#20. It's No Good Without Your Friends
To kick this list off we'll start with one of the show's most iconic and touching lines: > "Whatever you do in this life, it is not legendary unless your friends are there to see it," Barney Stinson said. It's certain that you're in for a tender moment when the coolest character of the series makes a heartfelt statement!

Can you remember to whom this advice is given? In case you haven't re-watched the show recently, Barney shares this awesome piece of wisdom with two random guys on Season 9. After convincing them that wearing a suit like his is crucial to seduce women, he hands them his famous Playbook at a party and confesses this valuable truth.
#19. Trust Is The Key
We're well aware about the numerous issues that constantly destroyed Ted's relationships. Even Barney and Robin, who seemed perfect for each other, sadly broke up! On the other hand, Lily and Marshall are presented as the ideal couple, with no unnecessary fights or secrets hidden from each other.

> "I've never asked Lily to do anything 'no questions asked' because I never wanted to. She's the love of my life. I never keep anything from her," said Marshall. Indeed, if a relationship is based on trust, there's no need for hiding emotions or concerns from your loved one! Better take note on Marshall's advice, fellas.
#18. Learn To Discover Yourself And The Others
Ted's incessant search for true love has provided us with quite a few memorable quotes about the subject, that's for sure. One that especially rings true within today's world is the following one: > "People don't get the chance to discover each other anymore".

It's undeniable that, as each day goes by, more and more 20 and 30-year-olds tend to rely on apps like Tinder or Instagram to meet someone. We check their photos on the beach and judge their bodies, we make sure if the other's music taste is like ours... and then, if it looks like a safe bet, we go on a date. Like Ted says, there's no surprise anymore!
#17. Mistakes Are A Part Of The Journey
Several times during the show the fans witnessed how Ted, when doubting how to untangle a problem, recurred to Lily for some encouraging words or piece of wisdom. During one of these situations on How I Met Your Mother's First Season, Lily blesses us with one of her most valuable tips.

> "So really the biggest mistake would be not to make the mistake, because then you'll go your whole life not knowing if something was a mistake or not," said Lily. That's right, fellas, experience only comes after taking several risks and exposing yourself to irritating missteps, that's how life is!
#16. Don't Cling To The Past
However tempting it may be to get fixated on a terrible mistake you once made, you've got to realize that regret and self-loathing won't change those events. Besides, no one is perfect, so we're bound to take stupid decisions every once in a while.

That's why it's important to accept the past. If you see a mistake as an opportunity to learn something out of it, then you'll just move on and get closer to where you want to be as a person! Trust me and listen to Ted's take: > "We're going to get older, whether we like it or not, so the only question is whether we get on with our lives or desperately cling to the past".
#15. Stop Planning And Live
If you're amongst the large group of people who have binge-watched How I Met Your Mother and Friends more than once, then you'll definitely remember the following scene: Rachel, Monica and Phoebe are in the middle of an existential crisis during their sleepover, when, after being asked if she has a plan, Phoebe helplessly answers "A Plan? I don't even have a 'pla'!".

Many times, Ted seems to apply his architect mindset to the future; he's always rationalizing and calculating every step... but that's not how life works! Take Lily's opinion on the subject, when she affirms that lists and obsessive plans are sometimes pointless: > "Look, you can't design your life like a building. It doesn't work that way. You just have to live it, and it'll design itself".
#14. Is A Soulmate Like A Best Friend?
The romantic lives of the show's five stars are completely different. While Ted is desperate to find the love of his life, Barney relishes any casual fling, and Robin falls in love with both on different occasions. On the other hand, Marshal and Lily seem to represent the perfect couple. Who else but Marshal to tell you about what #CoupleGoals is really about, right?

> "Lily, there are a million reasons why I love you. You make me laugh, you take care of me when I'm sick, you're sweet, caring, and you even created an egg dish and named it after me. But the main reason is you're my best friend, Lily. You're the best friend I've ever had," said Marshall.
#13. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
There are a couple of themes and motifs that constantly appear throughout the nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother. Amongst them, the freedom that comes with learning to let go from the past is one of the most powerful ones. For instance, that's exactly what Ted had to do when Barney confessed he wanted to propose to Robin.

Robin had some interesting things to say on the subject, and apparently Ted learned a thing or two from her words: > "Oh my god, look at you cowards. So afraid of any kind of change. So terrified of anything new. So, so desperate to cling to anything comfortable and familiar," Robin said.
#12. Love And Rationality Are Enemies
Many people were underwhelmed by the shows ending, and it's no surprise. After so many Seasons of watching Ted fight and fail countless times with different women, we discover that Tracy is 'the one', but we only get to enjoy her for about 20 episodes. She had the charisma, the brains, the sense of humor, the looks, everything!

Indeed, the ending of Ted's story arc might've been a complete mess, but the way he's so passionate about love throughout the show is still awesome. Here's one of his best quotes: > "But love doesn't make sense! You can't logic your way into or out of it. Love is totally nonsensical. But we have to keep doing it or else we're lost, and love is dead, and humanity should just pack it in."
#11. Life Is Unpredictable
And love is such a crucial part of life that these two things probably have a lot of similarities... if How I Met Your Mother has taught us something valuable, it's that life and love are anything but logical paths. Each one's journey through them can take unexpected twists and turns.

You can set yourself several career goals, you can dream about falling in love with someone that looks a certain way or shares a determined interest... but bam! A surprise will always hit you in the middle of the face when you expect it the least, and Marshall certainly agrees: > "That's life, you know, we never end up where you thought you wanted to be", Marshall said.
#10. Cherish The Memorable Moments
While it's true that most fans loved Tracy (a great win for the producers and writers of the show, considering the extremely high expectations that existed for this character), there's also a whole lot of other people who would choose Victoria as their favorite Ted girlfriend.

Indeed, Victoria gave an unforgettable first impression during her first night with Ted, when she suggests they should abstain from kissing in order to avoid staining a beautiful memory: > "Tonight, we'll make a memory that will never be tarnished. Then, when we're old and gray, we'll look back on this moment, and it'll be perfect", Victoria said.
#9. There's No Need To Rush
Whether you agree or not with Victoria's idea of not kissing on a fabulous first date, her attitude can teach us a valuable lesson. She's trying to create a significant memory that will still be there in the distant future. IMO this is a great piece of wisdom, especially nowadays, in a world where everybody seems to be in a rush.

Ted also addresses this topic with a memorable line after realizing that being in a hurry to find love wasn't bringing any results: > "I used to be in such a hurry all the time. Everything was so urgent. Now, I figure, if it's going to happen, it'll happen when it happens. I'm not going anywhere; she's not going anywhere. What's the rush, right?" he said.
#8. Search For The Thrill Of It
If you pay close attention while re-watching How I Met Your Mother, you'll realize that every main character gets to a point where they realize that sticking obsessively to a specific goal in life (or always trying too hard to have any kind of aim) is ultimately futile.

Even Barney, who seems to relish living life fast and sleeping with as many girls as possible, enjoys a moment of clarity: > "I realized that I'm searching, searching for what I really want in life. And you know what? I have absolutely no idea what that is," Barney said.
#7. The Chosen One
But let's go back to the series' awesome quotes about love and relationships, shall we? In contrast to Barney's casual flings, we know that Marshall and Lily stick to a conventional monogamous relationship. The crazy amount of time they spend with each other may not be for every couple... but listening to any of them talk about their immense love is truly touching!

> "Being in a couple is hard. And committing, making sacrifices it's hard. But if it's the right person, it's easy. Looking at that girl and knowing she's all you really want out of life, that should be the easiest thing in the world. And if it's not like that, then she's not the one," Marshall wisely said.
#6. Stay Humble
So far, we've mostly mentioned quotes by Ted and Marshall, but what about Robin? She's an awesome character too, don't you agree? Considering Robin was a teen popstar in Canada, it's no surprise that she has more than a thing or two to say about fame as a grownup.

> "I get recognized one time, and I start thinking I'm Julia Roberts. I'm no VIP; I'm not even an IP; I'm just a lonely little P sitting out here in the gutter," Robin said. Today, almost every rising artist is desperate for some extra clout on Social Media, but always remember to stay humble if you hit it big!
#5. What Should We Do When We're Sad?
It's crystal-clear that the bulk of How I Met Your Mother's greatest quotes are poignant reflections about love, friendship, the future, and life in general. But some of its comic relief moments also provided us with legendary phrases!

And talking about legendary, Barney Stinson is probably the character with the most hilarious lines, like this one: > "Whenever I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead". Maybe it's not the most philosophical quote, but it sounds extremely motivational, right?
#4. If You Love Someone, Fight For Them
Though some fans felt a little bit annoyed by the fact that Ted is constantly haunted by the need of finding 'the one', others find his pursuit to be stirring and inspirational. Love him or hate him, you have to give the guy some credit, he does talk about love like no other!

> "If you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything, they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love. And when you love someone you just, you... you don't stop, ever," Ted said.
#3. What's A Soulmate?
However, even a guy that knows what he wants like Ted needs a little advice or guide every once in a while. Remember when Victoria decides to call off her wedding with Klaus to escape with Ted? After trying to deliver him her note, Ted shares a deep conversation with Klaus in the train station, where the German reveals why Victoria wasn't the one for him (and presumably, not for Ted either):

> "When you meet the right person, you know it. You can't stop thinking about them. They are your best friend and your soulmate. You can't wait to spend the rest of your life with them. No one and nothing else can compare," Klaus said.
#2. Risks Are Always Necessary
Klaus' words about marriage and knowing how to realize when you've found 'the one' was crucial for Ted. Afterward, he slowly began to realize that choosing Victoria meant that he was conforming himself with a girl that represented familiar territory and happy memories, but that was far from being his soulmate.

Indeed, How I Met Your Mother encourages its fans to take risks in love and life. Who else but Ted to provide us with some wise words about getting out of our comfort zones! > "If you're not scared then you're not taking a chance. And if you're not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing anyway?" Ted said.
#1. Keep Your Best Friends Close!
And to finish off this list, we have one of the greatest lessons that the show has taught us: > "That's how it goes kids. The friends, the neighbors, drinking buddies, and partners in crime you love so much when you're young, as the years go by, you just lose touch. You will be shocked, kids, when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it." Ted said.

This fact may seem a bit depressing at first, but the key idea is found in the last sentence. It's undeniable that we eventually distance ourselves from many people, it's a part of life that we should accept. But this also emphasizes the crucial importance of making an extra effort with those few close friends that should be with us for the rest of our lives!