Aug 18, 2022

Take A Look At The Most Affordable Places To Live In The US

One of the main issues when choosing where to settle down is the cost of living. A survey taken by 3,500 US residents showed just how important it is to live somewhere affordable. Let’s take a look at the best places to live in the United States if you’re trying to save money…

Feb 22, 2022

Caught Red-Handed: These Are The Dumbest Excuses To Cheating People Have Heard

Breakups are complex, and they happen for a lot of reasons. Losing a significant other sometimes feels like losing a part of yourself as well. What these people experienced adds salt to the wound because, besides getting cheated on, their exes also had the guts to give them lame excuses. Photo: Pexels

Feb 7, 2022

Happily Never After: Memorable Yet Tragic Moments That Destroyed Wedding Celebrations

A wedding is an exciting and memorable event that celebrates the marriage and union of couples. But while there are magical moments during one’s wedding day, there are cases where the event goes from magical to horrible. We have rounded up a list of memorable moments that sabotaged someone’s special day. Photo: Pexels

Jan 31, 2022

Redditors Share The Weirdest Things That A Classmate Did

We all had a weird kid in our class, and if we didn’t, then it’s probably because we were that kid. Everyone has a funny story to tell about their school’s weirdo, and today, we’ll look at some of the best ones. Photo: Pexels

Jan 24, 2022

This Is What Happens When You Confront A Toxic Person

Dealing with a toxic person is never easy. In certain situations, the best option is to distance yourself from them, but if that’s not possible, you have to stand up for yourself. Reddit users shared how their confrontations with toxic people turned out, and they are very insightful… Photo: Pexels

Jan 20, 2022

Signs You’re Actually In A Toxic Relationship

Red flags aren’t always easy to spot, so it’s important to look out for them, especially at the start of a relationship. Whether it be a partner or a friend, you’d better watch out for the following signs of a toxic relationship. Photo: Pexels

Jan 18, 2022

People On Reddit Share Their Hometown’s Darkest And Most Scandalous Stories

People think that small towns are boring, but that’s because they’ve never lived in one. While life may not be so hectic in these places, there’s plenty of gossip, rumors, and horror stories about their inhabitants. Let’s take a look at the most scandalous stories about people’s hometowns. Photo: Pexels

Jan 8, 2022

Reddit Users Share Life Lessons You Only Understand When You Get Older

We’ve all been lectured by our parents a thousand times, but there are life lessons that just can’t be taught. Sometimes, we only learn things the hard way, when we get older. Here are some hard lessons that you’ll only understand once you reach a certain age. Photo: Pexels

Jan 7, 2022

People Around The World Share Weird Stuff They Witnessed At A Friend's House

We all have weird family traditions which might not be normal for other families. Of course, our friends’ families have habits and beliefs that we find strange, but it does not mean that they are unacceptable … right? Here are the weirdest things people from Reddit witnessed at a friend’s house. Photo: Pexels

Jan 6, 2022

Doomed From The Start: Guests Share Wedding Experiences That Made Them Realize The Marriage Wouldn't Last

Most of us have already attended a wedding occasion. For every wedding, there is just an unforgettable (sometimes hilarious) moment that we have, and we can't just hold it to share with everyone. People in the Reddit community shared their unique wedding stories that they just can't seem to forget about. Do you also have those moments? Photo: Pexels

Jan 4, 2022

Home Is Where the Horror Is: People Share the Weirdest Things in Other People’s Homes

Our homes are probably the most familiar place to us. It offers us a sense of security, peace, and belongingness. Because of this, it’s easy to overlook that what we find normal in our homes may come across as weird to others. From gross to downright confusing, people on Reddit share the most outrageous things they’ve witnessed in other people’s houses! Photo: Unsplash

Dec 28, 2021

Look Out For These Red Flags In Your Next Job Interview

Have you ever tried applying for a job, went for an interview, and felt that something was off during the conversation? People on Reddit have shared the moments when they realized something was seriously wrong with their potential new job. Keep these in mind during your next interview! Photo: Pexels

Dec 28, 2021

What's Your Best, Pettiest Revenge Story?

In the words of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, revenge is a dish best served cold. Some may say that vengeance is definitely more satisfying when one had the time to prepare, but there's an undeniable pleasure in spontaneous, unplanned revenge. Others prefer to let karma do its job. Whatever it is that you prefer, we've compiled the funniest, pettiest revenge stories from Reddit for you. Photo: Twitter

Dec 28, 2021

People From Around The World Share The Fastest They Had Ever Seen A New Co-Worker Get Fired

People get fired from their jobs for different reasons - that’s not unusual. However, what is unusual is getting fired from your new job just a few hours in. We have compiled a list of the most ridiculous, funniest stories from Reddit about people who got fired just after they started working.

Dec 28, 2021

Boo Hoo!: People Open Up About Their "Tis but a scratch!" Moments

More often than not, we tend to dismiss serious issues to successfully go through with our plans. How many times have you ignored pain so you wouldn't be forced to go to the hospital? Or to make it to that important meeting without an injury getting in the way? Well, people of Reddit have come to share the most aggravating wounds they ignored so they could go on with their schedule! Some are absolutely mind-blowing, enough for us to ask, "How are you still standing?!" It isn't easy to understand… Photo: Pexels

Dec 21, 2021

Big Changes Come In Small Packages: 30 People Share The Craziest Butterfly Effect That They’ve Experienced

The butterfly effect is a famous theory that says that minute and seemingly unimportant details can result in drastic changes in the future. Now, you might be thinking that this is just pure nonsense, but these Redditors are here to prove you wrong. With their shocking stories, here are some stories of people who realized the craziest butterfly effect that took place in their lives! Photo: Unsplash