Let’s start our slideshow by talking about a cat breed known for enjoying something that other cats don’t. We bet you didn’t know that Bengals really like being around water! Yes, you’ve read it correctly, they love spending time in the water.

Bengals are also known for being quite intelligent. They can learn how to do several _tricks_, such as opening doors or turning light switches on and off. They are also able to learn how to solve puzzles! Isn’t that amazing?
This next breed may not be for those who only love furry felines. Let's meet the Peterbald. This large-eared feline possesses a unique characteristic: a quite noticeable lack of hair. Even though some of them are born with little hair, they tend to lose it over time.

Peterbalds are great with children and really enjoy being surrounded by other pets, so if you're doubting whether you should adopt one or not, go for it! If you want to see some other hairless felines, make sure you keep sliding!
Colorpoint Shorthair
The perfect mix between a Siamese and Abyssinian breed, the Colorpoint Shorthair come from the UK. If you want to have a cat always around you, asking for attention, then you can count on this high maintenance kitty!

The Colorpoint Shorthair takes the best traits from its roots: they’re intelligent, playful and affectionate. They’re also pretty vocal and make strange meows as they have over 100 vocal sounds. They also like to play fetch!
The revered cats in Thailand are called Korats and they’re absolutely adorable. It’s really interesting that they’re also dating back to the 1300s and they are a symbol of prosperity. PetMD is also mentioning how rare this breed is!

“Perhaps, as tradition would dictate, limits on breeding and population are quietly imposed. This could be so that only the upper hierarchy, or those fortunate enough to have been gifted a Korat, are able to receive the cat.” Another majestic cat breed is the next one...
Devon Rex
If you hadn’t guessed by now, this breed of cats comes from Devon, England. You may not notice it by looking at the picture below, but even though they look bald, they actually have a very thin coat that covers them. They also have oversized years and high cheekbones.

Devon Rex cats are always active. Their personality is quite interesting. They are incredibly intelligent and so playful that they are often called “monkeys in a cat’s suit.” We could say that they have a rather dog-like personality, right?
We promised you another hairless kitty, and here it is! Let’s meet the Minskin, a rare offspring between a Munchkin and a Sphinx. With very short legs and a quite stocky body, it’s no surprise that its name is a combination of the words “miniature” and “skin”.

Unlike the Peterbald, the Munchkin’s coat is actually hypoallergenic, which makes this cat the perfect fit for anyone who struggles with allergies and is desperately seeking for a pet. But we must admit that they look quite strange, don’t they?
This next breed is pretty similar to the Munchkin, with a minor difference only: their fur looks pretty similar to the wool of a lamb. Hence the word “lamb” on their name.

Did you know that this breed is quite new? The Lambkin has been around since 1990, so very little is known about it yet. What we know so far is that this breed is very outgoing and playful, though they're equally happy if you only want to cuddle with them for a while.
Also known as the werewolf cat, the Lykoi is a cat known for having a body covered in hair yet a hairless face. Scientists have been trying for a while to find out what makes the Lykoi have this hair distribution, but they have yet to discover the reason. Weird, huh?

Even though the Lykoi looks like a not-so-friendly wild animal, its personality is quite the opposite. This feline is not only very sweet and loving but also very intelligent. So you know what they say: don’t judge a cat by its cover!
Another hypoallergenic kitty for you! This is another somewhat new cat breed that emerged around 1980 as a spontaneous mutation of cats that were bred for pest control in Oregon. The coat of a LaPerm cat varies in length and comes in all colors.

This curly-coated cat has a lovely personality. It's not only friendly and loving but also curious, so if you choose to give one of these kitties a home, be ready to find it snooping around. They're so furry that you won't be able to take your hands off them!
The Donskoy was recognized by the World Cat Federation in 1997 and by The International Cat Association in 2005, so it’s pretty right to say that this breed is one of the latest you can find. But what’s so special about them?

These cats are friendly and very intelligent, so if you’re into teaching tricks, they are very likely to learn them. They enjoy receiving affection from humans and are very loyal. However, they might not be suitable to be around other cats, due to their jealous nature.
Japanese Bobtail
The Japanese Bobtail is known for having a genetic short tail. We all know that cats need to use their tails in order to be able to jump, so the first thing that comes to our mind is that these cats are not able to jump, because of their really short tails. Right?

Think again! Because these kitties are actually quite athletic and agile, and their tiny tails don't prevent them from jumping from one place to another. They also come in many different colors and patterns.
Cornish Rex
Here is another cat whose soft short wavy coat is a product of a spontaneous natural mutation. The Cornish Rex is an intelligent and active cat. It’s a pretty curious animal too! No matter what you’re doing, this kitty is ready to get involved.

There is some misinformation regarding this breed, so if you’ve heard that they’re hypoallergenic, let us tell you that that’s not entirely true. Now you know, if you’re thinking of adopting one of these kitties, make sure you get your allergies checked!
Ukrainian Levkoy
This is one of the rarest breeds of cats that made it into our list! The Ukrainian Levkoy is a cat that is known for having a distinctive appearance. These kitties have inward-folding ears and very little to no hair. But that’s not all…

When we said that they were rare, we weren’t joking! This breed is especially known for the difference that exists between males and females species: they look entirely different! Look at the picture above: don’t the males at the sides have a sort of doggish face?
Scottish Fold
Who doesn’t love a chubby, fluffy cat? We sure do! Let’s talk about the Scottish Fold. This kitty is often compared to owls because of their big eyes and tiny ears. To be honest, the resemblance is uncanny.

Another eye-catching fact about the Scottish Folds is that these cats are known for their weird posses. It is quite common to find them sitting, standing, or even laying in several human-like positions!
American Wirehair
You may not notice that at first glance, but the American Wirehair is not a regular kitty. These cats’ fur is different since it has another texture. Its fur is often described as thick, hard, and springy, and it pretty much resembles steel wool.

When it comes to their personality, these cats are very playful and affectionate. They also enjoy staying indoors, so you won’t have to worry about your little buddy running away.
This breed became really famous, even though it was created by accident. The origin of the Sphynx takes us to 1960, in Canada. They were named the half-cat, half-human Egyptian statue probably because of their human-like skin.

The main reason these cats attract everyone’s attention is their skin: it shows the colors/patterns of their would-be fur. If they had any, right? And just like some of the breeds already mentioned, they’re not hypoallergenic, even though many people believe that they are.
Very, very, very short legs, wobbly walking, and high enthusiasm. It’s the Munchkin! This breed is one of our favorites. They come in all sorts of shades, colors, and patterns, and the funniest part is that they’re the shortest registered cat breed in the world!

This breed got its name from writer L. Frank Baum’s novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We told you these cats were pretty active and enthusiastic. One of their favorite activities is jumping from one place to another. Sadly for them, they can only jump to a certain extent.
Selkirk Rex
The Selkirk Rex has a dominant gene that makes its fur curl the way it does. What’s interesting about these felines is that since only one of the parents needs to pass along the curly hair gene, both straight hair and curly fur kittens can be born in the same litter.

Another important fact to know about these felines is that they have a nice easy-going, calm personality. They are sweet-tempered and cuddly. And who wouldn’t like to cuddle with such a furry little pal? Pretty much the perfect companion, right?
The Savannah may look like a wild feline, a cheetah maybe, don’t you think? However, they are not related! The Savannah is a cross between a domestic cat and a wild African Serval. They are cousins of the lynx and ocelot, and they all boast the same spotted coat

These kitties may not be for everyone, though. Did you know that they can grow up to 25 pounds? If you can’t imagine their size, it’s 2-3 times as heavy as an average house cat. Isn’t that incredible? It’s like having a dog! Now, are you ready for our top 3?
Pixie Bob
This breed owes its existence to a cat breeder named Carol Ann Brewer, who rescued a cat who had a bobtail and was reported to have been sired by a bobcat. That cat later mated with a neighbor’s cat and many adorable kittens were born.

Little did she know that that was going to be the origin of this smart cat, right? One of the most distinctive characteristics of the Pixie Bobcat is that its personality is very “dog-like”. They just thrive on love and affection!
American Curl
Their flipped shell-shaped ears are not the only thing that makes these felines so attractive. Their personality is very appealing as well. American Curls are very friendly and family-oriented, which makes them the perfect fit for any family who wishes to give them a home.

Since they are very dependant kitties, they don’t like to be left alone for long periods. If they aren’t surrounded by their loved ones, they might experience separation anxiety. So if you work all day and go back home at night, then this may not be the ideal cat for you.
Khao Manee
A marvelous snow-white cat with beautiful deep eyes. Let’s meet the Khao Manee! This cat comes from Thailand and has been referenced in a book of poems known as Tamra Maew. And also, they’re probably the whitest cats in the world. Impressive, right?

These kitties are faithful and devoted to their owners, so loyalty is one of the many words that come to mind when you’re trying to describe them. They are curious, intelligent, a bit naughty, and eager to either play or curl up with their human for a little nap.
Norwegian Forest Cat
This majestic fluff hails from Europe, and many Europeans have them as house cats, but if you are in the US, you will rarely see one. Here is a strange fact about these beautiful felines.

During World War II, this cat breed was nearly extinct! Their thick coat is waterproof and protects them from the freezing temperatures in Scandinavia. Although they are big and look imposing, they are actually social and love people in general.
Kurilian Bobtail
Isn’t this fluff so cute with his tiny bob tail? Well, in North America, the Kurilian Bobtail is a rarity, although it can be found pretty easily in Russia. In the US, however, there are less than 100 Kurilian Bobtails. What else do we know about these fluffs?

Although a gorgeous breed, these cats are massive shedders! They need to be groomed often, no matter the length of their coat. Think of them as the equivalent of the Labrador Retriever! They’re adorable and fluffy, so it’s worth the effort.
Egyptian Mau
Coming from Egypt, the Egyptian Mau is the fastest housecat known to man. It reaches the insane speed of over 30 mph! This cat breed was so revered during ancient Egypt that they were mummified.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association states that there are only 6,700 Egyptian Mau cats registered in their list, meaning this is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. It’s also one of the very few domestic cat breeds that have those special spots on the coat.
The Manx comes from Isle of Man and are also known as stubbing by the locals. These cute cats have longer hind legs and a round head, but they come in many colors and patterns. The Manx is a great hunter, which is why many farmers have them around their houses.

Manx are also social, tame and active, and were used to be taken on ships to hunt mice. A fun story of the Manx losing its tail is from the biblical times. Noah slammed the door to his ark before the Manx cat was able to fully jump in the ark!
British Shorthair
UK’s most adorable domestic cat is the British Shorthair, and the most common color being the “British Blue.” With copper eyes, these grey-blue cats are so cute! They have a dense cat and a broad face that melts our hearts!

The British Shorthair is one of the most ancient breeds known to men, brought by the invading Romans into Britain in the first century AD. This beautiful cat breed inspired John Tenniel when he illustrated the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.
Another ancient cat breed that is the ancestor to most long-haired cat breeds today is the Siberian cat. Similar to the Norwegian forest cat, the Siberians are also shedders but they’re actually hypoallergenic!

The reason behind this trait although they have long and fully coats is that they lack the protein in their saliva that makes most of us sneeze and teary.
The Chartreux breed is known as the “smiling blue cat of France.” These beautiful cats even have an interesting history. It is said that they were brought to Carthusian monasteries of France by Crusaders.

The cat breed lived a peaceful life back then, and now it is considered to be the National Cat of France. In America, the Chartreux is very rare, as there are only few breeders in the states.
Teacup Persian
This cat is actually not an official separate breed, due to the fact that these felines are simply Persian cats that don’t get to grow very large in size. This being said, the Teacup Persian is one of the smallest types of cats that you can find.

There’s no doubt that they are the cutest. However, there are certain things to consider. Not only are they extremely hard to find, but also quite difficult to handle, due to their many serious health issues.
The Tonkinese breed is also the result from crossbreeding between the Siamese and Burmese. As you can imagine, the Tonkinese are as intelligent and vocal as the Siamese cats. They’re similar to the Colorpoint Shorthair in terms of personality.

The voice of the Tonkinese is similar in tone to the Burmese and like this breed, they also like to fetch and jump to great heights! The most popular variety has a short hair, but there’s also a medium-haired variety in Europe known as Tibetan Tonkinese.
One of the smallest breeds of cats in the world, the Singapura has large eyes and ears and a brown thick coat. A female Singapura reaches a weight of 1.8 kilograms, while a male can go up to 2.7 kilograms. They’re nearly miniature cats, but live up to 15 years in a household!

CFA describes the breed as being curious, playful and active. They love to interact with humans and you may see them climbing up on the highest places to get a view of their surroundings.
Russian Blue
Have you ever seen a cat so grey that it almost looks blue when the right kind of light hits it? If you have, it must have been the Russian Blue. This cat is commonly known for being hypoallergenic. However, that’s not entirely true.

While many people with allergies choose the Russian Blue as their pet, it is important to know that this kitty does produce low levels of the allergenic protein that makes your skin itch and your eyes water. So beware!
Turkish Angora
These majestic creatures are flawless! With multicolored eyes and a plushy fluff, it’s one of the most loved cat breed in the world. The Turkish Angoras have ancient genes as well…

These beautiful cats are also referred to as the Angora or Ankara cat, and the species has been documented as early as the 17th century, originating in central Turkey. We also love how this next spotted cat looks…
The Serengeti has an exotic and wild appearance, and it’s because it’s a cross between a Bengal and an Oriental Shorthair. This is quite a new breed, so there are only a few breeders in the US, Europe, Australia, and Russia that have a Serengeti cat,

They look regal, but don’t you think that the Serengeti is not a very active cat! They’re also needy and attention-seekers, so get ready to see that cat follow you everywhere around the house…
This cat breed has a very funny origin! A housecleaner accidentally left a door opened and the female Lilac Burmese from that house escaped and found the love of her life, a Persian male.

That’s how the first litter of Burmillas were born! According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, the Burmillas are very rare so if someone wants one, they must look for reputable breeders and make sure their cats are living indoors.
The Sokoke breed is one of the rarest breed of domestic cats in the world. It originates in eastern Kenya, in the forested Sokoke area, thus its name. It was previously thought that this breed was a cross with a wild feline…

However, DNA tests show this is a relative to an Asian cat which descended from wild Arabian cats! The Sokoke is friendly and very active.
Turkish Van
The Cat Fanciers’ Association says the Turkish homeland sees the Turkish Van as a “regional treasure,” and the cat breed limits the exports of this cat abroad!

The CFA noted that “even in areas where the breed has been known for centuries, they are still relatively rare.” If you’re lucky enough to see or own one, you’ll learn that they’re very active, intelligent and loving.
Also known as the Minuet, the Napoleon cat breed originated in the mid 1990s in the US. The breed resulted from crossing a Persian with a Munchkin, and it looks perfect

It’s fluffy, medium sized and has short legs. The Minuet is an intelligent and curious cat that loves humans, making it perfect for families.
With a fur like a rabbit, the Ragamuffin are friendly, fun and their large eyes are captivating. They were established as separate breed in 1994, before that being part of the Ragdoll breed.

This is the perfect cat for families as they are very docile and trusting. They’re best kept indoors since they’re a bit naïve. So if you have kids, go for it!
Did you know that black panthers also come in miniature version? Bombay cats are most famous for their thick, black coats and their penetrating, yellow eyes, just like Africa's wildest feline.

Even though they may look intimidating, Bombay cats are actually rather playful. Plus, they get along with children! What's not to like?
The Ashera is probably one of the rarest and most expensive cat breeds ever. It developed by cross-breeding the Asian leopard cat and the African Serval cat.

Their contrasting stripes and spots are its most remarkable feature. Believe it or not, Ashera cats can reach 4 feet tall when standing on their hind legs, making them extraordinary climbers.
While very few people know that the Aegean cat even exists, this exotic cat breed is over 10 thousand years old. Before the world's first civilizations even existed, this rare cat breed already lived in the Greek island of Cypress.

Today, Aegean cats can be found almost everywhere in Greece, but they remain unknown to the rest of the world. Rumor has it that they're super smart and excellent fishers.
Even though they look just like lynxes, the Caracal is a breed in its own. But no matter how adorable they look, they don't make the best family pet.

These creatures are fierce predators that can jump up to 9 feet in the air to catch a bird. There have been many recorded cases of Caracals biting the hands of their human owners, so you better steer clear from them.
Ojos Azules
This extravagant cat breed was first spotted in 1984, making it one of the newest cat breeds out there. Its name means "Blue eyes" in Spanish, so you can imagine what they're famous for...

These cats mostly live in New Mexico and California, though for some strange reason, a few have recently been found in Australia. Apart from their crystal-clear blue eyes, they're well-known for their lively, dynamic personality.
Maine Coon
Main Coons are said to be one of the most affectionate cat breeds out there. Their cute neck ruff is its most remarkable feature. However, they have their downside...

You need to break the bank if you ever plan on buying one for your kids, because they're one of the world's most expensive cat breeds.
Ragdoll cats are famous for their enormous size, their long, grayish coat, and their sparkling blue eyes. However, there's something else you should know about them.

Just like the Maine Coon, these cats are ridiculously expensive. $1300 is the cheapest you'll find in the market.
Toygers have become a trend these past few years, probably because they capture the look of a wild, striped tiger. However, their looks are all they have in common with tigers, because they're one of the gentlest breeds out there.

This is the perfect choice for animal lovers, since most breeders donate a significant fraction of their sales to Tiger conservation NGOs.
Somali Cat
Somali cats are famous for their vibrant colors, long coat, and bushy tail. Its name is pretty misleading, since they come from Southeast Asia instead of Somalia.

Somali cats are playful yet at the same time mischievous. They love leaping up to high places but they usually knock down everything that comes in their way.
Ocicats are a crossbreed between a Siamese, American Shorthair and Abysinnian. They look just like ocelots, as you can tell from their name.

No matter how fierce they look, they're actually pretty sociable and even clingy. Getting petted is all they really care about, making them the perfect pick if there are toddlers in the household.