians, but there’s more to it. The country is considered one of the greatest producers of waste. Besides, they find it really hard to adapt to the recycling tradition that most countries are fully aware of.

This picture tells us that Russians found a way to reuse trash, and it’s by sunbathing on it. Even though beautiful and sunny days aren’t normal in the country, Russians still find a way to make it happen. This Russian girl is enjoying a hot day in Russia while lying on the scraps.

Ballet Girl

The beautiful country of Russia is well known, among other things, for Ballet. The Russian culture entails discipline, elegance, and passion; basically everything that it takes to become a great ballet dancer, and hard training, of course.

What’s interesting about Russian ballet is that they don’t have creative choreographies, but rather athletic ones. Just like the girl in the picture, who seems to be a ballet dancer and cheerleader, given her elasticity and leg perfection. Stretching is an everyday mandatory routine for dancers.

Leave Your Traditional Rules Behind

The United States of America is too often referred to as a free country. Nowadays, this term applies to most countries worldwide, except Russia. If someone’s outfit is beyond ordinary limits, Russians will have their eyes on them. They are simply not used to seeing unusual outfits.

It’s highly probable that the guy in the photo caught everybody’s attention at the supermarket, as he is wearing tight leggings, a cheetah bodysuit, and a velvet jacket. Such a well-built solid figure shouldn’t be hiding behind loose clothes. If he’s ok with it, we are too.

Old Ladies In Jail?

As people get older, they may get a little impatient. Young people should learn to properly treat the elderly, as time will eventually come for them to be old and grumpy. We understand if someone loses their patience with an old lady, but what we can’t fully understand is this picture.

There is no doubt that Russians are very creative. It’s not easy to tell from the picture what this Russian farmer is doing exactly. It’s highly probable he’s just taking the ladies out for a ride. The worst-case scenario would be that he’s done with the grannies, which we hope it’s not the case.

The Generation Gap

Russia has never experienced such a huge generational difference before. In the picture, Maria is casually sitting on the bench joined by two old ladies. In Russia, old women wearing a headscarf are traditionally called “babushkas.”

These babushkas have many traditions. One of them is to gather outside and sit down on the benches just like in the picture. Maria is just enjoying some fresh air, without bothering the old ladies. However, they probably wish to say something about Maria’s outfit.

Education Is For The Brave-Hearted

School is for learning not only content but also discipline. Each school has its own way of setting rules and order. For example, it is very normal for students to stand up to salute a teacher entering a classroom. Other schools let children call their teachers by their first name, instead of Mr/Mrs. plus their surname.

Russian schools have a completely different story, as they always have their own way of doing things. When it comes to punishments, Russian teachers make their students face the wall, with their hands behind their backs, just like criminals. If children complain about detention, they should see what happens in Russian schools.

Hot Halloween

Halloween is an American tradition that has spread all over Russia. Kids enjoy the opportunity to wear fancy costumes and knock on every neighbour’s door, with Trick or treat being the key phrase to get some sweets. However, once these kids grow up, it’s a different story.

Teen boys keep wearing silly costumes. But girls thoroughly prepare their hot outfits so that they accentuate their curves, just like the girls in the picture. Dressed as cleaners, these girls set the streets on fire with their tight shorts and high heels.

Take Care

Russia is far from being considered a developed country. No matter how underdeveloped they may be, there’s one thing that they are proud of: female empowerment. Russian women can take care of themselves out there.

Let’s have a look at the picture. This photo shows a beautiful Russian girl getting her car ready. She certainly knows about mechanics and how to fix a problem with the wheels. Russian girl power is here to stay.

Horse-Riding Below Zero

Harsh winters and frosty waters are two typical scenarios in Russia. The climate conditions of the country aren’t an impediment for those who are brave enough to pretend the icy waters can be any similar to a summer day in Florida.

Russians try everything: they wear swimsuits, do horse-riding and wakeboarding, even though the temperature stays below zero degrees. Those who can’t afford a vacation find a good way to have fun despite the cold temperatures. After all, cold winters are not as bad as we thought.

Hard As Nails

Russian women are unique in every sense of the word. They are so tough and strong that one can only guess they have a whole chicken for breakfast. It may sound crazy, but let’s just not rule out the possibility.

These well-built girls are admirable. Not only do they have athletic bodies, but they also stay intact even after the workout it’s done. Just like the girl in the photo, she looks as perfect as a mannequin. She is so splendid that it’s hard to tell whether she is real or not.

There Are No Rules

Most parents won’t allow their daughters to wear makeup until they come of age, as most people see makeup as a sign of maturity. In this case, the girl has done some makeup art inspired by Black Swan.

The girl was spotted walking around a Russian city and later photographed in the subway. She may be a huge fan of the movie, or she may be heading to a performance. Both are highly possible.

Tanked That Parking

It can be really hard to park in big cities. However, most Russian cities don’t deal with this problem. In fact, there was plenty of space to park, especially if you’re driving a tank just like the one in the photo.

In Russia, tanks are pretty normal. This tank has found a way to park without blocking the way. The sidewalk was so wide that it fit perfectly. Russians take parking very seriously.