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Mandatory Rules Every Hells Angels Member Has To Follow
Life and Love

Mandatory Rules Every Hells Angels Member Has To Follow

If you’ve heard about the Hells Angels, you know they have a bad reputation. They are notorious for getting in trouble with the law and are known as very tough people. In order to become a member, you have to follow a set of very strict rules. Let’s take a look at what it takes to become a Hells Angel. Photo: Hudson Valley Post

Angie Ray / Nov 26, 2021

The Rest Of The Best

Nov 24, 2021

Crazy Mother-In-Law Stories You Won't Believe Are Real

There's always the stereotypical mother-in-law relationship fiasco that we've seen portrayed in the media all too often. While there's plenty of great mother-in-law experiences out there, it's the crazy horror stories that we love to read about. Redditors shared some of their most horrifying experiences they had to endure. Prepare yourself for this absolute madness. Photo: Glamour

Nov 24, 2021

The Most Hilarious Animal Photobombs

We love animals and all the hilarious things they do. But has it ever happened to you that just when you were about to take a selfie, an animal got in the way and stole the thunder? Well, here's a list of bizarre and hilarious animal photobombs that will definitely make you laugh. Photo: Courtesy of OneGreenPlanet

Nov 24, 2021

Popular Movies That Totally Are Copies Of Each Other

Let's face it, Hollywood is a business, and like any business, it’s based on competition. When studios aren’t busy working on their films, they check out what other studios are doing, and if they find out that another studio has a good idea in their hands, they might as well rip that idea off. This happens more often than you'd think, and most of these “twin films” are released in the same year – sometimes even weeks or days apart! Join us as we take a look at the movies that totally are copies of each other. Which one do you prefer? Photo: The Whisp

Nov 23, 2021

Celebs Who Shared The Screen And Now Can't Stand Each Other

Working with people you don't like is always hard because you need to get used to other people's habits and behaviors. If it's hard for normal people , imagine for celebrities. Here we have a list of Hollywood celebs that shared the screen together but never did again. Why? They can't stand each other! There are many reasons behind these feuds, and we'll explore them all. Photo: Her Moments

Nov 23, 2021

Here Are The Most Unexpected Celebrity Divorces Ever

Finding love is not always easy and for celebrities, things get even harder. Celebs usually have to navigate through relationships with thousands of people watching their every move and paparazzi following them around, and this takes a toll on their relationships. Sadly, many of our favorite Hollywood couples who we thought would last forever ended up in a divorce, to the surprise of everyone. Here are the most unexpected celebrity divorces. Try not to cry! Photo: Vogue

Nov 19, 2021

Servers Share The Craziest Stories They Accidentally Overheard While Working

When we talk to people while eating out, sometimes, the waiters and other customers can hear us, especially if the conversation is getting heated and voices are rising. Here are some of the most awkward stories from times when waiters accidentally overheard stuff. Photo: Pexels

Nov 19, 2021

Cringe-worthy Things That Happened At A Wedding

Your wedding is arguably one of the most memorable experiences in your life. For many people, it is something they only do once or twice in their life, so it makes sense that they would want to make it extra special right? Well, sometimes people might take it a bit too far. While we aren't judging too hard, below are some of the most cringe-worthy things that the bridge and groom have done at their wedding. Photo: Brides

Nov 18, 2021

Skeletons In The Closet: Shocking Family Secrets that Will Make You Curious About Yours

Every family has its secrets, but some are so insane that they might as well belong in a movie. Today, we'll look at the craziest family secrets shared by Reddit users that will probably make you wonder about what secrets your own family is keeping from you... Photo: Pexels

Nov 17, 2021

How to Waste Money and Not Regret it

How you spend your money is up to your own discretion. Whether you spend it, save it, or invest it depends on your wants and needs. They say you need a sound financial plan to live a good life, but sometimes people splurge a little to keep their sanity and it is completely fine to do so. Here are stories from people around the world who wasted a huge amount of money and did not regret it at all. Photo: Unsplash

Nov 17, 2021

People Share The Dumbest Rules Their School Enforced

Schools all over the world couldn't be more different! They have different principles and different techniques for education, all wishing to preserve their good reputation. One thing they share, despite their astounding differences related to culture, race, gender and religion, however, is that each school has at least one silly rule. Here, people of Reddit have shared the dumbest rules their schools ever enforced! Photo: Pexels

Nov 16, 2021

Real-Life Horror Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

We've all experienced scary moments in our lives, but some people out there have seen things that could've easily been made into horror movies. Reddit users have shared their most terrifying stories and we've put them all together for you. Photo: Pexels

Nov 16, 2021

There Is No Place Like Home: Citizens From Small Towns Share Their Town’s Most Recent Scandals

No place is safe from gossip. Even the smallest towns are not exempted from having the biggest scandals that either changed the town for the better or oppositely impacted the town. Small town citizens from Reddit share their funny and scary scandals that happened in their town recently and we gotta say, some are especially juicy. Photo: Pexels