May 1, 2020

Someone Ruined This Ancient Landmark, But Doesn’t Know What’s About To Happen

When it comes to our history and ancient relics, we’ve learned to preserve it for future generations. Replacing historic landmarks or artifacts is impossible, which is why the government closely watches the ancient relics to make sure they’re protected. However, someone did temper with one ancient landmark and had no idea what was going to follow afterwards… Photo: Yorkshire

May 1, 2020

Man Buys Antique Camera, Is left Speechless When He Develops The Film He Had Discovered Inside

When it comes to collecting antiques, it’s not about having something old that looks cool, but it’s because not many people have those antique objects. And if those old things have a story behind them or are very expensive, finding such a thing is like discovering a treasure! It’s what happened to a man from Netherlands who laid his eyes on an old Zeiss camera. Being a photographer, he knew he had to buy it just as a conversation piece. When he opened it, he realized he just stumbled upon an artifact! Photo: Bored Panda

Apr 14, 2020

Man Finds Creepy Room After Opening Hidden Trapdoor, Decides To Cover It For Good

Who doesn’t like a mystery? It’s safe to say the feeling you get when you find something strange in your house can be overwhelming, but the curiosity will always get the best of you. Exploring new things has always been exciting, but for a homeowner that had bought a cabin in the woods, discovering a trapdoor was a bit too creepy! After months of keeping it covered with a rug, the homeowner decided to finally take a peek inside… Photo: Ninja Journalist

Apr 14, 2020

Homeless Man Gets Extreme Makeover, He Doesn’t Even Recognize Himself In The Mirror

The first impression is everything today in a society where success and wealth are very important. If someone is not dressed well or looks dirty, people will try to avoid that person. The first impression would be that they’re poor. So when a homeless man got a makeover, as he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn’t even recognize the face looking back at him. His experience turned his life around and showed us that we are what we look like. That appearance is part of our personality, and Jose Antonio would soon realize that on his own. Let’s see his incredible makeover and how his life had completely changed soon after that… Photo: Kiwi Report

Apr 14, 2020

Egyptian Mummy Gets a CT Scan, Researchers Discover An Essential Detail About Life In Ancient Egypt

Egypt continues to be a mystery for archaeologists, but thanks to the new tech that is developed every year, they’re slowly unveiling more of those mysteries. For instance, a team of researchers were able to find new information about a man’s remains. The most incredible details revealed essential information about how this man had died. Researchers were excited to discover the mummy, but to be able to learn the cause of death of a man that died over 2,100 years ago was unbelievable! Photo: Washington University School of Medicine

Apr 14, 2020

Family Thinks Their Missing Teenager Is Gone For Good, Then The Police Gets A Call From Thousands Of Miles Away

One of every parent’s nightmares is having their child missing. Whether it is for ten minutes in a shop when they just banish from their side or for a whole day when they are teens and act up, all parents are terrified their child goes missing. A family from San Antonio Texas would got through a similar experience as their teenage boy went missing and no matter how many people began looking for him, he seemed as if he just vanished! Although missing children don’t stand a chance on their own more than 24 hours, the family didn’t give up… Photo: Vocal Media