#21. Who Has Done This? Not Me!
Dogs are not animals that usually hide their feelings. For example, if you have a cat you probably spent most of your day wondering what are they thinking. Dogs are not like that.

See the adorable face of this little dog and guess what he has done… Of course, he can’t hide his guilt! We know that maybe the owner was angry but in the end, he must have laughed about the face of his puppy.
#20. I Wasn’t Bothering The Cat
Dogs and cats are natural enemies, or at least in the majority of times. Cats are independent and they don’t want to be bothered by a happy and excited furry puppy. Well, it seems that this dog went too far with the kitten.

The face of both of them is hilarious! We can’t imagine who started the fight but both of them were caught in the act!
#19. I Was Very Hungry
If you have a dog, you probably know that they can’t control how much they eat. Especially if you left food on the table or the one that fell off the table, it’s the favorite from our dogs.

We know that a big bag of dog food alone will be another delight that our dogs will enjoy as this tinny puppy did. We know that dogs are unstoppable when it concerns food, even if the food is locked under lock and key.
#18. He Just Wanted To Play
Some people like dogs because they are naturally active animals. Dogs want to play all the time with their owners! Going to the park would be the perfect date for your four-legged pet...Or in this case, buying a dog-proof ball.

We can’t deny that this dog looks adorable with his ears back and his eyes fully open. Of course, he is guilty of destroying the ball but he just wanted to play soccer!
#17. Don’t Look At Me
We know that dogs could find literally anything to play and have fun for a while. Owners don’t need to buy expensive stuff, perhaps with a little toilet paper would be enough for our four-legged friends.

As we can see here, perhaps this Golden Retriever thought he was invisible if he lay down flat, another prove that show that dogs are not very good with their poker face.
#16. Like Siblings!
As we said before, probably cats and dogs won’t be the best pair of friends but sometimes they have to share a home and they have to learn how to live together.

See the case of this adorable pair! The pug seems to have fun while he is over the cat. But, what about the cat? The kitten looks like he is saying: “I was supposed to be sleeping on a bookshelf”. Of course, dogs want to play all the time and cats just want to be alone.
#15. Not Me, He Is!
As we said before, dogs can’t hide their feelings and the majority of times we know what they exactly are thinking. If they did something bad, we probably find it out just by looking at their faces.

We can tell that the dog on the right is definitely the guilty one or maybe he just doesn’t like a photo… Probably the pair live together and the owner asked them who did a bad thing and, of course, we have a suspect!
#14. Please, Don’t Be Mad
We know that we could be 5 minutes angry with our furry friends but when they give us the “Please don’t be mad with me” look, we forget about everything.

See this adorable look of this pug to her owner, it looks like she understood she was wrong and she will be patient until her owner is not angry with her anymore. Would you forgive a puppy with a face like that?
#13. I Can’t Hide It
As we said before, dogs can’t control what they eat and if you have one you know you shouldn’t leave food on the table. See the adorable face of this puppy full of cream and sugar, who can blame him?

The dog seems to have enjoyed the tasty cake that was on the kitchen of the table and shows no regrets about having eaten it. The dog is living his life to the fullest!
#12. The Puppy Read All The Articles
For some dogs, the best way to get entertained is with newspaper articles as we can see in this picture. Of course, not by reading the article but eating them!

This labrador has the face of knowing he was making a terrible mess but he couldn’t stop until his owners came home and saw what he has done. Of course, who can be angry with a puppy with that adorable face?
#11. Dogs Like Pizza
Perhaps this dog couldn’t eat the pizza that his human family has bought but he was not angry with them. When the two pizza boxes were on the top of the garbage dump, the dog finally enjoyed something related to the pizza.

We can say that this puppy recycled the boxes by shredding them before his owners could notice him. Incredibly, this four-legged friend seems to be sorry for his acts.
#10. What Is This Red Liquid?
We can’t be sure if this puppy knew what wine was but a red liquid inside a glass bottle caught his attention. Unluckily for the owners, their dog wanted to try it.

Here we see the results of the discovery of this furry pet! What is most incredible is that the dog didn’t even try to hide it or at least try the wine. Well, owners will be cautious next time!
#9. Toiler Paper Is Magic
We can’t stop saying that dog-lovers shouldn’t buy anything expensive for their four-legged friends. The reason? What they most love is toilet paper! We can’t guess if it’s for its softness or the fact that it could turn into million pieces but dogs love toilet papers and can’t deny.

We think that recording the days with TP is worthless, especially if you have a puppy but it was worth the effort.
#8. For Star Wars Fans
Fans of the Star Wars franchise would be very angry with this adorable labrador by discovering that the puppy has destroyed this Yoda teddy bear with his powerful teeth.

We don’t know if the lab didn’t like Yoda’s wisdom or he is a member of the dark side but he doesn’t look like he is sorry at all. Poor Yoda, he was sleeping with the enemy and he didn’t know!
#7. My Diploma?
If you have a dog, you probably know that you have to train them not to bite and destroy things. It’s one of the hardest things that a dog must learn when they arrive at a new home. Well, it seems this furry didn’t understand that.

Waiting for a University diploma is one of the most excited and wanted things in the world for a human… Or for a dog! As we can see here, this puppy couldn’t control his happiness and destroyed his owner’s diploma.
#6. I’m Taking A Bath
Some dogs really enjoy having a bath and some of them really hate it. But we can’t deny that the bath time of our furry friends is one of the funniest parts of having a dog.

It seems that this HUsky puppy wants to take a bath in private! We are not sure if this puppy really fits in the toilet but he is really enjoying being inside it, especially by looking at his chilling and relaxing face.
#5. He Can’t Hide
Dalmatians are one of the most loved and beautiful dog breeds of all time. Everyone finds their spotted fur funny and unique. One problem is that they can’t hide from anything, like this little dalmatian after destroying the sale advertisements and coupons!

Although this spotted friend doesn’t like he is sorry, we can’t be angry with an adorable face like it! Let’s see the last 4 adorable but terrible dogs that were caught doing mischief!
#4. What Do We Have Here?
Once again, dogs are insatiable! They can eat whatever we give to them and they will always find the way to have something to eat, like this stout little pup.

We can’t imagine how he opened the fridge door and started to look for some food. Perhaps he was looking for a steak or a vegetable, it seems he is very into.
#3. Where Should I Sleep?
Just like humans, dogs want to have a cozy and warm bed for them, even it’s their owners’ bed. As we can see from this picture, it seems that this furry friend didn’t bother about taking a shower first he entered into the bed.

We are wondering about the reaction of the owners! But let’s be honest, who can get mad with an adorable face like this puppy? We imagine the owners have a sofa or a guest bed to sleep for the day.
#2. I Didn’t Do It
Dogs are very helpful animals for a home, or at least that is what they think of. See the adorable and funny face of this labrador after “organized” the kitchen of his human family.

Although the puppy is rolling his eyes, he can’t deny he is guilty of destroying packs of Saran Wrap and Ziploc bags! Well, at least he is trying to help his human family.
#1. He Is Saying Hi
Dogs really enjoy having a big garden to play and relax, of course, not only for running. Dogs are well-known for being expert diggers.

Here we have a perfect example of how dogs can dig in every place they want to. It seems that this dog didn’t have more earth to dig and stop there. At least he is saying “Hello” to the entire neighborhood.