The Craziest Wildlife Moments Caught On Trail Cams

Midnight Standoff

Raccoons have quite a bit of character, considering how small they are. If not, how can you explain this picture? After coming across a buck, the raccoon decided to confront him as if he were marking his territory.

The scene is as thrilling as it is creepy: will you take a look at the buck's eerie gleaming eyes? He looks possessed, for crying out loud!

Beary Smart

It appears to be that bears and humans have more in common than what one would think. The bear in the picture came up with the most original way of feeding his offspring.

While retrieving the food from inside the bin and tossing it over to her offspring would've been the easier option, mamma bear decided to lift his cub in the air just like humans do with their kids so that. Smart, huh?

I'm In A Hurry

OK, call me crazy, but if you look at it quickly, it kind of looks like a person –well, a really sturdy one– wearing a thick-layered fur coat. He sure knows how to walk like a human!

In case you're still wondering, that giant creature is actually a silverback gorilla, which happens to be among the rarest species in the world.


Unusual animal friendships are a topic that just never grows old. Not only do these two fellas seem to be close friends, but they're evidently of the adventurous type!

For some reason, the raccoon took the liberty of hopping right on top of this wild boar to enjoy a midnight ride across the forest. Maybe he's just steering him to where the food is!

Selfie Time

Even though we've barely started, you must've learned by now that raccoons are completely shameless creatures. Not only do they love hopping on top of boars, but they also seem to get along great with dears!

This playful raccoon was probably having such a blast with his dear friends that the moment called for a selfie. And hey, kudos on his photographing skills!

A Pack Of Howling Wolves

It's a pretty well-known fact that wolves love howling. They usually do so as a way of communicating with others of their kind across long distances, mainly to warn them against predators.

But the fact that we know that wolves love howling doesn't make this picture all the less fascinating. What are the chances of capturing a whole pack of wolves with their jaws wide open at the exact same moment? (Also, am I the only one who noticed those creepy pair of eyes staring at a distance among the bushes?)

What's This?

Birds are among the brightest animals on earth, and this picture surely proves it. This skinny little guy was smart enough to realize that there was a camera camouflaged against the tree.

I bet he probably wanted to rule out the chance of the camera being some sort of enemy. It's always wise to play it safe, isn't it?

Out Of My Territory

Birds are pretty defensive creatures, and if you don't believe me, then this fascinating trail cam picture will teach you the lesson.

As soon as he spotted the trail cam, this bird rushed toward it and started pecking against the lens. He probably broke it, but hey, at least he left the photographer with some pretty priceless footage.

We Ate Too Much!

If you're looking for some hilarious animal footage, all you need to do is set up a trail cam right next to a feeding post. This photo certainly proves my point.

These raccoons were feasting on all those hundreds of grains until they reached a point in which they couldn't even move. Been there, done that!

Too Late

I actually have mixed feelings about this one: is it funny, or is it creepy? At first, you can't help but laugh at the otter's expression… until you realize what he's doing!

The otter was gnawing on a fish he had just caught when he suddenly noticed he was being watched. Well, it was too late to stop!

Down The Rabbit Hole

Doesn't this picture seem like a scene straight out from the live-action version of Alice in Wonderland? Even though it's not, that rabbit is one hell of an actor.

That rabbit must've been starving, as he's plunging himself straight into the trash bin, probably hoping to feed on whatever leftover there is.

What's That On Your Back?

This photo is fantastic on so many levels – where to start? Firstly, I love how the bull is dead still, staring straight into the camera, almost as if he knew he was being filmed.

Secondly, did you notice he has a cat standing right on top of his back? Also, what's up with his eyes? I bet he's on the lookout for some dinner and is thus leaning on the bull for a clearer perspective. Well played.

Possessed Deer

Deer are particularly known for being one of the most peaceful creatures on earth, but what's up with this guy? Does he simply enjoy walking on two legs like a person, or is he possessed by some evil spirit? I'm leaning towards the latter.

Deer usually feel terrified by the mere presence of a human, but in this case, I think it would work the other way around. If I ever caught sight of such a creepy-looking creature, I'd run for my life!

Cats On A Date

Since the deer on #10 probably made you all jump out of your seats and scream for mercy, here's a heart-warming picture that will make you feel safe again.

Apparently, cats are more human-like than we give them credit for: look at these two furry lovebirds going on a dinner date while enjoying some privacy!

Bird War

Some major animosity seems to be brewing between these birds at the dawn of day, and I wonder why. They woke up in a bad mood, maybe?

I kind of feel sorry for that hawk because the eagle really seems to know what he's doing, as he's seconds away from kicking his rival straight in the face. Ouch!


Coming across a bear in the middle of the night is pretty much everyone's nightmare, but this picture really humanizes them. What's up with this giant ball of fur?

It looks like he's fully aware he's being filmed, as he seems to be saying, "I didn't do it! It wasn't me!" The puzzled look on his face is just priceless.

Dinner Time

While some of the previous pictures were outright creepy, this one will melt your hearts. Don't you wish these foxes were your pets?

As you can tell, the mother fox is feeding her litter of pups in the middle of the night. Mother nature sure has its charms.

Does My Wig Look Good?

What is it with deer that they always manage to put on a show? If you were surprised by the one looking like a zombie on #10, this one will directly leave you speechless.

Yeah, I know: the most plausible explanation behind this is that a bunch of sticks probably got caught in his antlers, but doesn't it look like he's just put on a wig to look good in the picture?

Dancing Deer

You've probably realized by now that the deer are the stars of this article. But what do you think this one was up to?

I bet he was being chased by a predator and running for his life, but hey, maybe he was just practicing his West Side Story choreography, thinking nobody was watching.

Straight To The Olympics

Does anyone know whether raccoons can qualify for the Olympics? Because if they can, then I think we've got the winners!

If you ask me, these two would make fantastic artistic gymnasts. Raccoons really go to great lengths to find food, don't they?

Gossip Girls

While many people feel intimidated by porcupines, they're actually pretty inoffensive creatures as long as you don't bother them. Besides, how can anyone still find them scary after this picture?

I'm not actually sure what they're doing, but it kind of seems like they're gossiping! The one on the left is letting out a secret, while the other one is screaming out, "OMG, you're kidding!"

Ready For Takeoff

OK, is this real life? Or is that Rocket Raccoon shooting a scene on Guardians of the Galaxy? I'd say it's the latter.

What actually happened is that the mischievous creature latched onto the feeder, and the grains started shooting out from the tube-like structure. But if you take a quick glance, the grains look like sparks of fire, and the feeder looks like some kind of miniature rocket.