Grace In Using A Bathroom

Who knew something so great could come out from something so dirty!
Strong Heart

You may not have any symptoms, but are you sure that you’re not sick? A good start would be going for regular checkups, just to be sure.
A Happy Ending

So, guess they had great chemistry! Or whatever the cool kids call it these days.
A Future Ahead Of You

This gives another dimension to the belief that teachers shape our future. In case you don’t believe it yet, here’s your proof.
Luck And Close Calls

Redditor right here is suffering from survivor’s guilt. There’s not much to be done except commemorating the lives taken away and being happy for those lives spared.
I Want To Be A Millionaire

Sometimes, while watching these game shows, you might think, “Are they this dumb? I can do better!” And this Redditor put those words into action.
Long Lost Brother

If this Redditor hadn’t bribed their mother to make the trip to the licensing office with them, she would have missed the chance to reunite with her long-lost brother.
Spanish, Not Mexican

Well, long-distance relationships do work. Maybe know your heritage next time, cos that might give you extra luck. Fingers crossed.
It’s All Written In The Stars

There’s a point in our lives that almost anything piques our interest. Then, you would want to have a job in that field. Luckily for this Redditor, their dream turned into reality.
Thanks, Sis!

You may have a cat and dog relationship with your sibling, but let’s be honest, having one is a blast. Especially if their nagging lands you a loving partner!
Your Future On The Other Side Of The Line

It’s funny how one mistake can lead to something so wholesome. But please, this only happens 1 out of 10 times, so don’t expect this to go well every time.
Domino’s Effect

Just imagine the tension in that room! Redditor only wanted pizza but got a dramatic family reunion instead.
Thankful For Awesome Friends

Friends that stick with you through thick and thin are the best. Without a doubt, the world becomes a more livable space with them by your side.
The Makings Of A Professional

What started as a pastime became a full-blown passion project. How awesome is that?!
Lucky Newspaper

Now, looking for a job can push anyone to their wit’s end. But just like this story, maybe a random newspaper will bring you great opportunities. Better hold on!
Life-Changing Decision

Some treasures in life come in the most unexpected ways, just like meeting your best friend through complete coincidence. You can count this as one of life’s beautiful mysteries.
When A Refrigerator Light Bub Changes Everything

Sometimes even the most insignificant thing can change one’s life trajectory. Sometimes it can be a refrigerator bulb and sometimes just getting up in the morning.
A Literal Cliff Hanger

You’ll really appreciate even the smallest of decisions you make once you realize how fleeting life can be.
Kittens And Finding Luck

Whoever says that only dogs can be man’s best friend doesn’t know how life-changing getting a cat can be. They might look cold, but give them a chance, and maybe they can turn your life upside down. In the right way, of course.
Friendzone No More

Come on! This Redditor should really share her secret so we can get ourselves some luck in finding our next partners. Tell us your secret, your highness!
Fulfilling Your Dreams

This is another case of rekindling the old flame that was lost a long time ago. More often than not, people only need a little push from the universe to finally fulfill their life-long dreams.
Internet, Chatrooms and Future

Let’s add meeting your potential husband to the ever-growing list of the positive things we can get from the internet.
Champions From The Start

It might feel incredibly heartwarming to see someone become a champion right before your eyes. Just to think that you’re a part of someone’s story sure is nice.
When Buying Chips Saves Your Life

Call it what you want, but this feels like it was plucked straight from a horror-thriller movie.
God-Given Opportunity

Maybe it’s all part of God’s elaborate plan for this Redditor to hone his talents! By the way, old churches’ pipe organs sound heavenly, and only the best can play them. Props to this man!
Choose Your Date Perfectly

This Redditor’s success is a matter of a lot of things. Sure the skills, attitude, and grit were there. But one thing’s undoubtedly included in the formula: LUCK.
Finding The Culprit

Lesson learned: Park where there is a security camera. It might come in handy should a disaster fall into your beloved ride.
One Book Leads To Another

And yet another proof that teachers are indeed the backbone of our society. Kudos to all the superb teachers out there!
The Stories Of A Patriot

This happens when everything falls into place. Maybe this is the universe’s way of rewarding this Redditor’s service to humanity.
Love Wins

What you consider a mundane decision can lead to great circumstances. Some get a well-deserved promotion, others meet their life partners, while others get both.
Decided I would rather use my bathroom than a portapotty. Found my wife cheating, she attempted suicide, I moved multiple states away. In the 7 years since, I have made nothing but positive changes and went from $18/hour laborer to a well respected person in my profession making 6 figures. I'd probably still be working that dead-end job.
Aside from that, without recounting all the details; I went to see a doctor about a splinter from chopping firewood, 6 months later they removed most of my kidney with Renal Cell Carcinoma. Without the splinter I'd likely be dead from kidney cancer