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20 Movies You Wouldn’t Think Inspired Insane Lawsuits
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20 Movies You Wouldn’t Think Inspired Insane Lawsuits

Going to the movies - what a delight, right? This is a chance for you to get lost in a fantasy world and forget about your real life for a while. Well, apparently this isn’t like this for everyone. Sometimes, people take what they see in a movie way too seriously and even try to bring it into their lives. Believe it or not, here are 20 movies that inspired insane lawsuits. Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

Nahuel da Silva / Apr 29, 2020

The Rest Of The Best

Apr 14, 2020

23 Controversial 'Friends' Moments That Don't Hold Up Today

Friends is one of the best sitcoms ever made, and that’s a fact. So much so, that even though 15 years have passed since the season finale, millions of fans continue watching the show to this day and the main cast still earns $20 million each year. But no matter how hilarious the show is and how witty the plot is, many aspects of Friends haven’t stood de test of time. What I mean is that many of the jokes that made us laugh back in the 90s may be regarded as problematic or even inappropriate today. So let’s take a trip down memory lane and recall the 23 most controversial moments of Friends, some of which I’m sure you never noticed. Photo: Courtesy of Netflix

Apr 14, 2020

Homeless Man Gets Extreme Makeover, He Doesn’t Even Recognize Himself In The Mirror

The first impression is everything today in a society where success and wealth are very important. If someone is not dressed well or looks dirty, people will try to avoid that person. The first impression would be that they’re poor. So when a homeless man got a makeover, as he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn’t even recognize the face looking back at him. His experience turned his life around and showed us that we are what we look like. That appearance is part of our personality, and Jose Antonio would soon realize that on his own. Let’s see his incredible makeover and how his life had completely changed soon after that… Photo: Kiwi Report

Apr 14, 2020

This Couple Makes A Stunning Discovery In Their Basement While Remodeling Their Old House

Have you ever gone through a home renovation? If you have, you know how hard, lengthy and expensive it can be unless you are a do-it-yourself enthusiast. Imgur’s user branik12, a DIY expert, decided to give his home a complete makeover when he stumbled across a peculiar box in his basement. He could not believe his eyes when he opened it! Keep reading branik12’s incredible story to know about the contents of this mysterious box. Also, don’t miss slides #18, #10 and #1!

Apr 14, 2020

Man Finds Creepy Room After Opening Hidden Trapdoor, Decides To Cover It For Good

Who doesn’t like a mystery? It’s safe to say the feeling you get when you find something strange in your house can be overwhelming, but the curiosity will always get the best of you. Exploring new things has always been exciting, but for a homeowner that had bought a cabin in the woods, discovering a trapdoor was a bit too creepy! After months of keeping it covered with a rug, the homeowner decided to finally take a peek inside… Photo: Ninja Journalist

Apr 14, 2020

20 Unforgettable Queer Eye Moments That Taught Us A Lesson

Like all Netflix series, Queer Eye was a complete success from the very beginning. Not only do Karamo, Jonathan, Bobby, Antoni and Tan make us enjoy and sympathize with every situation, but they also give us the opportunity to constantly learn a new lesson. Anyone could tell that directors weren't just thinking on broadcasting home arrangements and makeovers. And that’s what we find significant and moving: the show is not superficial at all, but it rather encourages people to recognize and accept yourself, and most importantly, to learn to love yourself. The Fab Five are constantly teaching us that life is not perfect and that we can have moments were we might need help from others, and it’s ok to ask for help, because we can’t handle everything on our own. So are you ready? Don't miss these 20 lessons that Queer Eye has taught us. Photo: Netflix

Apr 14, 2020

Gorillas Reunite With Girl – You Won’t Believe Their Reaction

Most of us who grow up in the city are raised with domesticated animals like cats, dogs, or maybe hamsters, but seldom do we have the chance of interacting with other wild species. This wasn’t the case of Tansy Aspinall, who was lucky enough to be raised among a troop of gorillas in the deep jungles of Gabon. The reason she lived in the jungle was that her father, Damian Aspinall, worked at a wildlife center that rehabilitated gorillas and released them back into the wild. When she was 6 years old, she and her mother went back to the city, where she attended school. Many years later, after graduating from college, she went back to Gabon to visit her former gorilla friends. Do you think the primates remembered her? The animals’ reaction when they first saw her will leave you in awe! Photo: Courtesy of Aspinall Foundation

Apr 14, 2020

What's Their Secret? Top 20 Cutest Celebrity Dads

Many of the most gorgeous Hollywood actors are still single and without children. However, some of our favorite Hollywood heartthrobs are happily living with their little ones and still look great and charming! We know that staying in good shape while working all the time and raising your kids is a nearly impossible task, but some Hollywood parents seem to get prettier and prettier! Let’s take a look at the 20 cutest celebrity dads that keep getting hotter and hotter! Don't miss #17, #11 and #5! Photo: El País

Apr 14, 2020

These 28 Celebrities Had The Worst Jobs Before Becoming Famous

What’s the first thing that comes to mind whenever anyone takes a look at an A-list celebrity? That they have a dream job, right? Hey, even if you don’t think that at first, this is still one of the main thoughts people have about them. What we tend to forget, however, is that their jobs have not always been so dreamy. Some of these A-listers had to go through some of the most awful experiences before landing the gig of their lives.  Photo: Courtesy of El País

Apr 14, 2020

The Hidden Reasons Why Our Favorite Bands Broke Up

There must be a song we keep listening to time after time, even 10 or 20 years since it was first released. Sometimes we remember the time we used to dress like our favorite stars and the months we would wait for their new albums. Their music was very important for our lives and was really sad when our favorite bands decided to split up. But do we know the real reason they broke up? The following list will show why our all-time favorite bands decided to separate and the secrets behind it. See #25, #9 and #1! Photo: Courtesy of Direct Expose.

Apr 14, 2020

Your 21 Favorite Actors From The 90s Who Haven't Aged A Day

Have you ever met someone who doesn’t seem to age? We all know at least one person who looks exactly the same, regardless if two or eighteen-years have passed. The following article is a carefully selected list of the actors we fell in love with during the ’90s. The catch, however, is that the actors that made this list are ageless. You couldn’t guess their age, even if you tried.  Photo: Courtesy of Redbookmag

Apr 14, 2020

Did You Know These Stars Hated Their Own Iconic Characters?

Part of being an actor or actress involves playing many different characters that millions of people come to adore. Inevitably, some of these roles can define an actor’s career for the rest of their lives. For instance, if you hear Marlon Brando, the first thing that comes to mind is his brilliant portrayal of Vito Corleone in The Godfather, and if you hear Leonardo DiCaprio, you can’t help but remember his role as Jack in Titanic. However, some celebrities have gathered so much attention from their famous roles that they have come to hate them. Whether it was the character in itself or the way they played it, these 24 celebrities have confessed they very much regret having played the character they’re known for. Don’t miss #20, #13 and #7, you won’t believe it!  Photo: Courtesy of GirlGeekUpNorth

Apr 14, 2020

Egyptian Mummy Gets a CT Scan, Researchers Discover An Essential Detail About Life In Ancient Egypt

Egypt continues to be a mystery for archaeologists, but thanks to the new tech that is developed every year, they’re slowly unveiling more of those mysteries. For instance, a team of researchers were able to find new information about a man’s remains. The most incredible details revealed essential information about how this man had died. Researchers were excited to discover the mummy, but to be able to learn the cause of death of a man that died over 2,100 years ago was unbelievable! Photo: Washington University School of Medicine