These Are The Most Bizarre Airport Moments Ever

The Adult Baby

This grown-up man really needs to have his umbilical cord cut off. His parents left him home alone for a few days, and evidently, it was too much for him to bear

He was so excited that his parents were back from their trip, that he even forgot to change out of his PJs. Well, this embarrassing welcome is better than no welcome at all!

Yoga Time

It's hard to relax before boarding a plane, especially if you have a long flight ahead of you, mainly because you can't stop thinking about how hard it will be to get some shut-eye. But next time, why don't you take a chill pill like this guy?

If your flight is delayed or if you happen to have a long layover, just bring along your yoga mat along like this hippie did. Who knows, doing yoga at airports might even become the new hipster trend!

It Could’ve Been Worse

If there's one place where I would never wanna lose my cell phone, it's an airport. There's basically no chance you'll ever get it back. Unless you're as lucky as Jasmine...

While Jasmine was lucky enough to recover the cellphone she lost at Newcastle Airport, the workers played a little trick on her. They noticed she had left her Facebook account logged in, so they uploaded a picture on her Biography for her to remember them by.

19th-Century Teenagers

Believe it or not, these two pictures were taken at the same airport only a few days apart. Do they even know they live in the 21st century? Also, the guy kind of looks like Jesus.

I don't even want to start thinking about how much those typewriters weigh, but hey, at least they'll never be bothered by power shortages! Do you think they brought candles with them, too?

Unusual Proposal

Which would you say are the most romantic places for the perfect proposal? Many people choose to propose on a trip –like at a crystal-clear paradise beach, for instance– but this guy was way too anxious to wait even a second longer.

As crazy as it sounds, he decided to propose to her soon-to-be bride... in an airport terminal! It must've been pretty exciting for the other tourists passing by. In fact, that blonde woman in the background is practically sobbing in disbelief!

The Penguins Are Here

Can you imagine waiting in line to pass through the security X-ray machines and having a pair of penguins in front of you? If you find this picture adorable, wait until you hear the story behind it.

These two cuties were rescued by poachers, and when the picture was taken, they were being brought back to their natural habitat in South Africa. Funnily enough, the conservationists decided that a commercial flight was the safest way to transport them back home.

Airport Olympics

There's nothing duller than those endless waits at the airport, but these two friends sure know how to keep themselves entertained!

The reader's nonchalant attitude makes this picture even more hilarious. I wish I were that bald guy in the background, who seems to be enjoying the show while recording it with his smartphone.

Embarrassing Welcome

There's nothing more embarrassing than your friends or family waiting for you at the airport with a giant 'welcome back' sign. However, this guy's mates took things to another level…

As the 'Welcome home Mokie' sign wasn't enough, they printed a giant picture of him that can be seen five miles away. To be polite, let's just say they didn't pick the prettiest picture of the album.

Superhero Dog

You'd be surprised to know how many tasks a dog can carry out at an airport. While their most common job is to sniff out luggage in search of illegal dogs, some others are in charge of chasing away stray animals that come too close to the runway.

I actually knew that some dogs carried out this task, but I didn't know that they did it dressed like Captain America! This pooch is called Piper, and he's in charge of keeping the runways safe at Michigan Airport.


Let's be honest: we'd all wish we were this girl. Lying down on the conveyor belt seems like the most fun thing in the world, but none of us were ever brave enough to try it.

However, this girl has no sense of shame as she plunged herself onto the belt and apparently even took a quick nap. I feel you, sister.

The Evil Force Strikes Back

If there was an Oscar for the best airport welcome, this one would nail it. Better not let Luke Skywalker know the Stormtroopers are back, or else the Rebel Alliance will definitely strike back!

Star Wars fans take a deep breath; the Evil Force isn't really back from hell. These were only a bunch of fans who dressed up at Denver airport on the day Star Wars - The Last Jedi was premiered.


Don't you hate it when you have a 10-hour layover ahead of you, and you can't find a comfortable position in which to sleep in? Let's be honest, it's impossible to get some rest in an airport chair.

However, impossible is nothing for this dude, who found just the right angle to get some shut-eye. Let's hope he doesn't squirm in his sleep, or else he'll end up with a cervical collar.

Piggyback Ride

Don't you hate it how some people can fall asleep basically anywhere in the blink of an eye? Getting some rest while sitting on an airport's uncomfortable plastic chairs is hard enough, but this girl took her sleeping superpowers to another level.

The fact she's asleep in such an uncomfortable position even makes you wonder whether she's OK. Also, isn't her slumping position an accurate reflection of one's mood at airports?

Watch Out For The Plane

No matter how fake this picture seems, it's actually real. It was taken at Sin Maarten, a Caribbean Island whose airport happens to be next to a beach, literally.

Tourists are so used to having airplanes fly a few feet over their heads that they don't even care to duck! I know where I wanna go next summer...

Toilet For Pets

Traveling with pets is an unstoppable trend these days. Bus companies and airlines offer tourists the chance to take their pets with them. Year after year, you can find a wider range of pet-friendly accommodation options.

What I've said so far is common knowledge, but here's a first: did you know that the San Diego Airport has bathrooms for pets? This is basically the wisest invention ever since electricity.

Back From Prison

If you thought we were done with embarrassing welcome signs, you were wrong! This family really went out of their way to shame their mother, and they nailed it.

Actually, it's half funny, half cruel, as the poor woman was doubtfully longing for the whole world to find out she had just been released from prison. Ouch!

Shameless Nap

Here's the ultimate airport dilemma: either you wait in line for a couple of hours, so you're the first one to check-in, or you take a nap at the lounge and check-in last, so you avoid waiting in line.

But why choose when you can do both? This shameless man fell asleep just a few feet away from the check-in counter. I would follow his steps if only I were brave enough.

Cardboard Tent

I think we've made it clear by now that sleeping in an airport is an impossible feat, but another obstacle we haven't mentioned yet is the noise.

These people, however, have come up with a modern sound insulator device. On your next layover, just bring your yoga mat and a giant cardboard box, and you'll sleep like a log.

Where Am I?

Haven't you ever peeked through the window right before takeoff and realized a polar bear was chilling out right next to the plane? The answer is obviously no, as this probably happened only once in the history of mankind.

We've already seen that dogs are employed to chase away animals from the runways in some airports. What animal do you think is needed to chase away a polar bear? A dinosaur, maybe?

Don't Give A Baby Your Passport

Traveling with babies is definitely a challenge, mainly because of how impatient they grow at airport lines. Tired of his toddler's complaints, this man decided to shut him up by handing him over his passport.

Of course, little did he imagine his baby would turn his ID into a personal artwork. In the kid's defense, he was only trying to make his face look prettier!

Baby On A Tray

You know when you're waiting in the security line and the officers ask you to put your wallets, cell-phones, belts, and shoes on the trays? I'd say this is the most stressful moment ever, cause you have like 10 seconds to throw all your belongings against the tray before the police start yelling at you.

I can't imagine how stressful this must be if, apart from your luggage, you're also carrying a baby. Well, worry no longer, cause this mom has got the answer: place your baby on a tray while untying your shoelaces! Worst case scenario, he'll be pushed into the X-ray machine.

My Luggage!

Traveling by plane is a pretty stressful situation, and I'd say that everyone's greatest fear is having their luggage stolen. Since most of the suitcases look pretty much alike, there's always the risk of someone else taking your luggage by mistake.

To prevent any mishaps, many tourists tie a pair of colored ribbons around the suitcase's handle or something of the sort. Well, at least that's what ordinary people do. On the other hand, this guy directly printed a photo of himself on the side of the luggage. Nobody's gonna want to steal that!

Where Are The Humans?

Don't you love it when you board a plane full of falcons instead of regular human passengers? The idea of birds traveling on a passenger seat is bizarre enough, but wait until you find out why.

It turns out that this Saudi Arabian prince was utterly determined to travel with his 80 falcons on a commercial flight, so much so that he booked 80 extra tickets.

Give Me A Second, I'm Busy

This picture seems like a scene straight out of The Office, but believe it or not, it's real. As funny as it sounds, this security guard was caught playing Solitaire instead of checking passports.

The best part is that the passengers don't really seem to notice. I'm guessing the worker was about to set a personal record, so she told everybody the system was down.