Inherited Debt

Sadly, these kinds of things are more common than you think. If this ever happens to you, you have to report the identity theft to the police, get evidence and maybe get a lawyer involved immediately.
Double Check Who You Email

It is unprofessional of an employee to write things like that about a coworker, and no one should be doing it, but people can be nasty sometimes! If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, take the chance to re-evaluate if you’re doing things correctly and don’t let work stuff bother you.
They Always Leave Hints

It is awful to find out that your dad is that kind of man… The bright side of this story is that this person was mature enough to decide that he didn’t want to have a relationship with his father just because they’re related and chose to stay close with his step-mom instead.
Change Your Privacy Settings

Living with other people can be difficult, so everyone must do their part to make it work. Finding out that your roommates are dissing you behind your back can be really hard, but if people can’t talk privately to you before speaking about you with somebody else, they aren’t worth stressing over.
DIY Love

This is one of the saddest stories ever! Who throws other people’s stuff away just like that? Anyway, she was clearly not worthy of this kid’s art, but someday they will find people who are, and they will surely appreciate it.
Traitor Sister

This is so messed up! You never expect your family to betray you like that when you’re at your lowest. It can be one of the most horrendous experiences ever, but someday it will be just a bad memory, and it won’t hurt anymore, and you may be able to forgive her for what she’s done.
Friendship Jewelry

Ouch. That was just cruel. It’s good that she realized that the friendship wasn’t worth it after how she treated her. Remember, you can always make new friends!
Pity Party

Here we go again! Another story shows us that children can be really cruel when they want to. I’m glad her others friends told her the truth. The kind of friendships where you can be honest are the best!
Well-poisoned Diet

I can’t believe this is a real story! This is simply twisted. Poisoning your family on purpose sounds like something a villain from a horror movie would do. She could have killed a member of the family! Sounds like she’s out of her mind, so it’s great that they’re no longer in touch.
Soap Opera Fan

We all deserve to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about us and our well-being and not by insensitive people who don’t care about other people’s feelings.
Canceled Invitation

People have to understand that they can’t play with their friends like that! If you want to invite someone else to hang out with your friend group, ask them if they all agree first. It’s so mean to invite someone and then back out as if they don’t matter at all.
Best Friends Forever

This is bad in so many ways! This man doesn’t deserve her friendship, and he doesn’t deserve his girlfriend either! Unless she’s aware of the situation or they are in an open relationship, he was planning to cheat on her, and that’s selfish and just a nasty thing to do.
Internet Friends, Internet Fail

Some people may not understand what it feels like to have hours and hours of work destroyed in one instant. It must suck! The stealing and destruction are painful, but, not knowing why he did that has to be the worst part of it all. He was probably jealous of what he had.
Wearing Black To A Wedding

Weddings seem to cause all types of drama. If you’re going to get married, try to think about your whole social circle to avoid this kind of mistake. She should have worn white to really piss off the bride, though.
Find Your Group Of Friends

Abusive friendships are so hard to identify and talk about. In cases like this, it’s crucial to find a therapist who can understand you and help you understand yourself and how your past can affect your present relationships without you noticing.
Lack Of Space

What a horrible experience. Developing healthy relationships is key for a healthy and happy life. We have to learn to use these experiences as growth and to be more careful with our future relationships.
Definitely Not Turning A Deaf Ear

Wow! Imagine being a fly on the wall to listen to that conversation. Hopefully, the sister had a good explanation. If someone does that to you, you have to speak out, no matter how you and that person are related.
A Screenshot Is Worth A Thousand Words

This is not only justice; it’s a genius move! Also, posting your students' grades without their consent should be illegal. Even though they shouldn’t be able to fire someone because of their personal life, this guy used the system very well and got the revenge he deserved.
When I Grow Up…

This is a big “I’m in a toxic family” moment. Is there anything worse than parents ignoring their children’s dreams? Authors are as important as scientists and doctors, and most importantly, you should be able to choose to do whatever makes you happy for a living. At the end of the day is your life, not your parents’.
Haters Gonna Hate

Why does this happen? Going to school is awful when you don’t have friends. Imagine when that happens because someone you consider your friend is talking badly about you behind your back.
Real-Life Sociopath

It is unacceptable when people touch other people without their permission. Also, it’s so difficult when someone is doing this kind of thing to a friend, and you can’t do anything to stop it. Everybody should get away from people who play games like that.
The Worst Game

We had to pick partners for dodgeball in like 5th grade, so I went to ask my "friend". He told me "Hey, wait a second, I just gotta check something" and then asked literally 5 other students until one finally accepted to pair with him. I had to play with the teacher on that round.
Family Of Geniuses

Putting yourself in those shoes at that moment - stab in the heart. Can you imagine a parent talking like that about their own child? Imagine how this girl felt when she heard that.
Garage Sale

Imagine being in this kid’s shoes. It must have been heartbreaking having to say goodbye to your toys just like that like they were worthless. Maybe his mother thought he didn’t want them anymore, but why didn’t she ask? This is probably the coldest thing you can do to a child.
Let’s Take A Taxi

It was so nice of this guy to wait outside for so long when his friend used him as a cab only to get his stuff without telling him what he was doing. Ghosting people isn’t right but let’s be honest… this man completely deserved it!
Health Is What Matters

It sounds like it has to be illegal. It sure was hard to discover, but hey, now they know who they can trust and who they have to keep away from their money and lives. Be careful with who you trust with these kinds of things, or you can get in serious trouble, and then you are going to have to pay.
At Least They Were Honest

This girl wanted an honest opinion and then couldn’t take it. She didn’t like the answer, so she decided to be hurtful towards her friend while she was just being sincere! The thing with this kind of people is that they don’t realize how badly they can hurt someone because they have no filter at all.
A Good Thief

Forget people that steal. Period. This guy has to be thankful their friends didn’t call the cops, especially after the second time! Friends mean trust, so it’s pretty messed up when someone you consider a friend does something like this. It’s just ridiculous.
Everybody Wants To Steal My Girl

Picture yourself having a good time with your girlfriend and suddenly reading this, and then immediately realizing that the message was sent by your best friend of years.
What Happens In Vegas

Finding out that your significant other is cheating on you is always hard but imagine doing it just before an eleven-hour flight... that must’ve been horrible.
After my father died a few years ago, we learned that he had taken out about 40k of loans in my name. We share the same Initials (and surname, obviously). He forged my signature, kept on applying for loans and credit, got approved and never paid a single dime back. Seeing as he was the main contact, no one ever called me to ask me why I wasn't paying my debt ... So only after he died we got contacted by institutions informing us that my father owes them money, just to find out it was actually on my name … So now my credit record is ruined due to years of payments not being made and I need to pay back all of these loans. Fun times right?