#20 Camping
When you think about camping you probably have triangular shaped tents in your mind right? Well not for everybody. Apparently these people were too tired or too lazy to even set up the tent. Instead, they thought that it would be best to just use the tent as an extra layer of blanket?

#19 Car
Cars are very convenient; they take you to one place to another in just a few min and they help you get things done very fast. But while most people usually use cars to do things that would take a significant amount of time if done by feet, some are just too lazy to use the pair of limbs that they were born with.

#18 Supermarket Scooter
It's very understandable that some people need to use the mobility scooter for the supermarket. Whether it's age or a disability, mobility scooters can really make a difference. But sometimes people take advantage of these scooters a little too much... like this kid being carried by one.

#17 Phone Call
Sometimes when you are trying to get things done while being on a phone call, your neck will start cramping from trying to hold the phone in place. But when you have nothing else to do, then holding the phone should be no problem right? Well... This woman thought that even holding the phone was too much, so she found her own way to get around that.

#16 Phone 2.0
Some people are lazy when it comes to holding their phones for a call, while other are lazy when it comes to holding it to watch a TV show. This kid has solved the latter for sure. It might look a bit silly and you definitely need to watch your head if you're gonna get up, but other than that, pretty smart hack!

#15 Nail Polish
If you paint your nails you know this; sometimes painting your toenails and then wearing shoes that won't display your hard work is a bit sad. But what about shoes that showcase some of your toenails? Just paint the exact toenails that will be seen!

#14 Security Guard
We should all be thankful for our security guards, especially when they work so hard. I mean, it must be rather tiring to work as a security guard right? Well this guard decided to take a nap but he was sure to give the public an interesting sense of security still.

#13 Mall Escalator
Mall escalators help you go from floor to floor a lot faster. After all, waiting for the elevator or taking the stairs can take extra time that you could otherwise be used for shopping. But some of these mall designers like mall escalators a little too much, to the point where we wonder if they are lazy or if the people using them are.

#12 Perfect Snack
When you are watching a movie or working on your computer, sometimes you just need a snack by your side right? Well, for some people reaching out to their side is too much work, so instead, they use this rather interesting hack to get around it. We just hope that hoodie is washed before it's used again.

#11 Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is that thing that everybody needs yet everybody can get lazy about. Whether you just take out a new roll and instead of putting it in its place you just leave it on a level surface or you leave it on the back of the toilet seat, just shows how lazy humans can get. However, this person has taken it to a whole new other level by dangling the new roll on the used one.

#10 Doorstop
All things considered, this doorstop is doing its job just fine right? But really, would it have taken that much time to take it out of its packaging? Maybe this person just wanted to protect their brand new doorstop for a few more days...

#9 Waiting In Line
Fast food is really convenient, especially when you are in a rush and just need something to satisfy that rumbling stomach. But what is the point of fast food if it cannot do its main job, that is, delivered in a rapid manner? This lady made sure to let the burger joint know that she was waiting for too long.
#8 Fitness Center
It's that time of the year when you need to hit the gym to make sure that you're body is rocking for the summer. But that doesn't mean that you can leave your laziness behind right? These people made sure that their first step towards getting fit started precisely inside the fitness center.

#7 Dog
It's a common agreement that human beings can be rather lazy at times... But what about our furry best friends? Take the example of this dog that was ready to have a meal yet didn't really feel the need to get off the couch. Can't say I don't relate.

#6 Clean Car
Among the very annoying things that get involved during a snowstorm, is a car that needs to be cleaned from all the snow. This guy however, thought that the snow wasn't strong enough to rid him of his laziness so instead, he cleared out just enough so he could see the road.

#5 Headset
As we've already seen, holding the phone while you're doing something else might be uncomfortable. But some people just resort to the most interesting manners of making sure that their hands are not occupied, just take the example of this painful looking makeshift headset.

#4 Lawn Mower
You know when your parents want to get you to go outside and exercise and to do so they tell you to mow the lawn? This guy seems to have come up with the perfect hack to make sure that he can mow the lawn yet not take a single step.

#3 Supermom
Moms are just the best. They somehow manage to showcase an extreme level of multitasking so it's no surprise that some of them would need a break. However, this mom has found a way to maintain a high level of multitasking with the little help of a Segway.

#2 Burger King
While one might say that some people that eat fast food just do so because they're too lazy too cook, I guess that some of these people are also too lazy to eat... You know, sometimes holding a burger and lifting it up takes too much work.

#1 Shopping Cart
This is the one that leaves us baffled because one cannot believe what level of laziness and selfishness could result in a sidewalk cluttered with shopping carts. I mean, these people are literally making the job of other's harder. Is it that difficult and tiresome to just leave the cart where it belongs?