These Hilarious Wildlife Pictures Will Make You Smile

Family Disagreement

Titled Family Disagreement, this amazing picture was captured in Croatia by Vlado Pirsa. It features two multi-colored birds in a strange pose getting ready for nesting, but it definitely seems like they're in the middle of a very heated argument!

Here's what probably happened: the husband was all night drinking with his bird mates, while the woman was stuck all day taking care of their nest. In the picture, the female bird is screaming at him: "You come home late every single day! Jokes aside, the females are the ones in charge of taking care of the nest!

Laid Back

We would all wish to be that furry little fella, right? This hilarious picture was taken by Thomas Mangelsen somewhere near Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. That lazy creature is actually a 10-month-old chimpanzee. Isn't he the cutest?

Actually, the Gombe Stream Park is famous worldwide for its Kasekela chimpanzee population, one of the largest on Earth. This adorable baby is lying against what is probably its mother, and he's probably longing an ice-cold can of beer!

He's Right Behind Me

Let's be honest: if a shark were chasing us, we would all have that exact same expression on our faces! The picture was taken by Anthony Petrovich beneath the waters of Tiger Beach, Bahamas, and it's actually terrifying rather than funny!

That poor fish is being chased by a tiger shark, one of the deadliest species of shark in the globe. We're not sure if he's literally scared, but it sure seems like it! As to the picture's title (He's Right Behind Me), we couldn't have thought of a better choice!


Titled Hi, this photo features two adorable sea otters and it was taken by Donna Bourdon somewhere in Alaska. It really seems like they're saying hi, doesn't it? I wonder who they're waving at!

Sea otters are very curious creatures and 90% of them live on the Alaskan coast. They mostly feed on clams and they use rocks to crack them open. Did you know that they can hold their breath underwater for up to 8 minutes? How cool is that?

Monday Morning Blues

This photo was taken by Eric Fisher, and like the previous one, also in Alaska. It shows a brown bear who seems as if he were struggling to wake up, covering his right eye with his big furry paw. He's probably saying: "Oh my god, is it Monday 7 AM already?".

Let's learn a few things about brown bears. To begin with, they're not always brown, but they can sometimes black or even cream. Also, even though they appear to be ferocious carnivores, they actually eat plants too!

Holly Jolly Snowy

This owl really seems to be having a hell of a time! Titled Holly Jolly Snowy, this photo was taken by Vicki Jauron in Jones Beach, Long Island, United States. It's hard to tell what's snow and what's fur, as snowy owls are mostly white!

Snowy owls have way more feathers than the rest of the owl species, even their feet are covered by feathers! Logically, the reason behind this is so that they do not suffer from such cold temperatures. Also, did you know that they can measure up to 4 feet wide?

One, Two Three... I'm Coming To Find You!

Even though that sneaky animal appears to be a koala, it's a brown bear, just like the one in #20! However, this picture wasn't taken in Alaska, but in Finland. It's author, Valtteri Mulkahainen, chose to name it One, Two Three... I'm Coming to Find You!

Funnily enough, it really does seem like he's in the middle of a hide and seek game. Or maybe, he's just getting ready to start climbing. Yeah, you got that right: adult brown bears are actually capable of climbing trees!

Hang On!

Without a doubt, this is one of the most absurd pictures on this list. These two lionesses are playfully wrestling each other in the grasslands of the Masai Mara National Park, but they're so into it, that it seems they never realized they're surrounded by a whole herd of zebras!

Also, are the zebras stupid? Do they not realize that their number one predator stands right there in front of them? Why won't they run? Photographer Adwait Aphale was extremely lucky for having captured such a unique moment!

Ice Skating Pair

Titled Ice Skating Pair, this picture was taken by Andre Elrich in the South Atlantic island of South Georgia. This remote island is most famous for its vast population of gentoo penguins. Apparently, these fellas are quite good at ice skating!

It's funny how coordinated these two mates are! Were they practicing for a musical? Gentoo penguins are actually really unique creatures. To begin with, they're the only species of penguin that doesn't follow an annual migration route and they never breed in areas where there is snow or ice.

Excuse Me!

I know, this is too cute to be true! These furry little rodents are called quokkas and they can only be found in Australia. As to the picture, it was taken by James Vodicka in Rottnest Island. Here's something about quokkas that will definitely leave you baffled!

These animals are well-known for the fact that they smile all the time, literally! This is why they're often regarded as the happiest animal on the globe. However, you better not be fooled by their innocent appearance, as they have super sharp claws and they won't be afraid of using them shall they feel in danger.

Once Again, Cecil Forgot The Map

This ridiculously hilarious photo was taken in Rincon del Socorro, a town in Argentina's Ibera Wetlands. That cute little bird is a crested caracara (gosh, even its name makes me laugh!), while those 3 tough fellas are capybaras.

Funnily enough, these 4 look like a gang trying to scare off an outsider. Either that, or the three capybaras are really pissed off at the birdie! Unlike quokkas, capybaras always have that stern look on their face, as a result of the shape of their eyes.

Bad Hair Day

You know when you go to sleep with your hair wet and wake up looking like a complete mess? Well, this King Penguin chick definitely knows what I'm saying! Is it the wind, or did he go to sleep with his hair wet? I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

The photo was taken by Eric Keller at South Georgia Island. King Penguin chicks are famous for their thick layers of brown feathers, which they shed of when they're one year old. It kinda looks like the hood of a polar coat, right?

Chest Bump

Like many others on this list, this picture was taken at South Georgia Island by Tom Mangelsen. Titled Chest Bump, it shows an Antarctic fur seal and a king penguin having some sort of vocal altercation. Whatever they're talking about, they don't seem to agree!

It's shocking to see both these animals so close to each other, since penguins are usually one of the Antarctic seals' favorite meals! But this penguin doesn't seem to be belittled, not even the slightest bit!

I'm Open!

I don't know what I love the most about this: the picture itself or the title! The photo was taken by Ryan Jefferds at Uganda's Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, and it shows a super eloquent chimp in a very human-like pose.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that this primate is standing on both legs and waving its arms in such a human-like way, as chimps are one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. Did you know they share 98% of our DNA? Crazy!

First Kiss Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage

Is love between animals not possible? If not, how do you explain this passionate love between these two Cape squirrels? The pictures were taken by Elaine Kruer in South Africa, and they really seem to depict a journey of love and affection.

First, we see the male squirrel fetching some flowers. In the next two images, we see them hugging and then kissing. And in the last pic, they're holding hands with joyous expressions on their face, while a witness (the squirrel priest, maybe?) gazes at them. Could they be any sweeter?

Waltz Gone Wrong

This is one of the weirdest pictures on this list, there's no arguing about that! Are these little fellas dancing? Playing? Fighting? Who knows! What we do know, is that the picture was taken by Alastair Marsh in the outskirts of Amsterdam.

What we see in the picture are two female red foxes. It's actually not so simple to spot a red fox at such close distance, and here's why. Similar to dogs, they can hear even the softest noises from over 40 yards away, and they'll run away whenever they hear even the faintest footstep.

Dancing... Yeah!

How did this woman manage to take such a brilliant picture? That lovable creature is a marmot and the picture was taken by Martina Gebert in Austria. I wonder what sort of music it's dancing to! 21st-century trap, maybe?

Did you know that marmots are very sociable creatures. They live in big communities and they communicate with each other in various ways, either by screaming, whistling, or through different sorts of audio signals.

Lion Take Away

Taken by Willem Kruger, this picture features a Rooiputs resident patiently waiting for someone right next to a sign post... or so it seems! The picture was taken in South Africa near the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, and Rooiputs is actually a nearby camping site.

So maybe, the lion was just waiting for some disoriented tourist in search of the camping site to show up. I'm totally OK with sleeping in tents, but I'm not so sure if I'm fine sleeping right next to a pride of lions, to be honest.

Laughing Zebra

This picture was taken by Peter Haygarth in the Ngorongoro National Park, Tanzania. The Ngorongoro crater is one of the most fascinating wonders in Africa, as it is home to over 30,000 animals, including the famous big 5: leopards, lions, elephants, rhinos, and hippos.

The title is pretty obvious, isn't it? It really seems like they're laughing their heads off! Zebras are not only beautiful creatures, but they appear to be rather expressive too. If you look up some photos on Google, you'll find all sorts of funny pictures of zebras making weird faces. Wanna see another laughing animal? Then slide to #2!

Space Man

I know what you're thinking: this has GOT to be a CGI animated image! Well, believe or burst, this is a Japanese snow monkey fighting the cold, but to be honest, it seems he's handling it pretty damn well! The way he's standing does resemble a rocket man, don't you think?

Japanese snow monkeys are famous for their pink faces and their thick, warm, brown fur. They usually spend long hours in the island's hot springs in order to fight away the ice-cold temperatures. This guy wouldn't mind one of those hot springs, I guess!

Grab Life By The...

I don't know what's sillier, the image, or the title! This lion cub is probably trying to climb on top of his father, but it really seems like he's trying to grab him by the balls! I really hope he doesn't, though, cause boy must that hurt!

The picture was taken by Sarah Skinner in Savuti, a region located in the core of the Chobe National Park, Botswana. Savuti is actually the best site for game-viewing in the whole country, so if you're into safaris, you know where to go!

To Be Or Not To Be

Working as a wildlife photographer is pretty much about taking the right picture at the right moment and right time, and Txema Garica Laseca sure achieved this goal to perfection. She took this marvelous portrait of a snow monkey in a very reflective pose.

The title was perfectly chosen too, as To Be or Not to Be really do seem to be the words crossing his mind. But what do you think he was thinking about? Maybe he was asking himself why on earth he chose to take a bath in those waters when it was -15° outside!

That's Hilarious, Steve

Did you know that researchers have recently discovered that certain animals, such as chimps and rats, are actually capable of laughter? Grey seals aren't really among these species, but I beg to differ! If this seal is not laughing, then what on earth is she doing?

Titled That's Hilarious, Steve!, this picture was taken by Lloyd Durham at the Donna Nook Nature Reserve in Lincolnshire, UK. What do you think had her laughing so hard?

Oh My!

As you probably imagined, we saved the best for last. Titled Oh My!, this picture was taken by Harry Walker and it rightfully received the Under the Water Award. It depicts a sea otter going for a swim somewhere near Seward, Alaska.

Just when this furry pal was in the middle of his swim, he saw something that left him baffled, but I guess we'll never know what! Also, is he amazed, worried, or terrified? Or all the three combined? Hard to tell!