#25. Koko, The Gorilla
Koko was the most famous gorillas of all time. She appeared twice on the cover of National Geographic magazine and she showed to the world that animals could feel empathy and they were able to communicate to humans.

Koko learned more than 1000 signs of language and she could understand 2,000 words. Of course, she was going to be able to feel love for this kitten and the little feline couldn’t feel more protected in Koko’s arms!
#24. Pumpkin, The Raccoon
Although raccoons are not very friendly animals for humans — even humans try to make them go away. But Pumpkin, the Raccoon became famous around the world when he was adopted by a mother and daughter in the Bahamas. Pumpkin also lived with his four-legged friend!

Pumpkin had his own profile on Instagram and Facebook and was a complete influencer. According to his owner, Pumpkin loved tiny pancakes, avocados and taking long naps.
#23. Tiger Mom
We all know that tigers are one of the scariest animals in the world. Probably we wouldn’t want to be near them ever in our lives. But this little orphaned piglets didn’t care about this and adopted a tiger as their mom.

According to the employees of the zoo, the tiger was very sad because her cubs were gone so they decided to dress the little pigs in a tiger suit and the Tiger mom started to take care of them and give them love.
#22. Fyodor And Rosinka
When Fyodor, a squirrel monkey, was abandoned by his mom in a zoo in Russia, he felt very sad and lonely. The director of the zoo, Tatyana Antropova decided to take the newborn monkey to her house in order to take care of him until he was older enough to return to the zoo.

What Antropova didn’t imagine is that the squirrel monkey would become a friend of his 16-year-old cat Rosinka and that her cat would become his mother. Rosinka even let Fyodor sleep in her back.
#21. Owen And Mzee
After a tsunami hit the city of Malindi, a baby hippo became an orphan and the local people decided to take him to the Lafarge Eco Systems so he could have a second chance. The baby hippo was named Owen.

From the first moment, Owen became very close to a 13-year-old tortoise called Mzee. The unusual relationship started to grow and they became inseparable. Of course, Owen had to be very patient with Mzee as he was way slower than him.
#20. Milo And Bonedigger
Believe it or not, the cutest bond between a male lion and a wiener dog exists! Bonedigger, the lion, is a true friend of Milo, the puppy. Both are friends since they were little and they were raised together at Oklahoma animal rescue.

According to the director, Bonedigger needed an extra paw and the sausage pup happily agreed to become it. Both of them shared a lot of time together and they even have lunch at the same time!
#19. The Spotted Duo
Zoe, a loving dalmatian, lives in the Barossa Valley in Australia and she was very used to farm animals until she met a black-and-white lamb and the pair became best friends.

According to their breeders, the pair are inseparable and Zoe became like a mother to the little lamb and the spotted lamb follows her anyplace she goes. Of course, we can’t deny that mother and son look very similar!
#18. Leonardo And Simon
Leonard, an African spurred tortoise, was living peacefully and quietly in Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand after being abandoned in a zoo in Bangkok. Leonard never thought he would have a closing bond with a baby cow.

When Simon, a cow that had lost one of his legs, appeared into the center, both of them became inseparable. Nowadays, both of them seem very close and they even share their meals and rest together.
#17. The Hen And The Puppies
Some people say that being a mother is part of women’s instincts but we believe it doesn’t matter your condition, you could be the mom you want to, like Mabel the hen.

In a home in England, Nettle — a big rottweiler — had four adorable puppies. Mabel and Nettle shared the house but what Nettle didn’t know is that the hen would become into the adorable aunt for the newborn puppies! As you can see, Mabel is looking after them.
#16. The Cat And The Ducks
Most of us could think that cats are not very friendly to any kind of birds but this feline from Ireland proved us that we were wrong. Let’s see the adorable story of him!

One day, local farmers were looking for their newborn ducks but they couldn’t find them anywhere. A cat showed at their farm with one of them in his mouth and the farmers thought the worst. They got surprised after they saw their little ducks were adopted by the feline that was feeding them for days! As we can say, the ducks were under his “wing”.
#15. The Corgi And The Ducks
Another story that involves little ducks and it’s very adorable is the one with Yogi, a friendly 5-year-old corgi. Let’s see how Yogi became the “mother” of the little ducks, Biggie and Pac.

According to Yogi’s family, one day they brought into their home the two ducks and Yogi was fascinated about the little birds. But what was more incredible is that Biggie and Pac started to follow Yogi everywhere he go. Nowadays, the two ducks have chosen Yogi as their mother and they do everything Yogi does.
#14. The Deer And The Goose
Believe it or not, a deer and a goose mother made a rare and unlikely bond at Buffalo Cemetery, you won’t imagine how the friendship started! When her mate left, the goose was making her nest in the cemetery but birds eggs were under the eyes of the crows.

Incredibly a deer that was close to the nest decided to stay and protect the mother and her eggs for almost 4 weeks. This socialization between animals is not something usual to see.
#13. Whales Are The Best
Although whales are enormous sea animals, they are considered one of the kindest and peaceful animals under the sea and, of course, they have a big heart!

This sperm whale decided to teach a bottle-nose dolphin how to live with its deformed spine. The whale was not going to live alone the dolphin and taught him how to search for food and even they play together. What adorable mother-and-son relationship!
#12. Bango And His Babies
Bango lived with her human family in England and he was very happy with them. One day she disappeared and his family thought the worst. But Bango was going to give them a big surprise.

Bango returned a few days later with two baby bunnies with him! According to his family, Bango became their mother from the first moment as the baby bunnies were abandoned. The little rabbits never separated from her and nowadays they live all together.
#11. Poncho And Hantu
When Poncho was a baby opossum, he lost his mother in an accident. The little one was taken to a wildlife sanctuary in South Carolina as his chances to survive were few. Poncho was introduced to a four-legged friend who became his salvation.

Poncho was introduced to Hantu, the white German shepherd and their lives became full of love and joy. Hantu became Poncho’s natural mom and the little opossum was always clinging to Hantu’s back.
#10. Themba And Albert
Elephants are one of the scariest animals that we could see in our lives but they are very sensitive animals. Let’s see the story of Themba, the 6-month-old elephant after she lost her mother that fell down a cliff.

Themba was very sad and depressed about the death of her mother that she didn’t want to eat anything. Everything was dark for Themba until Albert appeared in her life. The sheep became her father and protected the baby elephant, even if Thelma was twice his size!
#9. A Crow And A Kitten
Although we can imagine that crows are terrifying and mean animals, sometimes they show us that we can have a wrong impression of them. The story of a little kitten and a crow in Massachusetts will surprise us.

One day in a garden of an old couple, appeared an abandoned kitten that was very hungry and scared. Believe it or not, the kitten was under the wing of a crow that was feeding him worms and insects. The crow was his protector and later the family adopted the feline and named him Cassie.
#8. Miss Kitty
The following story will touch our hearts for sure. Miss Kitty lived in the streets of South Carolina and she was expecting. Miss Kitty didn’t have a human family but she looked for help after she gave birth. Sadly, all her kittens died after they were born.

Miss Kitty couldn’t feel more heartbroken but her wishes of being a mom didn’t disappear. That same day, a cocker gave birth to puppies but the dog didn’t want to take care of them. Miss Kitty didn’t hesitate and she decided to adopt the puppies as their children. It was a loving cat-dog story.
#7. The Snake And The Hamster
If you have ever gone to a zoo, you probably know that snakes are often feed with other small animals, most of them are laboratory rats and hamsters.

In a zoo in China, employees gave a Russian hamster to a snake but incredibly the snake couldn’t eat it. We don’t know the reason but the pair became inseparable and they live together for a long time as very good friends.
#6. Bella And Bubbles
We all know that elephants are endangered animals because of illegal hunting. Every year many elephants are rescued from danger zones and ivory poachers, like Bubbles.

When Bubbles was rescued, she was sent to a safari reserve in the United States and she started a friendship with Bella, the labrador of the reserve. It seemed that Bubbles looked at Bella as her protector.
#5. Surya And Roscoe
Another great friendship story is the one with Surya, an orangutan, and Roscoe, a Blue Tick Dog. Both of them nowadays live in The Institute Of Greatly Endangered And Rare Species —TIGERS—and they are inseparable.

Surya was already living in the reserve when Roscoe appeared and he looked lost and scared. The orangutan didn’t hesitate and open her heart to the dog! Since the first day, they share a lot of time together and are best friends.
#4. Kago And Kumbali
Cheetahs could be one of the most fierce animals on earth but Kumbali proved the felines could be really tender and sweet. When Kumbali was born, he was abandoned by his family and he felt very lonely. The workers of the Metro Richmond Zoo in Virginia decided to do something.

The workers had the crazy idea of introducing him to Kago, a puppy by that time. For the surprise of everyone, the couple became very close and up to these days are still close.
#3. Leo, Baloo And Shere Khan
Besides illegal hunting, some animals are in danger because people used them for abusive treatments, like for a circus or private shows. That was the case of Leo the lion, Baloo the bear and Shera Khan, the tiger.

The three were rescued from a terrible owner and were brought to Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in Georgia. The friends didn’t forget their past and nowadays they spent their days together but living free of bad things.
#2. Anjana And The White Tiger
After he was separated from his mother because of a hurricane, the baby white tiger didn’t know what was going to happen with his future until he found the love of Anjana, a chimpanzee.

Both of them live in TIGERS and Anjana became the mother of the little tiger by feeding him and even play with him and she always looks after him.
#1. Manni And Candy
Candy the Jack Russel terrier was living with his human family in Germany. One day, Candy’s family found a baby wild boar piglet in their home eating the rubbish.

The wild boar piglet seemed hungry and scared and the family decided to adopt him. They didn’t know what Candy was going to think but the dog couldn’t be happier about having a brother and a new paw to play and share his days. Nowadays, they do everything together!