All In The Family
What’s more wholesome than making friends with a cat? Making friends with the whole family, of course!

These adorable little kittens were genuinely successful at melting our hearts. Let’s hope the homeowner let them in.
Ah, yes, the magic of language. The perks of being bilingual (besides being able to communicate in two different languages) are that sometimes one can end up having some hilarious exchanges, like this one!

Props to the boyfriend for being extra creative. As funny as his question was, it also made a lot of sense… technically.
This one is adorable! But in all fairness, if the barista had asked, “What’s your name?” the old lady would’ve given a different answer.

So maybe we should thank him for posing the wrong question, which led to an exhilarating answer!
The Amazing Spider-Man
Who wouldn’t want to have a superhero brother? Jokes aside, this one is so wholesome our hearts are bound to explode.

Props to the caring brother for being so hilariously creative while looking out for his sister!
Friends at High Places
What are the odds of this? That must’ve been the highest high five in the history of high fives!

Let’s hope these friends later went for coffee or a movie… on the ground!
Part Of The Family
Is there a universal, unspoken rule in which dads who say they don’t want pets to end up having the strongest bond with them?

Nevertheless, it’s always adorable. Also, the kitten looks very invested in the photos.
Great Tipper
As we all know, the pandemic seriously affected small businesses, many of which had to shut down indefinitely.

This impacted not only business owners but also waiters, cooks, cleaning staff, and more. So it’s super sweet that a customer took the time to acknowledge the struggle it likely took to reopen!
Horse Pirates
Another hilarious association — which actually makes tons of sense! Cowboys are kind of like American horse pirates, yet it sounds so bizarre it’s hysterical.

Hope you got a good chuckle out of that one, as we sure did!
Live Forever
Now for the tear-jerking part of this list. Nothing is as painful as losing a loved one, but the magic of the Internet can help with keeping the sweetest memories of them alive.

Although grief is a never-ending process, seeing pictures of lost loved ones doing what they love is definitely soothing.
Finishing chemo most definitely deserved a big celebration with balloons and tons of cake.

Big props to the balloon company for having such a big heart and helping the daughter celebrate her mom’s milestone achievement.
With A Little Help From My Friends
Faith in humanity restored! This is proof that empathy can come a long way.

Good to know that the man didn’t give up and eventually found a job and got a second chance at life.
Free Pizza
Most people hate their bosses because they are either overworked by them or underpaid. However, this girl seems to have the sweetest boss ever.

Although working a 12-hour shift is hard, doing it with free pizza and good company is ten times better.
Representation Matters
This might be overlooked by most people, but for those with disabilities, this is huge. Imagine going your whole life without even seeing a mannequin that looks like you!

This might make a lot of people feel more comfortable and accepted. It’s the small details that matter.
Giving Back
Restaurants have been struggling to stay open ever since the pandemic began, but that hasn’t stopped this one from helping others.

How heartwarming is this photo? Sadly, whoever posted this blurred out the name of the restaurant, so we don’t know where it is. We’d love to go there if we knew!
A Sweet Reunion
Nowadays, it’s very hard for people to lose contact since we have social media. However, for elderly people, this is not the case.

It’s wonderful to see people reunite after decades of not seeing each other, thanks to the wonders of the internet.
Part Of The Team
The Greenwood Bulldogs are truly setting an example. People often forget that a great team is not only comprised of players.

The coach, the janitor, and everyone else who helps out is a part of the team and should be treated as such. This gesture was so sweet!
The Lottery Fairy
It’s small things like this that can really brighten someone’s day. Just imagine someone having an awful day and stumbling upon this.

This goes to show that it doesn’t take much effort to be kind and do something nice for a stranger.
Getting His Smile Back
It is never too late to do what makes you happy. This man’s wife had the brilliant idea to get her husband new teeth after having none for decades.

He was probably too frustrated to do it himself or thought, ‘what’s the point of doing it now?’ but the happiness on his face says it all: it was definitely worth it.
Best Bus Driver Ever
How adorable is this man? He took the time to go to the store and get every single one of the children a little Valentine’s Day gift.

Not only that, but he’s doing it out of his own pocket. Hopefully, the kids will appreciate what an amazing bus driver they have.
The Pizza King
If there’s anyone who knows how to hype someone up, it’s a little kid. Now, imagine a room full of them chanting in your honor.

This man felt like a hero and loved every second of it. It’s little things like this that make you enjoy your job.
The Whole World Should Know
Beating cancer is one of the hardest things anyone can go through, and when if you do it, you have every right to tell the whole world about it.

It is really sweet how this woman’s daughter made a sign to celebrate the good news. She’s right; the whole world should know!
Wrong Number
This is so bittersweet. A girl accidentally called the wrong number while trying to reach her mom. What she didn’t know was that on the other side of the call was a woman who had lost her daughter.

Some may say this was no coincidence, and maybe this just had to happen to make the woman feel a little better. Who knows!
Couple Goals
It’s true that little kids don’t know what their parents’ names are because they just call them ‘mom’ and ‘dad.’ But this is beyond cute!

Honestly, it should be everybody’s goal to have a future like that. A happy family with a kid and a loving husband that calls you sweet names… it’s a dream.
A Small Act Of Kindness
This girl can confidently say she has one of the best neighbors in the world. An anonymous neighbor covered her car with cardboard to prevent the inside from getting wet in the rain.

The best part about it is that he or she didn’t leave a note or anything and just did it out of pure kindness, not looking for any credit or thanks.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
Isn’t it amazing when life goes full circle? The Beatles said it best, “and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”

That’s why it’s important to be kind and help others... Someday, they might be helping you!
Getting Some Sun
It is important to teach children how to look after others at a young age. It’s always good to start small, with a plant or a small pet. This parent is doing it right!

This little girl is really excited to care for her plant and is willing to take it out for walks every day. She will grow up to be a very generous and thoughtful person, no doubt.
The Goldfish Rescue Crew
This story is truly heartwarming. It always makes you have a little more faith in humanity when you hear stories about strangers helping each other, doesn’t it?

Thankfully, this goldfish got a second chance at life thanks to three kind strangers. The fish’s owner was probably overjoyed as well.
The Birthday Cake
Having a simple tradition with a loved one is amazing. However, if that person is no longer here, remembering that tradition can be one of the most painful things you can experience.

This dad really wanted to make his daughter feel better by continuing the tradition after her mom passed away. The cake might not look great, but you can tell he put his heart into it.
The Yellow Butterfly
We all want to believe that there’s something waiting for us after death. Whether you believe in Heaven or reincarnation, these beliefs give you hope.

This man had a yellow butterfly stand on his arm right on Mother’s Day. Coincidence? Maybe. But there must be something magical behind this moment!
Stylish Grandma
Who says you can’t have style when you’re old? People seem to believe that after a certain age, you just stop having fun and dressing up. However, this grandma didn’t get the memo.

She looks fabulous with her outfit matching her favorite chair from head to toe. Also, check out how she admires her shoes with pride. So cute!